Jennifer Labrecque: 73 books

Book cover of Tiffany Exklusiv Band 32
by Lori Foster, Samantha Hunter, Helen R. Myers
Language: German
Release Date: January 27, 2015

ICH LIEBE DICH, MEIN ENGEL von FOSTER, LORI Was für eine Nacht voller Erotik und Lust - Josie ist glücklich, dass sie das "erste Mal" mit ihrem Blind Date Bob erleben durfte. Jede Nacht küsst er sie auf seinem Hausboot in den Himmel der Liebe. Doch dann merkt Josie, dass Bob nicht der ist, für...
Book cover of Collection Baccara Band 349
by Brenda Jackson, Jennifer Labrecque, Sarah M. Anderson
Language: German
Release Date: January 6, 2015

WENN ZWEI SICH BEGEHREN ... von JACKSON, BRENDA Eine einzige heiße Liebesnacht mit Durango Westmoreland - und schon steht Savannahs unbeschwertes Singleleben Kopf. Denn als sie kurz darauf entdeckt, dass sie ein Kind erwartet, verlangt Durango plötzlich: "Heirate mich!" Allerdings nicht aus Liebe...
Book cover of Collection Baccara Band 0279

Collection Baccara Band 0279

Verführt in Venedig / 1000 Küsse für die Braut / Der Mann in meinem Bett /

Language: German
Release Date: July 21, 2009

VERFÜHRT IN VENEDIG von LABRECQUE, JENNIFER Die schöne Holly erregt den Geheimagenten Mike Carshwell wie keine Frau zuvor. Doch Vorsicht: Ist sie wirklich nur die harmlose Venedig-Touristin, als die sie sich ausgibt? Oder ist Mike gerade dabei, den verführerischen Reizen einer gefährlichen Spionin...
Book cover of Collection Baccara Band 373
by Metsy Hingle, Jennifer LaBrecque, Farrah Rochon
Language: German
Release Date: November 8, 2016

NUR EINMAL DIESE LIPPEN SPÜREN von ROCHON, FARRAH Schon ihr Foto hat ihn um den Verstand gebracht! Als Bailey nun vor ihm steht, kann der Journalist Micah nur noch daran denken, wie es wäre, ihre Lippen auf seiner Haut zu spüren. Würde das Topmodel ihm nur vertrauen! Leider denkt sie, dass er...
Book cover of Collection Baccara Band 361
by Jennifer LaBrecque, Andrea Laurence, Kayla Perrin
Language: German
Release Date: December 8, 2015

EISKALTE NÄCHTE, FEURIGES VERLANGEN von LABRECQUE, JENNIFER Nick Hudson ist der heißeste Kerl, der jemals ihr Restaurant betreten hat! Eigentlich hat Köchin Gus sich geschworen, Männern aus dem Weg zu gehen. Sie hat sich schon mal die Finger verbrannt. Aber mit Nick würde sie zu gern ein paar...
Book cover of Tiffany Exklusiv Band 52
by Leslie Kelly, Julie Kistler, Jennifer LaBrecque
Language: German
Release Date: April 11, 2017

EIN PRICKELNDES GESTÄNDNIS von KISTLER, JULIE Durch eine Verwechslung lernt TV-Star Abra ihren Traummann kennen: Detective Sean Calhoun - attraktiv und verboten sexy! Sofort knistert es heftig zwischen den beiden. Heißen Küssen folgt eine leidenschaftliche Nacht. Aber wie wird Sean auf Abras Geheimnis...
Book cover of La stripper y el guardaespaldas - En la cama del enemigo
by Leslie Kelly, Jennifer Labrecque
Language: Spanish
Release Date: March 7, 2013

La stripper y el guardaespaldas Leslie Kelly Isabella Natale llevaba una doble vida. De día despachaba dulces en la panadería de su familia, pero por la noche se transformaba en la Rosa Carmesí, la bailarina exótica más excitante de Chicago, la stripper del tanga diminuto y la máscara de terciopelo...
Book cover of ANDREW IN EXCESS (Harlequin Comics)
by Jennifer Labrecque
Language: English
Release Date: December 15, 2009

*50-PAGE FREE PREVIEW* Andrew has an important goal in mind: he needs to get married so he can take over the family law firm. Kat has an equally important desire: she needs to find a father for the child she wants to have—but it has to be a man she has no chance of falling in love with. They can combine...
Book cover of ANDREW IN EXCESS (Harlequin Comics)
by Jennifer Labrecque
Language: English
Release Date: December 15, 2009

Andrew has an important goal in mind: he needs to get married so he can take over the family law firm. Kat has an equally important desire: she needs to find a father for the child she wants to have—but it has to be a man she has no chance of falling in love with. They can combine forces to attain their own personal goals—but can they keep their marriage purely contractual?
Book cover of KIDS + COPS = CHAOS (Harlequin Comics)
by Jennifer Labrecque
Language: English
Release Date: December 15, 2009

For a nanny, Sloan doesn’t seem to really know his way around one child, let alone three. The truth of the matter is, Sloan’s an undercover agent trying to break up an art theft ring, and the only way he can do it is to investigate while in disguise. When Jo, a business mastermind and rather plain...
Book cover of KIDS + COPS = CHAOS (Mills & Boon Comics)
by Jennifer Labrecque
Language: English
Release Date: December 15, 2009

For a nanny, Sloan doesn’t seem to really know his way around one child, let alone three. The truth of the matter is, Sloan’s an undercover agent trying to break up an art theft ring, and the only way he can do it is to investigate while in disguise. When Jo, a business mastermind and rather plain...
Book cover of ANDREW IN EXCESS (Mills & Boon Comics)
by Jennifer Labrecque
Language: English
Release Date: December 15, 2009

Andrew has an important goal in mind: he needs to get married so he can take over the family law firm. Kat has an equally important desire: she needs to find a father for the child she wants to have—but it has to be a man she has no chance of falling in love with. They can combine forces to attain their own personal goals—but can they keep their marriage purely contractual?
Book cover of JINGLE BELL BRIDE?


Harlequin Comics

by Jennifer Labrecque
Language: English
Release Date: August 3, 2017

Today is Dilly's wedding. The preparations were all steadily underway when she discovers a shocking truth from a conversation between the groom and her father. He proposed to her because he had his eye on some reward? It was all a plan devised by her father because he was worried about his thirty-year-old,...
Book cover of The Big Heat
by Jennifer LaBrecque
Language: English
Release Date: December 1, 2007

This big, bad bounty hunter can handle anything. Or can he? Cade Stone can't believe Sunny Templeton. How did one sexy woman manage to get into so much trouble? Okay, so maybe she tried to take out a politician with her car. Who wouldn't do the same thing? But now it's landed her in jail, and...
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