Kathleen Grissom: 7 books

Book cover of The Kitchen House
by Kathleen Grissom
Language: English
Release Date: February 2, 2010

Kathleen Grissom, New York Times bestselling author of the highly anticipated Glory Over Everything, established herself as a remarkable new talent with The Kitchen House, now a contemporary classic. In this gripping novel, a dark secret threatens to expose the best and worst in everyone tied to the...
Book cover of Glory over Everything

Glory over Everything

Beyond The Kitchen House

by Kathleen Grissom
Language: English
Release Date: April 5, 2016

The latest New York Times bestseller from the author of the beloved book club favorite The Kitchen House is a heart racing story about a man’s treacherous journey through the twists and turns of the Underground Railroad on a mission to save the boy he swore to protect. Glory Over Everything is “gripping…breathless...
Book cover of Les larmes de la liberté

Les larmes de la liberté

La colline aux esclaves, T2

by Kathleen Grissom
Language: French
Release Date: February 7, 2017

« L'écriture lyrique de Kathleen Grissom est riche en détails historiques, et ce roman peut être lu soit comme une histoire indépendante inoubliable, soit comme la suite captivante de La Colline aux esclaves. » - Publishers Weekly En 1810, James Pyke, 13 ans, fils d'un planteur et d'une...
Book cover of Terug naar het Zuiden
by Kathleen Grissom
Language: Dutch
Release Date: August 22, 2016

Aangrijpende roman over de slavernij van de schrijfster van de succesvolle roman ‘Het keukenhuis’. Jamie – zoon van een plantage-eigenaar en een slavin – vermoordt als jonge jongen zijn vader en ontvlucht de plantage in Virginia. Eenmaal in Philadelphia gaat hij door het leven als een welgestelde...
Book cover of La Colline aux esclaves
by Kathleen Grissom
Language: French
Release Date: January 6, 2015

« OUBLIEZ AUTANT EN EMPORTE LE VENT... VOICI UNE HISTOIRE QUI CAPTIVE LE LECTEUR ET EXIGE D'ÊTRE DÉVORÉE. » - Minneapolis star Tribune États-Unis, 1791. Après avoir perdu ses parents lors de la traversée de l’Atlantique, Lavinia, une jeune Irlandaise âgée de 7 ans, se retrouve domestique...
Book cover of Escravas de Coragem
by Kathleen Grissom
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: May 14, 2014

Aos 7 anos, durante a travessia da Irlanda para os Estados Unidos em busca de uma vida melhor, Lavinia perde os pais e acaba sendo separada do irmão. Ela é levada pelo capitão James Pyke para sua fazenda na Virgínia. Lá, fica sob os cuidados de Belle, uma escrava mestiça, filha ilegítima do...
Book cover of L'onore sopra ogni cosa
by Grissom Kathleen
Language: Italian
Release Date: July 18, 2016

James Burton, noto e stimato argentiere di Philadelphia, ha una benda nera che gli copre l’occhio sinistro. Nei salotti buoni della città le donne sussurrano che sia rimasto sfregiato durante un duello, e James non fa nulla per mettere a tacere queste romantiche voci. Negli anni ha imparato a nascondere...
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