Lindsey Davis: 67 books

Book cover of Alexandria


A Marcus Didius Falco Novel

by Lindsey Davis
Language: English
Release Date: May 12, 2009

In first century A.D. Rome, during the reign of Vespasian, Marcus Didius Falco works as a private "informer," often for the emperor, ferreting out hidden truths and bringing villains to ground. But even informers take vacations with their wives, so in A.D. 77, Falco and his wife, Helena Justina, with...
Book cover of Scandal Takes a Holiday
by Lindsey Davis
Language: English
Release Date: September 3, 2007

Ancient Rome's organized crime syndicates have never been more dangerous or more conning than in this latest adventure featuring First Century sleuth Marcus Didius Falco.
Book cover of Saturnalia


(Falco 18)

by Lindsey Davis
Language: English
Release Date: March 1, 2011

It is the Roman holiday of Saturnalia. The days are short; the nights are for wild parties. A general has captured a famous enemy of Rome, and brings her home to adorn his Triumph as a ritual sacrifice. The logistics go wrong; she acquires a mystery illness - then a young man is horrendously murdered...
Book cover of The Course of Honour
by Lindsey Davis
Language: English
Release Date: May 12, 2009

In ancient Rome, ambitious citizens who aspired to political power, to become one of the ruling elite—a senator, had to follow what was known as "The Course of Honor." This course had only one unbreakable rule: a senator is forbidden to marry a slave, even a freed slave. When the soldier...
Book cover of Falco: The Official Companion
by Lindsey Davis
Language: English
Release Date: January 18, 2011

As the girl came running up the steps, I decided she was wearing far too many clothes...So, in 1989, readers were introduced to Marcus Didius Falco, the Roman informer, as he stood on the steps of the Temple of Saturn, looking out across the Forum: the heart of his world. Twenty years and twenty books...
Book cover of La mano de hierro de Marte (Serie Marco Didio Falco 4)
by Lindsey Davis
Language: Spanish
Release Date: November 15, 2018

Cuarto título de la exitosa y divertida serie protagonizada por Marco Didio Falco, un clásico de la intriga histórica. Marco Didio Falco recibe el encargo de poner fin a la rebelión de Civilis y Veleda, que han intentado unir a los celtas de Europa. Falco lo hace a su manera inusual, ayudado...
Book cover of La Venus de cobre (Serie Marco Didio Falco 3)
by Lindsey Davis
Language: Spanish
Release Date: July 5, 2018

Tercera entrega de la fascinante y divertida serie de novela histórica ambientada en la Antigua Roma y protagonizada por Marco Didio Falco. Roma, siglo I d.C. Marco Didio Falco, el investigador de la Antigua Roma, encarcelado por el emperador por un imperdonable error contable, odia compartir...
Book cover of El enemigo en casa

El enemigo en casa

Flavia Albia: La nueva generación Falco II

by Lindsey Davis
Language: Spanish
Release Date: August 1, 2016

En la Antigua Roma, el número de esclavos era mucho mayor que el de ciudadanos libres y, a menudo, los romanos sentían verdadero miedo de "los enemigos en casa", los sirvientes que vivían bajo su propio techo. Para apaciguar su temor, el gobierno decretó una ley conviniendo que...
Book cover of La plata de Britania (Serie Marco Didio Falco 1)
by Lindsey Davis
Language: Spanish
Release Date: February 1, 2018

La plata de Britania es el primer título de la fascinante serie ambientada en la Antigua Roma protagonizada por Marco Didio Falco. Un buen día del año 70 d.C., Marco Didio Falco topa casualmente con la joven Sosia Camilina, que huye de un par de matones, pues conoce un peligroso secreto...
Book cover of La estatua de bronce (Serie Marco Didio Falco 2)
by Lindsey Davis
Language: Spanish
Release Date: April 5, 2018

Segunda entrega de la fascinante y divertida serie de novela histórica ambientada en la Antigua Romay protagonizada por Marco Didio Falco. Roma, siglo I d.C. El informante y ocasional agente imperial Marco Didio Falco lleva una vida miserable. La mujer noble de la que se enamoró, Helena Justina,...
Book cover of There Are Good Ships

There Are Good Ships

Journal of a Voyage Around the World

by Lindsey Davis
Language: English
Release Date: May 22, 2013

Author is such a grand title and one for which I do not feel at all worthy. Instead, I would consider myself an adventurer with a pen and notebook. My adventurous spirit started way back when I was just seven years old and found myself plonked on the back of a rather large pony called Dawn. I had...
Book cover of Gnadenfrist


Ein Fall für Marcus Didius Falco

by Lindsey Davis
Language: German
Release Date: October 31, 2013

72 n. Chr. gibt es in Rom neben dem Kaiser Vespasian einen Unterweltboss mit Macht und Einfluss. Das bekommt Falco schmerzhaft zu spüren, als er seinem Freund Petronius, Wachhauptmann der Vigiles, helfen will und dabei zwischen die Fronten eines unerbittlichen Verteilungskampfes gerät, der in der Gangsterwelt ausbricht. Dabei hat Falco eigentlich ganz andere Sorgen . . .
Book cover of Zwielicht in Cordoba

Zwielicht in Cordoba

Ein Fall für Marcus Didius Falco

by Lindsey Davis
Language: German
Release Date: October 31, 2013

In Rom sind die Gelage der iberischen Olivenölhersteller berühmt für ihre Verschwendung und Dekadenz. Der Privatermittler Falco wird in den Club eingeführt. Am nächsten Morgen ist einer aus der Runde tot. Falco wird mit den Ermittlungen betraut und droht sich in den mafiösen Machenschaften zu...
Book cover of Drei Hände im Brunnen

Drei Hände im Brunnen

Ein Fall für Marcus Didius Falco

by Lindsey Davis
Language: German
Release Date: October 31, 2013

Nachdem er nach einer gefährlichen Mission wieder nach Rom zurückgekehrt ist, gibt sich Marcus Didius Falco, der "erste Detektiv der Weltgeschichte", erst einmal den sinnlichen Freuden des Lebens hin. Doch bald macht er eine schaurige Entdeckung: Im öffentlichen Brunnen findet er eine...
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