Jr : 7350 books

Book cover of Kick-Ass 3 Omnibus (Collection)
by Mark Millar, John Romita Jr.
Language: Italian
Release Date: November 9, 2015

L’incredibile ultimo capitolo della saga più violenta ed esagerata di sempre, firmato da Mark Millar e John Romita, Jr.! Con Hit-Girl rinchiusa in carcere, tocca a Kick-Ass guidare il gruppo supereroistico della Justice Forever. Ma con i supereroi ormai fuorilegge Kick-Ass dovrà evitare sia la polizia, sia alcuni terrificanti nuovi nemici!
Book cover of Eterni (Marvel Collection)
by John Romita Jr., Neil Gaiman
Language: Italian
Release Date: December 20, 2017

Trent’anni dopo la loro creazione per mano di Jack Kirby, le superstar del fumetto Neil Gaiman e John Romita Jr. ci presentano una nuova miniserie degli Eterni! Gli Eterni si stanno risvegliando, uno a uno, da uno strano sogno, e si accorgono di essere molto di più di normali esseri umani. C’è...
Book cover of Wolverine. Nemico Pubblico (Marvel Collection)
by Mark Millar, John Romita Jr.
Language: Italian
Release Date: March 3, 2017

Ucciso da un nuovo nemico e vittima del lavaggio del cervello dei ninja della Mano, Wolverine si scatena contro amici e alleati, trasformandosi in una feroce ombra che tormenta tutto l’Universo Marvel! Basteranno le forze congiunte dello S.H.I.E.L.D., degli X-Men e di Elektra per riportarlo alla...
Book cover of Spider-Man. Buon Compleanno (Spider-Man Collection)
by John Romita Jr., J. Michael Straczynski, John Romita Sr.
Language: Italian
Release Date: September 13, 2017

Prosegue la riedizione del fortunato ciclo di Straczynski/Romita Jr.! Torniamo al 2003 per una memorabile sequenza di storie scritta dall'autore di Sense8 e disegnata dal cocreatore di Kick-Ass! Le forze extradimensionali inavvertitamente risvegliate da Spidey si scatenano sulla Terra, costringendo...
Book cover of Spatiality
by Robert T. Tally Jr.
Language: English
Release Date: November 12, 2012

Spatiality has risen to become a key concept in literary and cultural studies, with critical focus on the ‘spatial turn’ presenting a new approach to the traditional literary analyses of time and history. Robert T. Tally Jr. explores differing aspects of the spatial in literary studies...
Book cover of The Sin Of Tithing Today
by Will Anthony Jr
Language: English
Release Date: January 8, 2018

The last days of the church have been briefly mentioned in the Bible; however, it is a dispensation that marks the grand finale and the beginning of eternity for the church. The last days are characterized by false doctrine propagated by false teachers of the church who by their own actions bring...
Book cover of Poet's Pen
by Conrad Abong Franco Jr
Language: English
Release Date: January 18, 2018

"Poet's Pen" is a collection of original poems from a variety of subjects and styles. It was taken from the author's unpublished ebook, "Beyond The Pen: A Work of Poetry, Prose and More". With this ebook, you will learn what is poetry, know the different forms of poetry and discover the author's own style of writing poems.
Book cover of The Battle Lost: Ryder's Birth
by Richard M Knittle Jr.
Language: English
Release Date: August 13, 2014

A true epic poetry adventure that takes you on a journey into one mans epic battle against the evils of addiction and the search and fight for his son Ryder who is not of his blood.Ryder's Birth is book 1 in The Battle Lost seriesThe Battle Begins!As the battle starts with...
Book cover of Kick-Ass: A era de Dave Lizewski - Livro um
by Mark Millar, John Romita Jr
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: September 26, 2018

Você alguma vez já pensou em ser super-herói? o que acontece quando um cara comum numa roupa de látex fica frente a frente com o submundo do crime? É isso que o jovem Dave Lizewski está prestes a descobrir. Afinal, as pessoas têm apenas uma vida, e Dave quer que a dele seja empolgante. A qualquer...
Book cover of The Ninth Science Fiction MEGAPACK ®

The Ninth Science Fiction MEGAPACK ®

Classic and Modern Science Fiction

by Arthur C. Clarke, Kristine Kathryn Kristine Kathryn Rusch Rusch, Dan Simmons
Language: English
Release Date: August 20, 2014

"The Ninth Science Fiction Megapack" contains 27 more works spanning time and space--including 24 stories, 2 interviews, and "A Science Fiction Alphabet." Fun stuff indeed! Included are: INTERVIEW: DAN SIMMONS, conducted by Darrell Schweitzer THE SPIRES OF DENON, by Kristine Kathryn Rusch AIN'T NOTHIN'...
Book cover of Kick-Ass T02

Kick-Ass T02

Brume rouge

by Mark Millar, John Romita Jr
Language: French
Release Date: July 25, 2013

Suite du comic book événement signé Mark Millar (Nemesis, Superior) et John Romita Jr (World War Hulk). Le jeune Dave Lizewski poursuit sa carrière de super-héros. Sous le nom de Kick-Ass, il est désormais populaire mais doit encore faire ses preuves. Aujourd'hui, ses fidèles partenaires Big...
Book cover of Kick-Ass 2 T01

Kick-Ass 2 T01

Restez groupés!

by Mark Millar, John Romita Jr
Language: French
Release Date: July 25, 2013

Le comic Kick-Ass, phénomène mondial qui a inspiré le film à succès de Matthew Vaughn, fait un retour fracassant ! Retrouvez la suite des aventures de Dave Lizewski, un adolescent ordinaire qui devient un super-héros. Il poursuit son entraînement en compagnie de la jeune Hit-Girl pendant que...
Book cover of Kick-Ass 3 T01

Kick-Ass 3 T01

Civil War

by Mark Millar, John Romita Jr
Language: French
Release Date: May 21, 2014

Kick-Ass et Hit-Girl font leur grand retour dans ce troisième volet signé Mark Millar et John Romita Jr. Hit-Girl est désormais en prison, laissant Kick-Ass diriger seul son groupe de super-héros. Libérer leur amie devient alors le principal objectif des membres de l'équipe. Mais pour la première fois, Kick-Ass commence à avoir des doutes sur ce qu'il doit faire...
Book cover of Hit-Girl
by Mark Millar, John Romita Jr
Language: French
Release Date: June 19, 2013

CHARMANTE, ADORABLE ET MORTELLE ! Kick-Ass veut devenir un super-héros à tout prix, et la seule qui puisse le former est Mindy, alias la redoutable Hit-Girl. Bien qu’elle le considère comme son partenaire et l'entraîne à cogner, à tirer et à donner des coups de couteau comme Big Daddy le...
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