Joe Lansdale: 106 books

Book cover of Dark Tales of Lost Civilizations
by Joe R. Lansdale, David Tallerman
Language: English
Release Date: March 1, 2012

Darkness exists everywhere, and in no place greater than those where spirits and curses still reside. Tread not lightly on ancient lands that have been discovered by this collection of intrepid authors. In DARK TALES OF LOST CIVILIZATIONS, you will unearth an anthology of twenty-five previously...
Book cover of Clarkesworld Magazine Issue 137
by Neil Clarke, Carolyn Ives Gilman, Robert Reed
Language: English
Release Date: February 1, 2018

Clarkesworld is a Hugo and World Fantasy Award-winning science fiction and fantasy magazine. Each month we bring you a mix of fiction (new and classic works), articles, interviews and art. Our February 2018 issue (#137)  contains: Original fiction by Carolyn Ives Gilman ("Umbernight"),...
Book cover of Hap and Leonard: Blood and Lemonade
by Joe R. Lansdale
Language: English
Release Date: February 20, 2017

The iconic Texan crime-fighting, bigot-bashing duo meet in this companion to the breakout Hap and Leonard TV series As a liberal young man in East Texas, Hap Collins is discovering his passion for two-fisted justice in a redneck world. Leonard Pine—black, gay, and the ultimate outsider—is...
Book cover of Hoodoo Harry
by Joe R. Lansdale
Language: English
Release Date: August 1, 2017

A long-lost bookmobile opens a wild new chapter in the lives of dysfunctional Texas detectives Hap and Leonard—stars of the hit Sundance TV series.   Hap Collins is a straight, white, liberal, blue-collar tough guy. Leonard Pine is a gay, black, Republican combat veteran. Together, they’re the...
Book cover of Mad Dog Summer & Other Stories
by Joe R. Lansdale
Language: English
Release Date: February 26, 2015

Joe Lansdale returns with his characteristic dark take on the horrors that lurk beneath the surface of mundane life in this collection of short stories and novellas. Originally available only in limited-edition hardcover, these tales run the gamut from devilish fantasy to twisted courtroom drama to vampire-robot...
Book cover of Bestsellers Guaranteed
by Joe R. Lansdale
Language: English
Release Date: August 16, 2014

Bestsellers Guaranteed contains sixteen unforgettable short stories from Bram Stoker Award-winner Joe R. Lansdale, as well as an introduction by the author. Stories included in this collection: The White Rabbit; The Dump; God of the Razor; Chompers; The Fat Man; Bob the Dinosaur Goes to Disneyland;...
Book cover of Black Hat Jack
by Joe R. Lansdale
Language: English
Release Date: September 27, 2014

The story of African-Americans in the West has been confined to the dusty, bottom shelf of recorded history and American literature. But in the vein of the old dime novels containing stories about such heroes as Buffalo Bill, Wild Bill Hickok, and Jesse James, comes the true story of one of those...
Book cover of Man With Two Lives: A Short Story
by Joe R. Lansdale
Language: English
Release Date: July 3, 2018

Joe R. Lansdale's rare short story “Man With Two Lives” is the latest addition to the BookVoice Pocket Stories series. Written around the same time as THE MAGIC WAGON, "Man With Two Lives" catches up with an Old West legend past his prime. An excerpt from "Man With Two Lives" It...
Book cover of The Steel Valentine

The Steel Valentine

A Short Story

by Joe R. Lansdale
Language: English
Release Date: November 21, 2011

“Even before Morley told him, Dennis knew things were about to get ugly. A man did not club you unconscious, bring you to his estate and tie you to a chair in an empty storage shed out back of the place if he merely intended to give you a valentine. Morley had found out about him and Julie.”...
Book cover of Blutiges Echo
by Joe R. Lansdale
Language: German
Release Date: September 25, 2013

Für den Collegestudenten Harold Wilkes lauert der Schrecken buchstäblich an jeder Straßenecke: Vor seinem geistigen Auge spielen sich grauenhafte Szenen aus der Vergangenheit ab, wenn er, ohne es zu wollen, dem Schauplatz eines Unglücks oder eines Verbrechens nahe kommt. Um diesen Visionen zu...
Book cover of Straße der Toten
by Joe R. Lansdale
Language: German
Release Date: March 31, 2013

Reverend Jebidiah Mercer weiß die Bibel ebenso gut zu handhaben wie seine Revolver. Von seinem schlechten Gewissen verfolgt hetzt er durch den Wilden Westen und legt sich mit allem an, was sich ihm in den Weg stellt: indianischen Zombies, hungrigen Ghulen, Gespenstern, Werwölfen und anderen grässlichen...
Book cover of Krasse Killer

Krasse Killer

Ein Hap & Leonard-Roman

by Joe R. Lansdale
Language: German
Release Date: September 27, 2017

Hap und Leonard sind wirklich nicht auf Ärger aus, doch der Ärger läuft ihnen hinterher wie ein halb verhungerter Straßenköter. Meist fängt alles ganz harmlos an, doch dann nimmt die Sache Fahrt auf und am Ende gibt es gebrochene Knochen, weggeschossene Kniescheiben und Chaos vom Feinsten. Was...
Book cover of Das abenteuerliche Leben des Deadwood Dick
by Joe R. Lansdale
Language: German
Release Date: April 23, 2016

Eigentlich wollte Willie Jackson nur ein paar Besorgungen machen. Doch dann erhascht er unfreiwillig einen Blick auf die Unterwäsche einer weißen Frau. Deren Mann nimmt die Sache persönlich, und Willie muss Hals über Kopf fliehen. Joe R. Lansdale erzählt die filmreife Lebensgeschichte eines ehemaligen...
Book cover of Machos und Macheten

Machos und Macheten

Ein Hap & Leonard-Roman

by Joe R. Lansdale
Language: German
Release Date: February 20, 2014

Einmal im Leben wollen Hap und Leonard sich einen richtigen Urlaub gönnen, doch schon an der Küste Mexikos wird's kompliziert. Kaum eingetroffen, verstrickt eine schöne Fischerstochter die beiden in ihre dubiosen Machenschaften mit einem gewissen Juan Miguel, seines Zeichens Mafioso und Nudist....
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