Linda Shirley: 11 books

Book cover of What's Different Volume 8 Part 2
by Linda Shirley
Language: English
Release Date: June 19, 2013

This book challenges kids by having them spot the differences between pictures.It sharpens the mind and memory while being entertaining.Each set of pictures comes with an answer page in case your child gets stumped.Answers are based on colors, shapes, and what's missing or...
Book cover of What's Different Young Children Volume 12
by Linda Shirley
Language: English
Release Date: June 30, 2013

This book is great for children ages 4 to 7. It should give them many hours of fun finding what is missing in the pictures.Some of the puzzles will be harder than others to enhance your child's skill in solving the problems. I hope it provides them with many hours of fun.
Book cover of What's Different Volume 8 Part 1
by Linda Shirley
Language: English
Release Date: June 19, 2013

This book challenges kids by having them spot the differences between pictures.It sharpens the mind and memory while being entertaining.Each set of pictures comes with an answer page in case your child gets stumped.Answers are based on colors, shapes, and what's missing or...
Book cover of What's Different Volume 3 Part 2
by Linda Shirley
Language: English
Release Date: June 18, 2013

This book challenges kids by having them spot the differences between pictures.It sharpens the mind and memory while being entertaining.Each set of pictures comes with an answer page in case your child gets stumped.Answers are based on colors, shapes, and what's missing or...
Book cover of Aunt Maisie's Crockpot Magic
by Linda Shirley
Language: English
Release Date: June 10, 2014

Crockpot cooking is so start it in the morning and when you get home from work dinner is readyThis book is dedicated to showing you that crockpot cooking can be simple and oh so tasty.These recipes are from my Aunt Maisie's mouth watering personal collection.Enjoy!
Book cover of What's Different Adult Volume 13
by Linda Shirley
Language: English
Release Date: June 30, 2013

Can you find the differences in the groups of pictures? Something may be missing or something may be added. Try to find all the differences before peeking at the solutions.Some puzzles will be harder that others. I hope you find them challenging and fun.
Book cover of My Daughter Susan Smith
by Shirley Stephens, Linda Russell
Language: English
Release Date: October 20, 2014

Susan Smith was never a violent person, never abused her children. She never committed an act of any kind that those close to her could point to later as an omen of the killing of her children. She loved them dearly. They were her life. But she sent 3-year-old Michael and 14-month-old Alex to their...
Book cover of Julia Saison Band 25
by Shirley Jump, Abigail Gordon, Linda Winstead Jones
Language: German
Release Date: May 8, 2015

WER IST DIE SCHÖNSTE BRAUT? von JUMP, SHIRLEY "Leben Sie wohl!" Marnie serviert Jack Knight eiskalt ab - dabei hat sie anfangs sein Interesse durchaus erwidert! Der reiche Geschäftsmann will herausfinden, warum sich die süße Heiratsvermittlerin plötzlich abwendet - denn er hat sein...
Book cover of Julia WeihnachtsBand Band 21

Julia WeihnachtsBand Band 21

Süsse Weihnachtsmelodie / Kerzenglanz in deinen Augen / Ein wahres Fest der Liebe /

Language: German
Release Date: September 24, 2008

SÜSSE WEIHNACHTSMELODIE von MORTIMER, CAROLE Weihnachten in den Rocky Mountains! Der berühmte Schauspieler Joshua Hawkley freut sich auf ruhige Festtage mit der Familie. Doch alles kommt ganz anders, als die schöne, geheimnisvolle Rosie in dem Cottage auftaucht. Ist sie die Eine, nach der er sich...
Book cover of The Bully Pulpit, Presidential Speeches, and the Shaping of Public Policy
by Grant Walsh-Haines, Marla J. Jarmer, Kevin R. Anderson
Language: English
Release Date: November 11, 2015

Issue framing is the way that people, especially politicians, get other people to view a particular problem or issue. By framing the issue in a particular way, the goal is to get people to think about the issue, to believe that an action is required and, most importantly, to believe that a particular...
Book cover of Der Danforth Clan - steinreich und skandalträchtig
by Anne Marie Winston, Sheri WhiteFeather, Linda Conrad
Language: German
Release Date: December 16, 2015

Erleben Sie in der zwölfteiligen Danforth Serie die Geschichten des skandalträchtigen und steinreichen Danforth Clans. DER DUFT DIESER FRAU Ihr süßer Duft - eine Mischung aus Vanille und Zimt - ist für ihn Verführung pur. Am liebsten würde Reid die bezaubernde Tina gleich auf...
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