Josie Metcalfe: 46 books

Book cover of Un si lourd secret - L'espoir d'une infirmière (Harlequin Blanche)
by Lynne Marshall, Josie Metcalfe
Language: French
Release Date: May 15, 2009

Un si lourd secret, Lynne Marshall En voyant un beau jour arriver aux urgences le Dr Beck Braxton, January Ashworth n'est pas vraiment surprise de découvrir qu'il a gardé le pouvoir de la faire chavirer. Treize ans auparavant, celui-ci a été son premier amour, mais elle l'a terriblement...
Book cover of Les jumelles du Dr Ramsay - Une inoubliable passion - Rivalité aux urgences (Harlequin Blanche)
by Dianne Drake, Josie Metcalfe, Maggie Kingsley
Language: French
Release Date: May 15, 2010

Les jumelles du Dr Ramsey, Dianne Drake Malgré ses sentiments pour le Dr Eric Ramsey et l’élan qui la pousse naturellement vers ses deux adorables fillettes, Dina hésite à s’engager avec lui. Car même si cet homme secret partage avec elle une grande complicité et semble voir en elle...
Book cover of Médecin... bientôt papa - Un pédiatre à Treasure Creek
by Josie Metcalfe, Janet Tronstad
Language: French
Release Date: October 15, 2011

Médecin… bientôt papa, Josie Metcalfe Travailler comme infirmière auprès de Daniel Carterton a toujours été une joie pour Jenny : il est un obstétricien hors pair, et un ami formidable. Et qu’il soit plein d’humour, incroyablement sexy, et que sa seule présence suffise à faire...
Book cover of Un troublant mensonge - Le devoir d'un médecin (Harlequin Blanche)
by Josie Metcalfe, Dianne Castell
Language: French
Release Date: February 15, 2007

Un troublant mensonge, Josie Metcalfe Se partageant entre ses fils de onze et huit ans, et son cabinet médical qu'elle gère seule depuis le décès de son mari, Kat Leeman a besoin de lever le pied, aussi s'est-elle décidée à recruter un associé, Ben Ross. Un choix dont elle se félicite...
Book cover of Le coup de foudre du Dr Livingstone - Un homme inoubliable (Harlequin Blanche)
by Josie Metcalfe, Leigh Bale
Language: French
Release Date: September 15, 2008

Le coup de foudre du Dr Livingstone, Josie Metcalfe Des yeux de velours, un sourire craquant ! C'est le plus bel homme qu'elle ait jamais vu, et c'est son patron à l'hôpital de St Piran ! Dès leur première rencontre, Emily Livingstone est sous le charme de Zayed Khalil, sichaleureux et...
Book cover of Le fol espoir d'un médecin - Soeurs et rivales (Harlequin Blanche)
by Lilian Darcy, Josie Metcalfe
Language: French
Release Date: December 15, 2007

Le fol espoir d'un médecin, Lilian Darcy Depuis cinq ans que sa femme l'a quitté sans un mot, emmenant avec elle leur fils nouveau-né, le Dr Luke Bresciano n'a pas vécu un seul jour sans penser à cet enfant grandissant loin de lui. Malheureusement, ses recherches pour le retrouver n'ont jamais...
Book cover of Baccara Jubiläum Band 2
by Josie Metcalfe, Anne Herries, Jennifer Lewis
Language: German
Release Date: January 8, 2016

WIE SOMMERREGEN IN DER WÜSTE von LEWIS, JENNIFER Ein Garten mitten in der Wüste? Landschaftsarchitektin Celia ist hingerissen. Doch der Auftrag kommt von Scheich Salim Al Mansur. Obwohl er ihr einst das Herz brach, weckt er noch immer ihre Leidenschaft. Dennoch: Niemals darf er ihr größtes Geheimnis...


Harlequin Comics

by Josie Metcalfe
Language: English
Release Date: February 13, 2016

Finn and Freya are both emergency room doctors. From their first meeting at her sister’s wedding, Freya knew Finn was the one for her. Five months ago, on a ferry back from a medical conference, Freya and Finn consummated their relationship. When they got back, however, Freya found, to her dismay,...
Book cover of SHEIKH SURGEON CLAIMS HIS BRIDE (Harlequin Comics)
by Josie Metcalfe
Language: English
Release Date: December 15, 2009

Aspiring doctor Emily returns to her hometown to spend time with her ailing grandmother, Beabea, her only family in the world. Beabea's worsening illness means their time together is dwindling... With sadness in her heart, Emily takes her sorrows to the shore, where she spots a beautiful man, Zayed,...
Book cover of HER LONGED-FOR FAMILY (Harlequin Comics)
by Josie Metcalfe
Language: English
Release Date: September 24, 2015

Eight years ago, a great tragedy befell Libby Cornish and it changed her life forever. To this day she’s still haunted by her repressed memories of that night. But when her old classmate and one-sided crush Nick Howell joins her team, Libby’s nights take a turn for the better. She experiences dreams...
Book cover of HER LONGED-FOR FAMILY (Mills & Boon Comics)
by Josie Metcalfe
Language: English
Release Date: September 24, 2015

Eight years ago, a great tragedy befell Libby Cornish and it changed her life forever. To this day she’s still haunted by her repressed memories of that night. But when her old classmate and one-sided crush Nick Howell joins her team, Libby’s nights take a turn for the better. She experiences dreams...


Mills & Boon Comics

by Josie Metcalfe
Language: English
Release Date: February 13, 2016

Finn and Freya are both emergency room doctors. From their first meeting at her sister’s wedding, Freya knew Finn was the one for her. Five months ago, on a ferry back from a medical conference, Freya and Finn consummated their relationship. When they got back, however, Freya found, to her dismay,...


Mills&Boon comics

by Josie Metcalfe
Language: English
Release Date: August 31, 2018

Amy grew up in one of the town’s most well-known families, and she’s now a respected ER doctor. Her parents want to see her tied to a stable fiancé, and Amy is used to playing the role of an honors student who always listens to her parents, but the truth is that she longs to follow her heart....


Harlequin Comics

by Josie Metcalfe
Language: English
Release Date: August 31, 2018

Amy grew up in one of the town’s most well-known families, and she’s now a respected ER doctor. Her parents want to see her tied to a stable fiancé, and Amy is used to playing the role of an honors student who always listens to her parents, but the truth is that she longs to follow her heart....
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