Joyce: 2477 books

Book cover of Handling Life's Hardships

Handling Life's Hardships

First Aid For Life's Difficulties

by Robert E. Joyce
Language: English
Release Date: March 2, 2016

DETROIT PISTONS Chaplain of 22 Years HANDLING LIFE’S HARDSHIPS offers you insights on what to do when you have obeyed God, but still find yourself asking, “Where is He?” You will learn what to do when your faithfulness seems to be rewarded with adversity, confusion and difficulty. Robert...
Book cover of The Druid King Devin Elean McKaeraer
by Laura Joyce Moriarty
Language: English
Release Date: July 1, 2013

The Druids are a mystery even today. Some say they were the only knowledgeable and holy people in existence three thousand years ago. Others say they were cryptic magicians who not only believed in reincarnation, but ate humans. The truth may exist somewhere in the middle of these extremes. We...
Book cover of Madeirasturm


Comissário Avilas zweiter Fall

by Joyce Summer
Language: German
Release Date: March 14, 2019

STÜRMISCHE ZEITEN FÜR DEN COMISSÁRIO Ein Sturm braut sich über der Atlantik-Insel zusammen und im Hafen von Funchal wird die Leiche eines Touristen angespült. Hat der junge Mann wirklich nur das tobende Meer unterschätzt? Comissário Avila hat kein gutes Gefühl bei der Sache, aber er...
Book cover of Chemotherapy Relief

Chemotherapy Relief

Cancer Series, #2

by Joyce Zborower, M.A.
Language: English
Release Date: June 29, 2015

Worried about chemotherapy side effects?Have you heard that chemo makes your hair fall out?Are you concerned about what chemo will do to your skin or hair?What about peripheral neuropathy? Do you have it now? Are you worried it will get worse? If you don’t currently have it, are...
Book cover of La Verdad acerca del Aceite de Oliva

La Verdad acerca del Aceite de Oliva

SP-Food and Nutrition Series

by Joyce Zborower, M.A.
Language: Spanish
Release Date: January 21, 2015

La Verdad Acerca del Aceite de OlivaBeneficios – Métodos de curado – RemediosPrefacioPor Jim HenryPresidenteTexas Olive RanchDirector Ejecutivo Texas Olive Oil CouncilNo es un libro de cocina.No hay recetas para cocinar al estilo mediterráneo.No hay recetas de pizza.Si algo...
Book cover of Divorcing Unhealthy Foods The "Appeasal"
by Joyce Ann Ivey
Language: English
Release Date: March 31, 2016

 Divorcing Unhealthy Foods is an eye-opening journey into figuring out the abusive relationship that many of us have been having with our own unhealthy appetites. “I know that I was,” says the author. Are we a bunch of “appeasers” or what? And if so, how did we get that way? The...
Book cover of First Job

First Job

A Personal Career Guide for Graduates

by Joyce Jarek
Language: English
Release Date: September 29, 2014

Any college graduate entering the workforce knows that it is a whole new environment to navigate, but is often not adequately prepared for the challenges and subtleties that lie ahead. Using twenty-seven years of practical experience in the business environment, Joyce Jarek explores the common mistakes...
Book cover of Gente di Dublino
by James Joyce
Language: Italian
Release Date: April 23, 2015

C'è un curioso aneddoto che riguarda questa raccolta composta da 15 racconti del più grande scrittore della storia irlandese: prima di essere pubblicato nel 1914, fu rifiutato da 15 case editrici. Come anche nell''Ulisse', Joyce focalizza la propria attenzione su comuni protagonisti che popolano...
Book cover of Quiet Moments for Moms

Quiet Moments for Moms

Scriptures, Meditations, and Prayers

by Joyce Williams
Language: English
Release Date: October 15, 2014

These inspiring stories from well-known moms such as Rhea Briscoe, Liz Curtis Higgs, Sherrie Eldridge, Kendra Graham, Gail MacDonald, Judy Anderson, Karen Anderson, Susan Meredith Beyer, Donna Bond, Gail Buchanan, Angela Eby, Judie Eby, Brenda Fowler, Cheri Fuller, Aletha Hinthorn, Lyndell Hetrick Holtz,...
Book cover of Secrets of Wisdom

Secrets of Wisdom

Awaken to the Miracle of You

by Joyce C. Gerrish
Language: English
Release Date: December 17, 2014

Have you ever wondered Why am I here on Earth? What is my purpose? Life is a marvelous adventure. We are each a magnificent being with the spark of the Divine within our heart and soul. We are all here on Earth together to create something wonderfulthe potential is unlimited. Destiny is calling...
Book cover of Sulla boxe
by Joyce Carol Oates
Language: Italian
Release Date: February 26, 2015

Una raccolta di saggi, scritti nell'arco di vent'anni, quattro dei quali pubblicati per la prima volta in Italia, che ripercorrono la storia della boxe dai giochi gladiatori dell'antica Roma al pugilato a mani nude praticato in Inghilterra fin dal Diciottesimo secolo; dai combattimenti tra schiavi...
Book cover of Zombie
by Joyce Carol Oates
Language: Italian
Release Date: September 16, 2015

Quentin P_ è un enigma per i suoi genitori, anche se non credono affatto all’accusa di molestie sessuali mossa da un minore nei suoi confronti. Quentin P_ è un enigma per il suo psichiatra, che comunque lo incoraggia, apprezzando le potenzialità positive dei suoi sogni, di cui parla tanto apertamente....
Book cover of Gente di Dublino
by James Joyce
Language: Italian
Release Date: December 11, 2015

QUESTO LIBRO E' A LAYOUT FISSO Considerato uno dei capolavori della letteratura del Novecento, Gente di Dublino, pubblicato nel 1914, consiste in un mosaico di racconti, in cui si rispecchiano le tappe fondamentali della vita umana: l’infanzia, l’adolescenza, la maturità, la vita pubblica,...
Book cover of Whispering Echoes
by Joyce McDonald Hoskins
Language: English
Release Date: March 27, 2018

The relationship between Jack and Irene is complicated. Divorced but not emotional detached, they continually spar, argue and clash. Yet they bind tightly in a united front for their daughter and often for each other. If it’s not Jack and Irene against each other, it’s Jack and Irene against the world.
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