John Eldredge: 72 books

Book cover of Die weg van die ongetemde hart

Die weg van die ongetemde hart

n Padkaart vir 'n man se reis

by John Eldredge
Language: Afrikaans
Release Date: January 13, 2012

Elke man het ‘n behoefte om geken te word – en homself te ken – as ‘n ware man. Om by hierdie punt te kom, is daar ‘n oer-oue pad wat elke man (en seun) moet loop, ‘n inisiasie wat hy moet voltooi om die twee vrae te beantwoord wat in sy hart brand: Wat verg dit om ‘n ware man te wees?...
Book cover of Naby God

Naby God

Bou 'n intieme vriendskap met Jesus

by John Eldredge
Language: Afrikaans
Release Date: January 13, 2012

God verlang daarna om met ons te praat, en dit is ons voorreg om sy stem te hoor. In God se teenwoordigheid vind ons die vervulling van ons diepste verlangens. Tog is daar ‘n groeiende onvergenoegdheid onder gelowiges wat voortspruit uit ‘n gebrek aan intimiteit met God. Hoe kom ons egter daar uit?...
Book cover of You Have What It Takes

You Have What It Takes

What Every Father Needs to Know

by John Eldredge
Language: English
Release Date: August 9, 2009

In You Have What It Takes, Eldredge gives fathers a look inside both themselves and their sons and daughters, encouraging them to give their children permission to be who God designed them to be. Every boy wants to be a hero. He wants to be powerful, dangerous. He wants to know… Do I have...
Book cover of Alles neu

Alles neu

Für welche atemberaubende Hoffnung unser Herz geschaffen ist

by John Eldredge
Language: German
Release Date: May 30, 2018

Unser Herz sehnt sich nach einer unumstößlichen Hoffnung, die durch alles hindurchträgt. Genau solch eine Hoffnung gibt Gott uns in seinem Wort: Am Ende der Zeiten wird er alles erneuern, was wir jetzt schon lieben - nicht in einem ungewissen, süßlichen Himmel, sondern genau hier auf der Erde....
Book cover of Mata a tu león

Mata a tu león

Una guía a través de las pruebas que enfrentan los hombres jóvenes

by John Eldredge
Language: Spanish
Release Date: September 30, 2014

Mata a tu león es una exploración entre padre e hijo, a las preguntas a las que los hombres jóvenes se enfrentan cuando se acercan a la edad adulta-preguntas que siguen acosando a muchos hombres aún en la mediana edad. El título proviene de la tradición Masai en la que un joven finalmente...
Book cover of A Personal Guide to Walking with God
by John Eldredge
Language: English
Release Date: February 22, 2008

We have a lot to sort through on any given day. A whole lot to navigate over the course of a week or a month. How am I going to come up with enough money to do the things I want to do? And what about love—is this the one? Why can’t I overcome those “habits” that look more and more like addictions?...
Book cover of Captivating


Unveiling the Mystery of a Woman's Soul

by John Eldredge
Language: English
Release Date: July 10, 2007

Every woman was once a little girl. And every little girl holds in her heart her most precious dreams. She longs to be swept up into a romance, to play an irreplaceable role in a great adventure, to* be* the Beauty of the story. And yet?how many women do you know who ever find that life? Most...
Book cover of Knowing the Heart of God

Knowing the Heart of God

A Year of Devotional Readings to Help You Abide in Him

by John Eldredge
Language: English
Release Date: September 15, 2009

Get close to the heart of God. Understanding God's heart is the key to understanding life. For, it is his heart that designed redemption through Jesus. From his heart sprang the beauty of world, the wonder of the universe, the creativity of all humankind, and a specific love for you. His heart...
Book cover of Waking the Dead

Waking the Dead

The Secret to a Heart Fully Alive

by John Eldredge
Language: English
Release Date: September 13, 2016

Waking the Dead—newly revised and updated for these trying times—reveals the secret of finding a full life, identifying the fierce battle over our hearts, and embracing all that God has in store. Jesus said, “I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” That’s the...
Book cover of Epic


The Story God Is Telling and the Role That Is Yours to Play

by John Eldredge
Language: English
Release Date: September 15, 2004

Life, for most of us, feels like a movie we’ve arrived to forty minutes late. Sure, good things happen, sometimes beautiful things. But tragic things happen too. What does it mean? We find ourselves in the middle of a story that is sometimes wonderful, sometimes awful, usually a confusing...
Book cover of The Sacred Romance

The Sacred Romance

Drawing Closer to the Heart of God

by John Eldredge
Language: English
Release Date: April 3, 2001

From childhood on, something or Someone has called us on a journey of the heart. It is a journey full of intimacy, adventure, and beauty?but like any fairy tale it is also fraught with more than a little danger. To ignore this whispered call is to become one of the living dead who carry on their lives...
Book cover of Der ungezähmte Messias

Der ungezähmte Messias

Über einen unwiderstehlichen Retter, der Ihr Herz erobern wird.

by John Eldredge
Language: German
Release Date: March 10, 2013

Man warf ihm alles Mögliche vor - Gesetzesbruch, Umgang mit schlechter Gesellschaft, Trinkgelage. Manche hielten ihn sogar für das personifizierte Böse. Er war eine Bedrohung. Sie mussten ihn einfach aus dem Weg schaffen. Doch diejenigen, die ihn am besten kannten, liebten ihn innig. Er hatte einen...
Book cover of Jy is 'n held

Jy is 'n held

Wat elke pa behoort te weet

by John Eldredge
Language: Afrikaans
Release Date: February 10, 2012

Die meeste seuntjies droom daarvan om avontuur te beleef; Maar wanneer hulle grootword, word hulle toegegooi onder allerhande pligte en verwagtings, en worstel hulle onder die druk van wat van hulle verwag word: om ’n goeie dienaar, man en pa te wees. Jy is ‘n held! wys waarom God die enigste Een is wat daardie begeertes vol¬maak kan bevredig.
Book cover of Die ongetemde hart

Die ongetemde hart

Ontdek die geheim van 'n man se siel

by John Eldredge
Language: Afrikaans
Release Date: November 23, 2011

Daar kom ‘n tyd in elke man se lewe wanneer hy moet wegbreek, en die onbekende moet aandurf met net God aan sy sy. Die enigste manier om werklik te weet wie jy is as ‘n man, om ‘n lewe te ontdek wat die moeite werd is om te leef, om ‘n vrou met oorgawe life te hê en nie die onsekerheid in jou...
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