Jonathan Gray: 20 books

Book cover of Television Studies
by Jonathan Gray, Amanda D. Lotz
Language: English
Release Date: January 15, 2019

Television Studies provides an overview of the origins, central ideas, and intellectual traditions of this exciting field. What have been the primary areas of inquiry in television studies? Why and how did these areas develop? How have scholars studied them? How are they developing? What have...
Book cover of Zagubione cywilizacje czyli wielki szok datowania!
by Jonathan Gray
Language: Polish
Release Date: August 8, 2013

"Zagubione cywilizacje, czyli wielki szok datowania" – warto polecić każdemu, kto lubi odkrywać sekrety z naszej przeszłości. A najlepiej takie, które dosłownie ścinają z nóg! Książka pozwoli wam ujrzeć świat w takim świetle, w jakim go jeszcze nigdy nie widzieliście! I...
Book cover of Zaginiony świat gigantów
by Jonathan Gray
Language: Polish
Release Date: June 25, 2013

„Zaginiony świat gigantów” to książka będąca rezultatem wieloletniej pracy archeologa i badacza – Jonathana Graya. Autor przedstawili w niej zebrane materiały archeologiczne, na podstawie których skłania czytelnika do poważnego zastanowienia się nad historią i pochodzeniem człowieka....
Book cover of The Digital Puritan - Vol.IV, No.4
by Thomas Boston, Jonathan Edwards, Andrew Gray
Language: English
Release Date: February 2, 2015

"The Digital Puritan" is a quarterly digest of carefully selected Puritan works which provides a steady diet of sound Puritan teaching. The language has been gently modernised to render it more readable, while still retaining much of the flavour and character of the original text. Hundreds...
Book cover of Oaths and the English Reformation
by Jonathan Michael Gray
Language: English
Release Date: October 18, 2012

The practice of swearing oaths was at the centre of the English Reformation. On the one hand, oaths were the medium through which the Henrician regime implemented its ideology and secured loyalty among the people. On the other, they were the tool by which the English people embraced, resisted and...
Book cover of Civil Rights in the White Literary Imagination
by Jonathan W. Gray
Language: English
Release Date: January 16, 2013

The statement, "The Civil Rights Movement changed America," though true, has become something of a cliché. Civil rights in the White Literary Imagination seeks to determine how, exactly, the Civil Rights Movement changed the literary possibilities of four iconic American writers: Robert Penn Warren,...
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