John Rocha: 9 books

Book cover of Taming The Tiger
by John Rocha
Language: English
Release Date: January 19, 2012

It is a time of turmoil and Civil War in China. The Communists and Nationalists are at war. Xiao Yian, a young teenage girl escapes rape and famine to become a circus performer - a Tiger Tamer - in Shanghai. There she has to face up to the fact that she must leave her teenage years behind her and accept her future as a woman.
Book cover of Take Your Photos Super Sharp
by John Rocha
Language: English
Release Date: March 30, 2014

Take Your Photos Super Sharp is a guide to taking super sharp photos. It is illustrated with appropriate photographs and provides examples and tips on how to keep your camera steady by hand holding your camera correctly and steadying your camera using everyday supports such as lamp posts and walls...
Book cover of The First Class

The First Class

Transits of Brazilian Literature Abroad

by Saavedra, Carola; Perrone, Charles A.; Finazzi-Agrò
Language: English
Release Date: November 27, 2014

What does a professor Brazilian or otherwise think and do on the first day of class, standing before a group of “foreign” students to talk about Brazilian literature? This apparently simple question that gave rise to the essays gathered in this book opens a series of other questions: Who is...
Book cover of La Primera Classe

La Primera Classe

Tránsitos de la Literatura Brasileña en el Extranjero

by Monteiro, Pedro Meira, Saavedra
Language: Spanish
Release Date: November 14, 2014

¿Qué piensa y hace un profesor ?ya sea brasileño o no? al verse por primera vez delante de un grupo de estudiantes «extranjeros» para hablar sobre literatura brasileña? Aparentemente simple, la pregunta que sirve de punto de partida para los ensayos reunidos en este libro abre camino a una...
Book cover of A Primeira Aula

A Primeira Aula

Trânsitos da Literatura Brasileira no Estrangeiro

by Monteiro, Pedro Meira; Saavedra, Carola; Perrone
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: November 14, 2014

O que um professor brasileiro ou não pensa e faz quando se vê pela primeira vez à frente de um grupo de estudantes “estrangeiros” para falar de literatura brasileira? Aparentemente simples, a pergunta que serve como ponto de partida para os ensaios reunidos neste livro abre caminho para...
Book cover of La cultura, la educación, la ciencia y la tecnología en un país en crisis
by Fundación Heberto Castillo Martínez AC, Óscar González, Enrique González Pedrero
Language: Spanish
Release Date: December 3, 2007

El lector encontrará aquí, reunidos y expuestos los textos de las presentaciones y de las ponencias con las que un reconocido grupo de participantes debatió con vivacidad y agudeza para dar continuidad a los esfuerzos independentistas, igualitarios, liberadores y justicieros a los que Heberto Castillo dedicó su pensamiento y la acción de toda su vida.
Book cover of The Criminalization of States

The Criminalization of States

The Relationship between States and Organized Crime

by Sigrid Arzt, Bruce Bagley, Adriana Beltrán
Language: English
Release Date: May 23, 2019

This volume examines the relationship between states and organized crime. It seeks to add to the theoretical literature for analyzing the criminalization of the state. The volume also explores the nature of organized crime in countries throughout the Americas from Central America to the Southern Cone.
Book cover of La imagen cruenta

La imagen cruenta

Centenario de la Decena Trágica

by Alberto del Castillo Troncoso, Rebeca Monroy Nasr, Samuel L Villela
Language: Spanish
Release Date: November 15, 2018

La fotografía y otras manifestaciones artísticas como fuente documental para la historia
Book cover of Reflexiones sobre la globalización
by Fundación Heberto Castillo Martínez AC, Araceli Damián, Adolfo Gilly
Language: Spanish
Release Date: November 8, 2002

El Banco Mundial y el Fondo Monetario Internacional imponen un sistema neoliberal que ha logrado globalizar la miseria y la injusticia. Este material reúne las reflexiones inteligentes que sobre el tema hacen distintas personalidades para construir la propuesta de que otro mundo es posible.
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