Jonah Berger: 3 books

Book cover of Invisible Influence

Invisible Influence

The Hidden Forces that Shape Behavior

by Jonah Berger
Language: English
Release Date: June 14, 2016

Jonah Berger, the bestselling author of Contagious, explores the subtle, secret influences that affect the decisions we make—from what we buy, to the careers we choose, to what we eat—in his latest New York Times bestseller that is a “rare business book that’s both informative and enough fun...
Book cover of Contagious


Why Things Catch On

by Jonah Berger
Language: English
Release Date: March 5, 2013

New York Times bestseller W****hat makes things popular? If you said advertising, think again. People don’t listen to advertisements, they listen to their peers. But why do people talk about certain products and ideas more than others? Why are some stories and rumors more infectious?...
Book cover of 何時要從眾?何時又該特立獨行?華頓商學院教你運用看不見的影響力,拿捏從眾的最佳時機,做最好的決定
by 約拿.博格 Jonah Berger
Language: Chinese
Release Date: May 11, 2018

《瘋潮行銷》作者、華頓商學院行銷學教授 約拿‧博格 Jonah Berger 最新力作! 教你運用「看不見的影響力」 ◎讓你既能從眾,也能特立獨行 在生活與工作上都取得最大的成就! 我們為何自認完全不受影響,又總是忍不住想模仿別人? 我們為什麼害怕和別人不一樣,卻又自覺應該特立獨行? 為什麼我們有時顯得盲從、有時又刻意不去做別人已經在做的事? ⋯⋯這一切都來自你看不見的「社會影響力」 ————它一直都在(只是我們渾然不覺)! 本書徹底揭開「看不見的社會影響力」如何運作的秘密 教你拿捏從眾或者特立獨行的最佳時機, 讓工作與生活都取得最大成功! ●...
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