Johanna David: 15 books

Book cover of Au-delà des Apparences
by Johanna David
Language: French
Release Date: August 9, 2018

Magali Meunier, jeune architecte d’une trentaine d’années, est contrainte d’abandonner sa routine quotidienne pour garder les enfants de la famille Daubigny lors d’un séjour au soleil. Ce qui se présentait comme des vacances à l’œil dans un superbe hôtel à l’île Maurice...
Book cover of Tour du Monde
by Johanna David
Language: French
Release Date: July 18, 2017

Jeune lyonnaise active, Fanny travaille dans une agence de voyages. Plus qu’un métier, cette passion l’amène à rêver de destinations paradisiaques avec chacun de ses clients. Un matin, alors qu’elle ajuste la vitrine de l’agence, elle est percutée par une femme pressée qui lui renverse...
Book cover of Sacrifices
by Johanna David
Language: French
Release Date: May 25, 2018

Rédactrice de guides touristiques, Nathanaëlle se rend en Bretagne pour préparer son second ouvrage. Elle n’est sur place que depuis quelques jours lorsque Juliette, une fillette de six ans séjournant dans le même hôtel qu’elle, disparaît brusquement. La police est immédiatement alertée....
Book cover of Jeu, Set et Match
by Johanna David
Language: French
Release Date: July 10, 2019

Été 2012. Jennifer Andrieux est parmi les meilleures joueuses mondiales de tennis. Pourtant, son échec lors de la finale du plus grand tournoi français a laissé des traces. Malgré le soutien de son coach et de sa compagne, la championne songe de plus en plus à mettre un terme à sa carrière. Printemps...
Book cover of Fiction River Special Edition: Spies

Fiction River Special Edition: Spies

An Original Anthology Magazine

by Fiction River, Tonya D. Price, Kristine Kathryn Rusch
Language: English
Release Date: March 28, 2019

In this third Fiction River Special Edition, award-winning editor Kristine Kathryn Rusch proves a master of intrigue with a wide variety of spy stories. Ranging in tone from satire to serious, from touching to brutal, from light to oh-so-very-dark, these fifteen stories illuminate the secret world...
Book cover of You Really Liked That?

You Really Liked That?

Stories from Pulphouse Magazine

by Dean Wesley smith, Kent Patterson, Steve Perry
Language: English
Release Date: February 20, 2019

The readers, the fans, the reviewers all weighed in over the first year of Pulphouse Fiction Magazine. Five issues, almost 100 stories. They raved about some stories, liked others, and found some eye-opening, shall we say? And editor Dean Wesley Smith kept track. So now, as promised...
Book cover of Quatrevingt-Treize de Victor Hugo (Analyse de l'oeuvre)

Quatrevingt-Treize de Victor Hugo (Analyse de l'oeuvre)

Comprendre la littérature avec lePetitLitté

by David Noiret, Johanna Biehler,
Language: French
Release Date: January 1, 2011

Décryptez Quatrevingt-Treize de Victor Hugo avec l'analyse du ! Que faut-il retenir de Quatrevingt-Treize, le roman historique qui a plongé les lecteurs au cœur de la Terreur ? Retrouvez tout ce que vous devez savoir sur cette œuvre dans une analyse complète et détaillée....
Book cover of Vulnerability and Adaptation to Drought on the Canadian Prairies
by Jose Armando Boninsegna, Barrie Bonsal, Darrell Corkal
Language: English
Release Date: July 7, 2016

Although there is considerable historical literature describing the social and economic impact of drought on the prairies in the 1930s, little has been written about the challenges presented by drought in more contemporary times. The drought of 2001-02 was, for example, the most recent large-area,...
Book cover of Pulphouse Fiction Magazine
by Pulphouse Fiction Magazine, Annie Reed, J Steven York
Language: English
Release Date: February 28, 2019

The Cutting Edge of Modern Short Fiction A three-time Hugo Award nominated magazine, this issue of Pulphouse Fiction Magazine offers up fifteen fantastic stories by some of the best writers working in modern short fiction. No genre limitations, no topic limitations, just great stories. Attitude,...
Book cover of A Eulogy for Nigger and Other Essays

A Eulogy for Nigger and Other Essays

The Second Notting Hill Editions Essay Prize Winners

by Josh Cohen, David Bradley, Jennifer Kabat
Language: English
Release Date: June 27, 2016

This collection brings together the six international winners of the Notting Hill Editions £20,000 Essay Prize. From the coolly analytical to the impassioned winning entry 'A Eulogy for Nigger', these essays showcase the dazzling literary range of the form.
Book cover of Empathy


From Bench to Bedside

by Dan Zahavi, Søren Overgaard, Allan Young
Language: English
Release Date: December 9, 2011

Recent work on empathy theory, research, and applications, by scholars from disciplines ranging from neuroscience to psychoanalysis. There are many reasons for scholars to investigate empathy. Empathy plays a crucial role in human social interaction at all stages of life; it is thought to help...
Book cover of Ancient Rhetorics and Digital Networks
by Michele Kennerly, Damien Smith Pfister, Scott Haden Church
Language: English
Release Date: February 13, 2018

An examination of two seemingly incongruous areas of study: classical models of argumentation and modern modes of digital communication What can ancient rhetorical theory possibly tell us about the role of new digital media technologies in contemporary public culture? Some central issues we...
Book cover of Transforming the Quality of Life for People with Dementia through Contact with the Natural World
by Lorraine Robertson, Marie-José Enders-Slegers, Johanna M. Wigg
Language: English
Release Date: November 15, 2011

This important book simply but persuasively demonstrates why we should provide the opportunities for people with dementia to experience the great outdoors. It also gives a voice to people with dementia who have felt the benefit of getting closer to nature. The contributors explore many different ways...
Book cover of Alles Anders

Alles Anders


by Ulrike Zimmermann, Maria Hertting, Beate Schmidt
Language: German
Release Date: April 15, 2015

Ein Kaleidoskop schillernder Farben, unglaublicher Begebenheiten, die alle eines gemeinsam haben: Nichts - gar nichts - ist, wie es scheint. Besuchen Sie ein faszinierendes, farbiges, überraschendes Potpourri aus Krimis, Lebenschroniken, Fantasy, Science Fiction und manchem mehr, dessen Fäden sich...
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