Luigi: 1413 books

Book cover of A Capitalism for the People

A Capitalism for the People

Recapturing the Lost Genius of American Prosperity

by Luigi Zingales
Language: English
Release Date: February 11, 2014

Born in Italy, University of Chicago economist Luigi Zingales witnessed firsthand the consequences of high inflation and unemployment-paired with rampant nepotism and cronyism-on a country's economy. This experience profoundly shaped his professional interests, and in 1988 he arrived in the United...
by Luigi Fabbri, Paul Sharkey
Language: English
Release Date: October 20, 2015

Published in 1922 at the peak of the brutal fascist squadristi targeting of the revolutionary agricultural and industrial workers, Luigi Fabbri’s ‘Preventive Counter-revolution’ is one of his most incisive and inspirational essays. The post-war elections had given an exaggerated and disproportionate...
Book cover of Luoghi segreti a due passi da Roma - Volume 1
by Luigi Plos
Language: Italian
Release Date: January 13, 2017

Volete l’avventura vicino a una grande città? Ecco le guide sui luoghi segreti a due passi da Roma Esse non sono paragonabili ad altre in commercio. Danno infatti informazioni su luoghi segreti che vengono tralasciati dalle altre guide escursionistiche. Esse sono anche un complemento per le altre...
Book cover of Christ, God's Companionship with Man
by Luigi Giussani
Language: English
Release Date: July 1, 2015

This volume is a selection of the most significant writings by Monsignor Luigi Giussani, founder of the Italian Catholic lay movement Communion and Liberation, which is practised in eighty countries around the world. Presented by Julián Carrón, Giussani's successor as head of Communion and Liberation,...
Book cover of The Path of the Holy Graal

The Path of the Holy Graal

Mary Magdalene, Joseph of Arimathea and Les Saintes Maries de la Mer

by Luigi Antonio Macri'
Language: English
Release Date: September 14, 2017

This book doesn’t so much want to add itself to the long bibliography which already exists on the subject as to examine one particular element, already present in the literary tradition of the Grail: the arrival of the Saint Marys in the south of France and the subsequent journey of Joseph of Arimathea...
Book cover of Trecinquantasetteenovantanove (3'57''99)
Language: Italian
Release Date: March 30, 2017

La corsa è la cosa più vicina alla natura umana, ci riappacifica con il nostro corpo e con la nostra anima. Siamo fatti per correre e per saltare, non per stare seduti in una sedia. Attraverso la corsa, ho imparato cosa vuol dire avere un obiettivo, credere in qualcosa, insistere, lavorare, impegnarsi,...
Book cover of The Digital Banking Revolution
by Luigi Wewege
Language: English
Release Date: January 16, 2017

Over the past decade financial service innovations have contributed to a completely new way in which customers can bank, threatening the status quo of traditional retail banks, and redefining a banking model which has been in place for generations. These new technological advancements have facilitated...
Book cover of The Economics of Consumption

The Economics of Consumption

Theory and Evidence

by Tullio Jappelli, Luigi Pistaferri
Language: English
Release Date: September 1, 2017

Consumption decisions are crucial determinants of business cycles and growth. Knowledge of how consumers respond to the economic environment and how they react to the risks that they encounter during the life-cycle is therefore important for evaluating stabilization policies and the effectiveness...
Book cover of Neoliberalism, Accountability, and Reform Failures in Emerging Markets

Neoliberalism, Accountability, and Reform Failures in Emerging Markets

Eastern Europe, Russia, Argentina, and Chile in Comparative Perspective

by Luigi Manzetti
Language: English
Release Date: April 23, 2010

The agenda of neoliberal market reform known as the Washington Consensus, which was meant to turn around the economies of developing and postcommunist countries and provide the bedrock of economic success on which stable democracies could be built, has largely proved to be a failure, with Russia and...
Book cover of The Law and Economics of Framework Agreements

The Law and Economics of Framework Agreements

Designing Flexible Solutions for Public Procurement

by Gian Luigi Albano, Caroline Nicholas
Language: English
Release Date: April 28, 2016

Framework agreements have arisen in response to the well documented and high costs of public procurement procedures. The agreements have significant potential to improve procedural efficiency in public procurement, but are complex to operate. Inadequate preparation and implementation can also frustrate...
Book cover of Total Organizational Development
by Luigi Palmiero
Language: English
Release Date: July 25, 2015

Circuits of retroactions, tangential forces, linking pins. Those are some of the relevant variables to be conveniently recognized in order to project your organization to more advanced levels of development and growth. For this reason, "Total Organizational Development" provides the reader...
Book cover of Il fu Mattia Pascal

Il fu Mattia Pascal

Edizione Integrale con biografia dell'autore

by Luigi Pirandello
Language: English
Release Date: February 19, 2014

Il fu Mattia Pascal è un celebre romanzo di Luigi Pirandello che apparve dapprima a puntate sulla rivista "Nuova Antologia" nel 1904 e che fu pubblicato in volume nello stesso anno. Fu il primo grande successo di Pirandello, scritto in un momento difficile della sua vita.  Mattia...
Book cover of Horrorville 1
by Luigi Boccia, Massimo Perissinotto
Language: Italian
Release Date: June 6, 2017

Fumetto - fumetto (40 pagine) - Da dove pensate che arrivino tutti i personaggi dei libri o dei film dell’orrore che tanto adorate? Da Horrorville, naturalmente! Horrorville è una “saga” a fumetti dove ogni albo è composto da diverse storie autoconclusive di genere horror/thriller presentate...
Book cover of La notte chiama
by Luigi Boccia, Nicola Lombardi
Language: Italian
Release Date: November 17, 2015

ROMANZO BREVE (103 pagine) - HORROR - Negli anni Settanta, un massacro disumano macchia indelebilmente le pareti, e l'anima, di Villa Olmo. Chi avrà il coraggio di riaprire quella maledetta casa per ferie immersa nella pace delle Dolomiti? Perché là dentro, nel buio e nel silenzio, i fantasmi attendono,...
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