Karen Armstrong: 26 books

Book cover of A Short History of Myth
by Karen Armstrong
Language: English
Release Date: January 5, 2012

“Human beings have always been mythmakers.” So begins best-selling writer Karen Armstrong’s concise yet compelling investigation into myth: what it is, how it has evolved, and why we still so desperately need it. She takes us from the Paleolithic period and the myths of the hunters right up to the...
Book cover of De kwestie God

De kwestie God

de toekomst van religie

by Karen Armstrong
Language: Dutch
Release Date: January 30, 2015

In de jaren zestig van de vorige eeuw leek het erop dat het secularisme de nieuwe ideologie zou worden en dat religie had afgedaan. Maar God is terug: een toenemend aantal mensen ziet religie als een stuwende kracht in hun persoonlijke leven en ook in het openbare leven is er sprake van een opleving...
Book cover of The Spiral Staircase

The Spiral Staircase

My Climb Out of Darkness

by Karen Armstrong
Language: English
Release Date: December 18, 2007

Gripping, revelatory, and inspirational, The Spiral Staircase is an extraordinary account of an astonishing spiritual journey. In 1962, at age seventeen, Karen Armstrong entered a convent, eager to meet God. After seven brutally unhappy years as a nun, she left her order to pursue English literature...
Book cover of The Changing Face of God
by Marcus Borg, Karen Armstrong, James Cone
Language: English
Release Date: June 15, 2000

“Does the face of God change? Years ago I would have said, ‘No.’ Countless hymns, passage of Scripture and confessions of faith assert or imply the changelessness of God. To take issue with traditions that are centuries, if not millennia old, seemed to be daunting and misguided….But when the...
Book cover of The Lost Art of Scripture

The Lost Art of Scripture

Rescuing the Sacred Texts

by Karen Armstrong
Language: English
Release Date: November 5, 2019

Today the Quran is used by some to justify war and acts of terrorism, the Torah to deny Palestinians the right to live in the Land of Israel, and the Bible to condemn homosexuality and contraception. The significance of Scripture may not be immediately obvious in our secular world, but its misunderstanding...
Book cover of In naam van God

In naam van God

religie en geweld

by Karen Armstrong
Language: Dutch
Release Date: January 10, 2015

Duizenden jaren heeft de mens niet beschikt over voldoende middelen om zichzelf te gronde te richten, ondanks zijn destructieve aanleg maar met de massavernietigingswapens van tegenwoordig is hij nu wel degelijk in staat dat te doen. De gewelddadige drang in de mens wordt vaak verbonden met het religieuze:...
Book cover of Muhammad


A Prophet for Our Time

by Karen Armstrong
Language: English
Release Date: August 13, 2013

The Man Who Inspired the World's Fastest-Growing Religion Muhammad presents a fascinating portrait of the founder of a religion that continues to change the course of world history. Muhammad's story is more relevant than ever because it offers crucial insight into the true origins of an increasingly...
Book cover of 為神而辯: 一部科學改寫宗教走向的歷史

