Leo: 1933 books

Book cover of Überlebende - Episode 4
by Leo
Language: German
Release Date: September 1, 2018

Schiffbrüchige im Weltall – elf Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene stranden nach einer katastrophalen Havarie auf einem abgelegenen, unbekannten Planeten irgendwo in der Galaxie. Nun gilt es erst mal, das schiere Überleben zu sichern. Aber dann? Wie soll es weitergehen? Wird man sie jemals wiederfinden?...
Book cover of Überlebende - Episode 5
by Leo
Language: German
Release Date: September 1, 2018

Schiffbrüchige im Weltall – elf Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene stranden nach einer katastrophalen Havarie auf einem abgelegenen, unbekannten Planeten irgendwo in der Galaxie. Nun gilt es erst mal, das schiere Überleben zu sichern. Aber dann? Wie soll es weitergehen? Wird man sie jemals wiederfinden?...
Book cover of Centaurus - Trügerisches Land
by Leo, Rodolphe
Language: German
Release Date: September 1, 2018

Nach über vierhundertjähriger Reise durch das All endlich am Ziel! Vor zwanzig Generationen verließ das riesige Weltenschiff eine dem Untergang geweihte Erde. Seine Mission: einen Planeten zu finden, der das Überleben der letzten Abkömmlinge der Menschheit sichern würde. Ein erster Erkundungstrupp...
Book cover of Amazonia - Episode 2
by Leo, Rodolphe
Language: German
Release Date: September 1, 2018

1949, eine Krankenstation mitten im Regenwald des Amazonasgebiets. Eines Tages strandet dort ein schwerverletzter Fotograf, dem es gerade noch gelingt, von einer verstörenden Begegnung zu berichten, bevor er verstirbt. Dem Leiter der Station bleibt nur ein noch nicht entwickelter Film, um diesem...
Book cover of Das Foto
by Leo
Language: German
Release Date: September 1, 2018

Gegen Ende des 21. Jahrhunderts ist es den Menschen gelungen, andere Sonnensysteme zu erreichen und dort nach bewohnbaren Planeten zu suchen. 64 Lichtjahre von der Erde entfernt, entsteht so auf Aldebaran-4 die erste interstellare Kolonie der Menschheit im All. Doch dann bricht der Kontakt zum Heimatplaneten...
Book cover of Franky
by Leo Timmers
Language: English
Release Date: March 1, 2016

Sam loves robots. He is certain they live in outer space among the stars. His family laughs at him, and no one seems to understand. No one except for Franky, that is. A story of a friendship between a boy and his robot, Franky is a treat for robot lovers about opening your eyes to the unbelievable.
Book cover of Trent - The Kid
by Leo
Language: English
Release Date: July 18, 2018

After a botched robbery that claimed the life of his lover, an American outlaw crosses the border into Canada. As he’s already left nearly a dozen dead bodies behind, Sergeant Trent is sent to intercept him. But instead of the expected bloodthirsty murderer, it’s a sensitive young man that the...
Book cover of Distant Worlds - Volume 4
by Leo, Icar
Language: English
Release Date: November 15, 2017

Paul has learned that his father died in an accident – then, a few days later, he sees him pass by in a car, alive and well! Shaken by the discovery, the young man continues his investigation and eventually manages to track him down. Unfortunately, that merely causes him to share in his father's...
Book cover of Trent - Volume 6 - The Sunless Country
by Leo
Language: English
Release Date: February 20, 2019

Beyond the Arctic Circle, in the freezing cold and never-ending night, the Mounties do their duty and try to resist the creeping assaults of madness and depression. One evening,Trent, alone at his remote outpost, hears a call for help. He finds a couple of Natives, dead of exposure, along with ......
Book cover of Trent - Volume 3 - When the Lamps are Lit
by Leo
Language: English
Release Date: September 19, 2018

A heartbreak makes a wreck out of Trent – can he find the strength to pull himself together? The life of a Mountie is a lonely one, always on the road while normal people go home to their loved ones. Time has passed since Trent met Agnes, and the sergeant finally decides to propose to her. But he’s...
Book cover of Distant Worlds - Episode 2
by Leo
Language: English
Release Date: July 18, 2018

Paul and Professor Stanford’s archaeological expedition are exploring the ruins of Altair in an effort to understand how the people who built them vanished altogether. Protected from various dangers by their deadly guardian angel the Stepanerk, they make some decidedly unexpected discoveries. Until...
Book cover of Trent - Volume 5 - Wild Bill
by Leo
Language: English
Release Date: January 22, 2019

While escorting a prisoner, Trent stops in a very animated small town: the famous Wild Bill Turkey is passing through on his way to his bride. Bill is a legend among gunfighters of the Old West. An aging one, yes, but that doesn’t prevent him from coming to the Mountie’s help when a group of men...
Book cover of Trent - Volume 8 - Little Trent
by Leo
Language: English
Release Date: June 20, 2019

While Agnes is in Europe to visit family, Trent is given a somewhat unusual mission: to escort a woman to her father’s home. Mrs Taylor has left her husband – a man that alcohol turns horribly violent – and is now taking their son to safety at his grandfather’s – a former senator. Tasked...
Book cover of The Survivors - Episode 3
by Leo
Language: English
Release Date: June 24, 2016

Separated by a temporal shift phenomenon, the human survivors are together again. But where some, such as Marie and Alex, have only spent a few weeks on their new planet, for the others it’s been six years! Six years they’ve spent with the Holorans, fellow castaways belonging to a felinoid race,...
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