Jr : 7350 books

Book cover of dfree


Breaking Free from Financial Slavery

by DeForest B Soaries, Jr.
Language: English
Release Date: February 1, 2011

dfree™. No debt, no deficits, and no delinquencies. Drawing on his years of experience as a pastor, public policy maker, and community leader, DeForest “Buster” Soaries, Jr. shares the four vital keys to debt-free living in this groundbreaking, life-changing new approach.“The idea that we...
Book cover of 10 Ways to Save Money on Your Electric Bill
by Jabe Fincher Jr
Language: English
Release Date: March 30, 2019

Offers more than 10 proven and effective ways to save money on your electric bill-plus a bonus! Please leave a positive response if you find this booklet helpful.


Regras para o trabalhador melhorar sua renda.

Language: Portuguese
Release Date: November 14, 2014

O sistema capitalista tem pressionado os trabalhadores de encontro às metas e objetivos traçados. E a cada sucesso novas metas e objetivos são impostos para manter o sistema em constante crescimento econômico. É difícil crer que pessoas trabalham por dinheiro...
Book cover of Hacktivity #2
by Ovi Demetrian Jr, James Whynot
Language: English
Release Date: October 8, 2013

Shawn Harris has just received a get-out-of-jail free card. His new hacker friends who busted him out show him how the situation goes even further than he knows. Now he has to decide whether to continue on the run or join the team to stop the people behind his arrest.
Book cover of Hacktivity #4
by Ovi Demetrian Jr, James Whynot
Language: English
Release Date: April 18, 2014

It’s the day of Senator Calloway’s presidential announcement speech. Shawn and the team decide to join the senator on his big day and they plan to make it one he’ll never forget. Find out what happens in the finale of the Calloway story arc!
Book cover of Blind Prophet, Episode 1: A Prophet Is Born
by Joseph Cillo, Jr.
Language: English
Release Date: June 15, 2017

For all the superheroes who never were given a chance... Comic book heroes are always a step behind, confronting the villain only after he has begun to carry out his heinous plans.   All intriguing villains face a moral choice that puts them on the path to evil.  We might...
Book cover of Hacktivity #3
by Ovi Demetrian Jr, James Whynot
Language: English
Release Date: January 5, 2014

There’s a fine line between security and liberty. The team listens in on the details of Dogget’s new NSA program and find out what it means for America’s future as the full extent of senator Calloway’s plans are revealed.
Book cover of Preludio a Kick-Ass 2: Hit-Girl Omnibus (Collection)
by Mark Millar, John Romita Jr.
Language: Italian
Release Date: May 29, 2015

Prima che Kick-Ass affronti Mother Fucker nella battaglia di Kick-Ass 2, Hit-Girl l’ha allenato a essere un supereroe con le palle…! In cambio, Dave dovrà insegnare a Mindy a cavarsela a scuola, un compito per cui anche la violenza di Hit Girl non sarà abbastanza. Forse! Giustizia violenta a cura di Mark Millar e John Romita, Jr.
Book cover of Kick-Ass 2 T02

Kick-Ass 2 T02

Shoot de rue

by Mark Millar, John Romita Jr
Language: French
Release Date: July 25, 2013

Découvrez la conclusion de Kick-Ass 2, la série événement signée Mark Millar (Nemesis, Superior) et John Romita, Jr. (Spider-Man). Dave Lizewski, alias Kick-Ass, se retrouve confronté à son ennemi juré, Red Mist. Le jeune super-héros est accusé d'avoir causé la mort de dizaines de personnes....
Book cover of Kick-Ass T01

Kick-Ass T01

Le premier vrai super-héros

by Mark Millar, John Romita Jr
Language: French
Release Date: July 25, 2013

Qui n'a jamais rêvé de devenir un super-héros ? C'est la question que se sont posé Mark Millar (Civil War, Ultimates) et John Romita Jr (World War Hulk). Ces derniers nous présentent Dave Lizewski, un adolescent ordinaire qui enfile un costume et devient Kick-Ass, un apprenti justicier. Le héros...
Book cover of Spider-Man La Saga Del Clone 9 (Marvel Collection)
by Tom DeFalco, Dan Jurgens, Mark Bagley
Language: Italian
Release Date: July 25, 2018

Un racconto completo in sei parti con protagonista lo Spider-Man del 1996: Ben Reilly! Il ritorno di Molten, l’uomo di metallo fuso! La minaccia dell’inquietante Hobgoblin! Il mistero di Jessica Carradine! E non mancano naturalmente Peter Parker e Mary Jane Watson, sposati e in dolce attesa! Testi...
Book cover of Spider-Man La Saga Del Clone 10 (Marvel Collection)
by J.M. DeMatteis, Mike Zeck, John Romita Jr.
Language: Italian
Release Date: August 8, 2018

C’è davvero possibilità di redenzione per Kaine, il primo clone degenere di Spider-Man? La risposta in una gemma realizzata dagli stessi autori di L’ultima caccia di Kraven: J.M. DeMatteis, Mike Zeck & Bob McLeod. Inoltre, il più grande segreto della saga del clone viene alla luce e Ben...
Book cover of Daredevil. Cuore Di Tenebra
by Rick Leonardi, John Romita Jr, Ann Nocenti
Language: Italian
Release Date: February 15, 2018

Tra una figlia viziata con abitudini pericolose quasi quanto quelle del padre, una bionda mozzafiato dall’origine misteriosa, gli Inumani alla ricerca di qualcuno per loro molto importante e un tipo dal grilletto fin troppo facile, il giro di Devil nelle campagne fuori New York si sta rivelando...
Book cover of Spider-Man La Saga Del Clone 11 (Marvel Collection)
by Howard Mackie, Tom DeFalco, John Romita Jr.
Language: Italian
Release Date: September 19, 2018

Un numero sconvolgente che culmina con il nuovo Spider-Man e Daredevil nella guerra tra gang scatenata dal temibile Don Fortunato! Testi di Howard Mackie e disegni di John Romita Jr.! Ben Reilly affronta inoltre la letale assassina Delilah, il nuovo Lizard e l’Uomo Meteora nel primo Ragno-racconto...
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