Jenny Simon: 16 books

Book cover of Jenny und Mambo

Jenny und Mambo

Ein Traum wird wahr

by Jenny Simon
Language: German
Release Date: September 24, 2015

Ein Leben ohne Mambo kann ich mir nicht mehr vorstellen - er ist mein ein und alles. Vor fünf Jahren begann unsere gemeinsame Geschichte. Als ich ihn das erste Mal sah, fand ich ihn gar nicht so toll, aber er eroberte mein Herz im Sturm. Irgendwann wurde er endlich mein Pflegepferd, und ich war überglücklich....
Book cover of Alabama Women

Alabama Women

Their Lives and Times

by Wayne Flynt, Jeanne Theoharis, Marlene Hunt Rikard
Language: English
Release Date: June 1, 2017

Another addition to the Southern Women series, Alabama Women celebrates women’s histories in the Yellowhammer State by highlighting the lives and contributions of women and enriching our understanding of the past and present. Exploring such subjects as politics, arts, and civic organizations, this...
Book cover of Successful Group Work

Successful Group Work

A Practical Guide for Students in Further and Higher Education

by Tim O'Sullivan, Jenny Rice, Simon Rogerson
Language: English
Release Date: September 13, 2013

This concise guide covers all the practical skills that students need to work effectively in a group in higher and further education. Using a variety of interactive teaming activities, students can practice the main principles. A number of case-study and real-life examples are also included.
Book cover of Lonely Planet Iran
by Lonely Planet, Jean-Bernard Carillet, Mark Elliott
Language: English
Release Date: September 1, 2017

Lonely Planet Iran is your passport to the most relevant, up-to-date advice on what to see and skip, and what hidden discoveries await you. Hike among the Castles of the Assassins in Alamut Valley, Lose yourself in Esfahan's historic bazaar, or ski in the Alborz Mountains; all with your trusted travel...
Book cover of Art Therapy with Neurological Conditions
by Debbie Michaels, Simon Bell, Iris Von Sass Hyde
Language: English
Release Date: May 21, 2015

By creating a therapeutic outlet for self-expression and processing trauma, art therapy can play a powerful role in assisting people with a brain injury or neurological condition to adjust to living with altered abilities and ways of thinking. Bringing together a wealth of expertise from specialists...
Book cover of Innovations in Social Work Research

Innovations in Social Work Research

Using Methods Creatively

by Jennifer Taylor, Peter Beresford, Cherilyn Dance
Language: English
Release Date: September 21, 2015

A valuable reference to help practising researchers not only to understand but also to apply innovative approaches to social work research. Featuring extended case studies of actual research projects, the book provides an overview of a number of central features and qualities of social work...
Book cover of Clearing the Path for First-Generation College Students

Clearing the Path for First-Generation College Students

Qualitative and Intersectional Studies of Educational Mobility

by Jenny Stuber, Trista Beard, Kim Godsoe
Language: English
Release Date: June 7, 2018

Clearing the Path for First-Generation College Students comprises a wide range of studies that explore the multidimensional social processes and meanings germane to the experiences of first-generation college students before and during their matriculation into institutions of higher education. The...
Book cover of Employee Communication During Mergers and Acquisitions
by Jenny Davenport, Simon Barrow
Language: English
Release Date: March 2, 2017

Communication is the key to organisational success and nowhere is this truism more apparent than in the influence of internal communication during a transformational process as dramatic as a merger or acquisition. During the complex process of bringing the two sets of employees together, continuous...
Book cover of 99 erotische S/M-Fantasien

99 erotische S/M-Fantasien

Von Zart bis Hart

by A.D. Smith, Achim F. Sorge, Allegra Deville
Language: German
Release Date: January 22, 2016

In diesen 99 Storys dreht sich alles um das bizarre Phänomen Lustschmerz, den bittersüßen Genuss der erotischen Qual, die ihre Anhänger auf so einzigartige Weise befriedigen kann und unendliche Lustmöglichkeiten bietet. Denn wenn's um fantasievolle, tabulose, "verbotene" Praktiken geht,...
Book cover of 99 erotische Bettgeschichten

99 erotische Bettgeschichten

99 x atemberaubender Sex

by Lisa Cohen, Mark Pond, Dave Vandenberg
Language: German
Release Date: December 1, 2010

In diesem Buch erwartet Sie pure, hemmungslose Erotik! Auf fast 1.000 Seiten tauchen Sie ein in hochgradig lustvolle Sex-Erlebnisse, die den Leser ungezügelte, tabulose Leidenschaft hautnah miterleben lassen. Diese "99 Bettgeschichten" beweisen einmal mehr: der animalische Sex-Trieb ist...
Book cover of Klatsch Nass

Klatsch Nass

20 x feuchtfröhliches Vergnügen!

by Linda Freese, Dragonlady, Lisa Cohen
Language: German
Release Date: January 1, 2010

Klatschnasse Körper auf denen die Regentropfen abperlen, während er sie gekonnt mit seiner Zunge verwöhnt. Bodys genussvoll in warmes, duftendes Badewasser getaucht, die spitzen Brüste mit einer Schaumkrone bedeckt. Heiße Sexaction in der Sauna, in der sich der Schweiß mit ihrer Lust vermischt...
Book cover of Iran
by Jean-Bernard Carillet, Mark Elliot, Anthony Ham
Language: Italian
Release Date: April 12, 2018

"L'Iran è una gemma della corona islamica, il luogo dove un'architettura grandiosa diventa l'immagine dell'accoglienza più cordiale. Benvenuti in quello che forse è il paese più ospitale del mondo" (Antony Ham, Autore Lonely Planet). Esperienze straordinarie: foto suggestive, i consigli...
Book cover of Der Lust ausgeliefert

Der Lust ausgeliefert

26 Kurzgeschichten

by Hannah Parker, Linda Freese, Kristel Kane
Language: German
Release Date: January 15, 2009

Ganz langsam beginnt es, kriecht unaufhaltsam weiter, nimmt Geist und Körper gefangen: Lust, Begierde Doch es gibt Situationen, in denen wir dieses unbeschreibliche, alles überflügelnde Gefühl nicht spüren dürfen und es zu unterdrücken versuchen. Mit aller Kraft kämpfen wir dagegen an, wollen...
Book cover of Tour de Sex

Tour de Sex

Raus aus dem Bett - 25 scharfe Erlebnisse unterwegs!

by Lisa Cohen, Nina Sturm, Mark Pond
Language: German
Release Date: January 15, 2009

Gehen Sie In diesen 25 Storys auf lustvolle Entdeckungsreise und lassen Sie sich von Sex-Abenteuern, die SIE oder ER an ungewöhnlichen Orten erleben, stimulieren! Ob im gefüllten Zug, im engen Flugzeug, auf hoher See und vielem mehr - sie haben keine Schamgrenzen. ... Ihr Schoß drängte sich ihm...
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