John Eldredge: 72 books

Book cover of Mueve montañas

Mueve montañas

Orar con pasión, confianza y autoridad

by John Eldredge
Language: Spanish
Release Date: July 12, 2016

John Eldredge, autor best seller del New York Times ofrece una guía paso a paso hacia una oración eficaz, una guía paso a paso a través de diversas ocasiones en las que las oraciones pueden ser aplicadas, incluyendo el fundamento bíblico que respalda «la técnica», anécdotas alentadoras...
Book cover of Forjado por el padre

Forjado por el padre

Aprende lo que tu padre jamás pudo enseñarte

by John Eldredge
Language: Spanish
Release Date: April 24, 2018

John Eldredge enseña a los hombres que Dios quiere completar su crecimiento a través de seis etapas de masculinidad y equipa a los padres para que puedan enseñar esto mismo a sus hijos varones. Hay un camino que conduce a la auténtica masculinidad, andado por los hombres que nos han precedido,...
Book cover of Restoration Year

Restoration Year

A 365-Day Devotional

by John Eldredge
Language: English
Release Date: December 4, 2018

We all need to believe that our lives can be better, our relationships can be smoother, and our futures, both in this life and the next, are bright. This 365-day devotional by bestselling author John Eldredge will guide you on a year of restoration and transformation. Through following God with your...
Book cover of The Journey of Desire Study Guide Expanded Edition

The Journey of Desire Study Guide Expanded Edition

Searching for the Life You've Always Dreamed Of

by John Eldredge, Craig McConnell
Language: English
Release Date: March 21, 2017

Most contemporary Americans share the same dilemma: they long for purpose in life, but they’re not sure how to find it… or even what it might look like if they did. Yet the little-known truth is that the secret of a person’s true purpose is coded in the desires of his or her own heart. In...
Book cover of Mit Gott die Welt verändern

Mit Gott die Welt verändern

Beten mit Vollmacht und Leidenschaft

by John Eldredge
Language: German
Release Date: February 10, 2017

"Was jeder schmerzlich erfährt, aber niemand laut aussprechen möchte: Es gibt Gebete, die "funktionieren", und Gebete, die "nicht funktionieren". Und es gibt einen Grund, warum das so ist. Ich will Sie nicht überzeugen zu beten. Ich kann Ihnen aber helfen, tiefer zu verstehen,...
Book cover of Jy is Bekoorlik

Jy is Bekoorlik

Die Ware Hart van Vrouwees

by John Eldredge
Language: Afrikaans
Release Date: March 28, 2011

Wat Die ongetemde hart vir mans gedoen het, sal Jy is bekoorlik! vir vroue doen ... Die meeste dogtertjies droom daarvan om deel te wees van ’n groot avontuur, om die prinses in die verhaal te wees wat deur haar prins gered word. Maar wanneer hulle grootword, word hulle toegegooi onder allerhande pligte...
Book cover of Cautivante


Revelando el misterio del alma de una mujer

by John Eldredge, Stasi Eldredge
Language: Spanish
Release Date: May 10, 2005

Cada jovencita sueña con ser rescatada por un héroe, sueña con ser transportada a una gran aventura, sueña con ser la bella princesa. Tristemente, cuando las mujeres crecen, se les enseña a ser fuertes, eficientes e independientes. Muchas mujeres cristianas están cansadas de luchar con el peso...
Book cover of Beautiful Outlaw

Beautiful Outlaw

Experiencing the Playful, Disruptive, Extravagant Personality of Jesus

by John Eldredge
Language: English
Release Date: October 12, 2011

Reading the Gospels without knowing the personality of Jesus is like watching television with the sound turned off. The result is a dry, two dimensional person doing strange, undecipherable things. In BEAUTIFUL OUTLAW, John Eldredge removes the religious varnish to help readers discover stunning...
Book cover of Captivating Heart to Heart Participant's Guide

Captivating Heart to Heart Participant's Guide

An Invitation Into the Beauty and Depth of the Feminine Soul

by John Eldredge, Stasi Eldredge
Language: English
Release Date: July 8, 2007

Every little girl has dreams of being swept up into a great adventure and of being the beautiful princess. Sadly, when women grow up, they are often swept up into a life filled merely with duty and demands. Many Christian women are tired and struggling under the weight of the pressure to be a "good...
Book cover of Captivating Heart to Heart Facilitator's Guide

Captivating Heart to Heart Facilitator's Guide

An Invitation Into the Beauty and Depth of the Feminine Soul

by John Eldredge, Stasi Eldredge
Language: English
Release Date: July 8, 2007

Every little girl has dreams of being swept up into a great adventure, of being the beautiful princess. Sadly, when women grow up, they are often swept up into a life filled merely with duty and demands. Many Christian women are tired and struggling under the weight of the pressure to be a "good...
Book cover of Wild at Heart: A Band of Brothers Small Group Participant's Guide
by John Eldredge
Language: English
Release Date: November 2, 2009

Embark on the life-changing adventure that is Wild at Heart. Existing fans and those new to John Eldredge’s Wild at Heart lessons will benefit from his new A Band of Brothers Small Group DVD series. This Participant’s Guide follows the eight 30-minute episodes, providing additional information...
Book cover of Salvaje de corazón

Salvaje de corazón

Descubramos el secreto del alma masculina

by John Eldredge
Language: Spanish
Release Date: June 12, 2003

Dios diseñó al hombre para arriesgarse, dice John Eldredge. Si no, mire los sueños y anhelos escritos en el corazón de todo muchacho: Ser héroe, ser guerrero, vivir una vida de aventura y riesgo. Tristemente, la mayoría abandona esos sueños y anhelos… con la ayuda de un cristianismo que al...
Book cover of El despertar de los muertos

El despertar de los muertos

La gloria de un corazón que vive a plenitud

by John Eldredge
Language: Spanish
Release Date: April 8, 2014

Hay una gloria en la vida, que la mayoría de las personas, incluyendo los creyentes, nunca ven. En este libro nuevo y revelador, John Eldredge presenta al corazón como el centro de la vida. Construyendo sobre estas verdades fundamentales, Eldredge muestra a los lectores por qué el verdadero cristianismo es un proceso de restauración.
Book cover of Majestuoso


La historia que Dios está contando y el papel que te toca desempeñar

by John Eldredge
Language: Spanish
Release Date: February 2, 2016

Normalmente no nos identificamos con el autor de una gran historia. En lugar de eso, nos aferramos al heroe y heroína de quienes se trata la historia. Compartimos sus sufrimientos y sus triunfos. Celebramos sus logros y sufrimos sus pérdidas.Cuando pensamos en nuestra propia historia, vemos a Dios...
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