Jules Verne: 1700 books

Book cover of Nord contre sud

Nord contre sud

( Edition intégrale ) Tome I-II - annoté

by Jules Verne
Language: French
Release Date: January 16, 2019

Dans le sud des États-Unis, en pleine Guerre de Sécession. James Burbank possède une vaste plantation en Floride et de nombreux noirs y travaillent librement, Burbank les ayant affranchis de leur condition d'esclaves. Les voisins de Burbank, dont le méchant Texar, ne l'entendent pas ainsi et le...
Book cover of Les Cinq cents millions de la Bégum

Les Cinq cents millions de la Bégum

Suivi de Les Révoltés de la “Bounty” ( Edition intégrale ) annoté

by Jules Verne
Language: French
Release Date: January 8, 2019

Cinq cents millions de francs ! Le trésor de la Bégum Gokool ! Un Français, le docteur Sarrasin n’en croit pas ses yeux ! Son rêve peut enfin devenir réalité : une cité idéale où régneraient l’harmonie et la paix entre les hommes. D’une lande déserte, il fera surgir France-Ville,...
Book cover of The Fortieth French Ascent Of Mont Bl
by Jules Verne
Language: English
Release Date: January 1, 2014

THE FORTIETH FRENCH ASCENT OF MONT BLANC is a short story written by JulesVerne or some say by Paul Verne in 1872. This is a story not only about men wanting the adventure of mountain climbing, but also the beauty, hazards and feeling of accomplishments that go also with it.
Book cover of Survivors of the Chancellor
by Jules Verne
Language: English
Release Date: June 11, 2014

Shipwrecks occur in other of Verne's tales; but this is his only story devoted wholly to such a disaster. In it the author has gathered all the tragedy, the mystery, and the suffering possible to the sea. All the various forms of disaster, all the possibilities of horror, the depths of shame and agony,...
Book cover of In The Year 2889 (Mobi Classics)
by Jules Verne,Michel Verne
Language: English
Release Date: January 1, 2010

This is an electronic edition of the complete book complemented by author biography. This book features a table of contents linked to every chapter. The book was designed for optimal navigation on the iPad, Nook, PDA, Smartphone, and other electronic readers. It is formatted to display on all electronic devices including eReaders, Smartphones and other Mobile Devices with a small display.
Book cover of The Great Explorers of the Nineteenth Century
by Jules Verne
Language: English
Release Date: November 17, 2014

This forms the third and concluding volume of Verne's Celebrated Travels an Travellers. One is struck with the great mass of interesting matter, geographical, ethnological, and other, which is here compacted together; bespeaking as it does no small amount of research, an still more afiording fresh...
Book cover of Voyage in a Balloon
by Jules Verne
Language: English
Release Date: June 9, 2014

Just as the narrator starts the ascent of his balloon, a stranger jumps into its car. The unexpected passenger only intent is to take the balloon as high as it will go, even at the cost of his and pilot's life. The intruder takes advantage of the long journey to recount the history of incidents related...
Book cover of In The Year 2889 And A Voyage In A Balloon
by Jules Verne
Language: English
Release Date: April 16, 2009

Amalgamating futuristic technologies and expeditions into the future this is a scintillating collection by Verne. The work combines sights of the future as well as bird's eye view of the contemporary era. This brilliant work by the author is the example of his genius and creative abilities.
Book cover of Nord contre Sud
by Jules Verne
Language: French
Release Date: June 13, 2018

Dans le sud des Etats-Unis, en pleine Guerre de Sécession. James Burbank possède une vaste plantation en Floride et de nombreux noirs y travaillent librement, Burbank les ayant affranchis de leur condition d'esclaves. Les voisins de Burbank, dont le méchant Texar, ne l'entendent pas ainsi et le...
Book cover of A Ilha Misteriosa
by Jules Verne
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: August 16, 2017

A Ilha Misteriosa (no original em francês, L'île mystérieuse) é o título de um livro do escritor Júlio Verne, publicado em 1874. Conta as aventuras de um grupo de abolicionistas estadunidense que, após uma fuga num balão, encontram uma ilhadesconhecida. Por vezes, o nome Ilha...
Book cover of I viaggi di Marco Polo
by Jules Verne
Language: Italian
Release Date: June 29, 2015

"Sara nostra cura il dare a questi viaggi il maggior sviluppo possibile, confrontando il lavoro di G. Verne colla lezione del Codice Magliabeccano pubblicato a cura del Bartoli; nonche coi lavori del Francese Charton; giacche gl'Italiani hanno diritto di pretendere in una nuova edizione dei viaggi...
Book cover of Nord contre sud

Nord contre sud

( Edition intégrale ) Tome I-II - illustré - annoté

by Jules Verne, Léon Benett
Language: French
Release Date: January 16, 2019

Dans le sud des États-Unis, en pleine Guerre de Sécession. James Burbank possède une vaste plantation en Floride et de nombreux noirs y travaillent librement, Burbank les ayant affranchis de leur condition d'esclaves. Les voisins de Burbank, dont le méchant Texar, ne l'entendent pas ainsi et le...
Book cover of L’Agence Thompson and C° …

L’Agence Thompson and C° …

Tome I - II ( Edition intégrale ) annoté

by Jules Verne, Michel Verne
Language: French
Release Date: January 6, 2019

À Londres, Robert Morgand, jeune aristocrate français actuellement dans le plus grand dénuement, s’engage comme interprète-cicérone sur le Seamew, un navire affrété par l’Agence Thompson and C° qui propose à une soixantaine de touristes alléchés par des prix dérisoirement bas une croisière...
Book cover of Un drame au Mexique

Un drame au Mexique

et autres nouvelles ( Edition intégrale ) annoté

by Jules Verne
Language: French
Release Date: January 8, 2019

Le 18 octobre 1825, l’Asia, vaisseau espagnol de haut bord, et la Constanzia, brick de huit canons, relâchaient à l’île de Guajan, l’une des Mariannes. Depuis six mois que ces navires avaient quitté l’Espagne, leurs équipages, mal nourris, mal payés, harassés de fatigue, agitaient sourdement...
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