為神而辯: 一部科學改寫宗教走向的歷史

The Case for God: What Religion Really Means

by 凱倫.阿姆斯壯 Karen Armstrong
Language: Chinese
Release Date: January 30, 2019

《週日泰晤士報》(Sunday Times)暢銷書 一趟數千年西方宗教歷史之旅, 一場對科學宗教和無神論者的答辯 16、17世紀科學興起之後,以基督宗教為中心的西方宗教受到極大的衝擊和挑戰。近期應運而生的無神論者之砲火,更是針對宗教施行的暴力、教條、文字信仰猛烈抨擊,引起廣大民眾的熱烈迴響。但世界級的宗教權威學者阿姆斯壯卻指出,當代盛行的無神論者所抨擊的,往往是宗教的非正統逆流,即那些扭曲其所捍衛傳統的宗教糟粕。這些糟粕本身也是科學現代性出現之後,宗教核心價值失落的結果。 那麼,什麼是信仰傳統最重要的核心呢?透過回溯六千年來宗教歷史的演變與發展,阿姆斯壯帶領讀者返回前現代世界之前,尋找宗教最具價值的神聖、靜默、超越性的傳統。 阿姆斯壯在序文中提到自己其實很能體會無神論者的憤怒,因為她自己也是過來人。她在自傳《螺旋梯》裡講過:她自己也有很多年對宗教避之惟恐不及,早年寫的東西也確實傾向於道金斯等人,可是經過二十年浸淫在世界宗教研究之後,不得不修正自己的想法。這些經驗拓展了她的視野,見到其他宗教的宗教實踐,她兒時狹隘教條式的想法頓時失色。同時,詳加審視證據也讓她對基督宗教的認識改變了,她的體認之一是:為宗教起爭執適得其反,無益於開啟新知,不僅無從認識真正的宗教經驗,也有悖於科學承繼蘇格拉底的理性傳統。 在書中第一部分,她分析了宗教在人類生活扮演的角色,借鑒於前現代人過去怎麼思考神,期盼釐清現代人困擾的一些議題,如:奇蹟、聖經、啟示、創世、信仰、信心這些跟現代人所認知有著極大歧異的信仰關鍵字,藉此指出現代宗教出了什麼問題。 在書中第二部分,她追溯了「近現代之神」的崛起過程,討論這些概念如何顛覆了許多傳統的宗教前提,科學的高度發展更讓科學家主張:我們對神所需要知道的一切,自然都能告訴我們。如此將神化約為科學解釋,讓神的概念變得偶像化,之後進一步變得無法令人信服,或是變得與人類生活疏遠無關,從而也導致人開始對科學產生宗教般的依賴。 但是,人的心靈需求能透過科學得到慰藉嗎?可以透過無神論者的批判找到安歇之地嗎?在這樣一個危險的極化時代中,若無法回信仰的原初價值,現代人的靈魂將無法安生立命。因此,透過爬梳從歷史脈絡,深刻探索了信仰與理性的關係,並檢視了幾個重大價值出現分歧的歷史時間點。 .從何時起,原本重視透過實踐轉化內心的信仰,變成只執著於聖經的字面意義? .近代性興起後,科學如何承襲一神教最為人所詬病不寬容根性,將科學理性視為通往真理的唯一道路? .原本在伊甸園與人一起漫步、容易親近的神,如何在17世紀後變得與人類生活無涉? .對於宗教的理性化詮釋,如何導致無神論的獨特的現代現象? 透過這本書,阿姆斯壯為我們這時代作診斷,也試圖重建可以讓現代人感到滿足的現代宗教論述。 名人推薦 周學信 中華福音神學院教會歷史與神學教授 崔國瑜 國立政治大學宗教研究所副教授 郭承天 國立政治大學華人宗教研究中心、國立政治大學政治學系專任教授 各界好評 ◎資料翔實,筆觸熱情。——《金融時報》(Financial...
Book cover of Die Geschichte von Gott

Die Geschichte von Gott

4000 Jahre Judentum, Christentum und Islam

by Karen Armstrong
Language: German
Release Date: October 1, 2012

Wer oder wie ist Gott? Die britische Religionswissenschaftlerin zeichnet die faszinierende Entwicklungsgeschichte der Gottes-Suche von den mythologischen Anfängen bis heute nach. Dabei kommt sie zu dem Ergebnis, dass die Menschen zu allen Zeiten das Bild von Gott nach ihren eigenen Bedürfnissen...
Book cover of Emerging Practice in Focusing-Oriented Psychotherapy

Emerging Practice in Focusing-Oriented Psychotherapy

Innovative Theory and Applications

by Leslie Ellis, Kenichi Itoh, Susanne Vahrenkamp
Language: English
Release Date: April 21, 2014

Emerging Practice in Focusing-Oriented Psychotherapy brings together some of the world's most influential contemporary psychotherapists in the field to look at the future of Focusing-oriented approaches. Focusing-Oriented Psychotherapy - a form of therapy that involves listening to the innate...
Book cover of Feedback that Sticks

Feedback that Sticks

The Art of Effectively Communicating Neuropsychological Assessment Results

by Kira Armstrong, Karen Spangenberg Postal,
Language: English
Release Date: January 15, 2013

This book is about how to give outstanding feedback to patients, their family members, and other professionals. Effective feedback sessions have the potential to help patients understand their neurocognitive syndromes in the larger context of their real world environments and in a manner that positively...
Book cover of Le Crochet Pour les Nuls
Language: French
Release Date: November 21, 2012

Devenez un(e) as du crochet ! Vous êtes intéressé(e) par le crochet ? Vous recherchez un nouveau passe-temps ? Vous souhaitez offrir à vos enfants ou vos amis vos créations les plus réussies ? Avec Le Crochet pour les Nuls, découvrez le B.A.-ba du crochet de façon claire et illustrée...
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