Jan Michael: 115 books

Book cover of Starfleet Year One
by Michael Jan Friedman
Language: English
Release Date: March 12, 2002

Earth Command defeated the Romulans with the help of other races across the galaxy, and the Neutral Zone was established. Out of that necessary and uneasy collaboration came the United Federation of Planets and its combined forces, Starfleet. But the close quarters of a starship among so many races...
Book cover of Requiem
by Michael Jan Friedman, Kevin Ryan
Language: English
Release Date: September 22, 2000

Twenty-five years ago, Captain Jean-Luc Picard conducted breakthrough negotiations with an aggressive race called the Gorn. Now, on the anniversary of that achievement, Captain Picard and the U.S.S. Enterprise™ are headed for the Gorn Homeworld to continue that important work. But when the ship stops...
Book cover of Kahless
by Michael Jan Friedman
Language: English
Release Date: September 22, 2000

For 1500 years, the Klingons have revered him as their first emperor, the legendary warrior who united their people and taught them the meaning of honor, but the truth of his incredible life has been shrouded in myth and fables... until now. A clone of the original Kahless now reigns as emperor,...
Book cover of Faces of Fire
by Michael Jan Friedman
Language: English
Release Date: September 22, 2000

Faces Of Fire En route to Alpha Malurian Six to settle a dispute between two religions, the U.S.S. Enterprise™ first stops to do a routine check on the progress of a terraforming colony on Beta Canzandia Three -- a colony whose inhabitants include Carol and David Marcus. While Spock is left behind...
Book cover of The Television Episode

The Television Episode

Day of Honor

by Michael Jan Friedman
Language: English
Release Date: July 4, 2002

B'Elanna Torres has no intention of celebrating the Day of Honor. A day of glory for others of Klingon heritage, the day for Torres has always been a dark one, for reasons that stretch back to childhood memories she has tried to forget. This Day of Honor is no better. Trouble with the warp engines...
Book cover of Star Trek - The Next Generation 01: Tod im Winter
by Michael Jan Friedman
Language: German
Release Date: April 13, 2011

Kevratas ist eine öde, gefrorene Welt auf der entfernten Seite der romulanischen Neutralen Zone, wo die Föderation für die von einer Seuche heimgesuchten Einheimischen zur letzten echten Hoffnung auf Überleben und Freiheit geworden ist. Die Sternenflotte hat keine andere Wahl als ein weiteres...
Book cover of Star Trek - Classic: Die Enterbten
by Peter David, Michael Jan Friedman, Robert Greenberger
Language: German
Release Date: February 25, 2014

Kann die Enterprise den Bau einer Superwaffe verhindern? Die Föderationskolonien in den Xaridia-Systemen werden angegriffen und gnadenlos verwüstet. Als die Enterprise eintrifft, kommt es zum Kampf, doch Captain Kirk muss die bittere Erfahrung machen, dass sein Raumschiff den kleinen Flitzern...
Book cover of Star Trek - The Next Generation: Planet des Untergangs
by Carmen Carter, Peter David, Michael Jan Friedman
Language: German
Release Date: February 25, 2014

Ein künstlicher Planet und eine uralte Maschine bergen große Gefahren Kirlos ist ein künstlicher Planet, geschaffen von einer ausgestorbenen Zivilisation, auf dem sich Angehörige verschiedenster Völker angesiedelt haben. Der Handel floriert, und die Ruinen bergen archäologische Schätze....
Book cover of Corona Magazine 02/2017: Februar 2017

Corona Magazine 02/2017: Februar 2017

Nur der Himmel ist die Grenze

by Uwe Anton, Pia Fauerbach, Armin Rößler
Language: German
Release Date: February 8, 2017

Das Corona Magazine ist ein traditionsreiches und nicht-kommerzielles Online-Projekt, das seit 1997 die Freunde von Sciencefiction, Phantastik und guter Unterhaltung mit Informationen und Hintergründen, Analysen und Kommentaren versorgt und bis zu seiner Jubiläumsausgabe 300 im Mai 2014 von mehr...
Book cover of Postphenomenological Methodologies

Postphenomenological Methodologies

New Ways in Mediating Techno-Human Relationships

by Jesper Aagaard, Catherine Adams, Ciano Aydin
Language: English
Release Date: August 15, 2018

This edited volume is the first publication to tackle the issue of researching human-technology relations from a methodological postphenomenological perspective. While the ‘traditional’ phenomenology of the 20th century, with figures like Husserl, Heidegger and Merleau-Ponty, provided valuable...
Book cover of Bipolar Disorder in Young People

Bipolar Disorder in Young People

A Psychological Intervention Manual

by Craig A. Macneil, Melissa K. Hasty, Philippe Conus
Language: English
Release Date: April 9, 2009

As research emerges on the effectiveness of psychological therapies for bipolar disorder, this is the first manual guiding the treatment of those in adolescence and early adulthood, taking into account the developmental issues which can have significant impact on therapeutic outcomes. Core issues...
Book cover of Das Haus am Ende des Weges ...

Das Haus am Ende des Weges ...

Auf den Spuren von Edgar Allan Poe

by Alf Glocker, Angelika Emmert, Andreas Schumacher
Language: German
Release Date: July 18, 2013

Wer kennt sie nicht? Die schaurigen Geschichten von Edgar Allan Poe? 59 Autoren haben sich an die Fersen des großen Meisters des Gruselns gehängt und sind ihm gefolgt, haben Geschichten geschrieben, die es in sich haben. Kaum weniger psychotisch, gruselig und mörderisch. Der amerikanische Schriftsteller...
Book cover of Handbook for Practice Learning in Social Work and Social Care, Third Edition
by Steven Shardlow, Jane Aldgate, Alastair Gibson
Language: English
Release Date: August 21, 2015

This fully updated and expanded third edition of a classic text provides a comprehensive introduction to key theory, knowledge, research and evidence relating to practice learning in social work and social care. It outlines the theories that underpin social care practice, the main assessment...
Book cover of Geological Storage of CO2

Geological Storage of CO2

Modeling Approaches for Large-Scale Simulation

by Jan Martin Nordbotten, Michael A. Celia
Language: English
Release Date: October 24, 2011

Despite the large research effort in both public and commercial companies, no textbook has yet been written on this subject. This book aims to provide an overview to the topic of Carbon Capture and Storage (CSS), while at the same time focusing on the dominant processes and the mathematical and numerical...
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