James Lawrence: 73 books

Book cover of The Bucket List Collection: Masterpieces You Should Read Before You Die

The Bucket List Collection: Masterpieces You Should Read Before You Die

Leaves of Grass, Siddhartha, Dubliners, Les Misérables, Don Quixote, Art of War, Middlemarch, Swann's Way…

by Henry David Thoreau, Walt Whitman, Kahlil Gibran
Language: English
Release Date: June 25, 2019

Invest your time in reading the true masterpieces of world literature, the greatest works of the greatest masters of their craft, the revolutionary works, the timeless classics and the eternally grand storylines every person should experience in their lifetime: British: Hamlet Romeo and Juliet Macbeth...
Book cover of The History of the Riverside Church in the City of New York
by Peter J. Paris, John W. Cook, James Hudnut-Beumler
Language: English
Release Date: May 1, 2004

It was from the pulpit of the Riverside Church that Martin Luther King, Jr., first publicly voiced his opposition to the Vietnam War, that Nelson Mandela addressed U.S. church leaders after his release from prison, and that speakers as diverse as Cesar Chavez, Jesse Jackson, Desmond Tutu, Fidel Castro,...
Book cover of On the Edge of Nowhere
by James Huntington, Lawrence Elliott
Language: English
Release Date: June 1, 2002

For sheer excitement and adventure, few novels match the true-life story of James Huntington. The son of a white trapper and Indian mother, Huntington learned early to fight for survival in Alaska's remote Kuskokwim region, where life was hard. Huntington's mother once walked 1,000 miles in the dead...
Book cover of Immortal Hunger
by Melanie James, A K Michaels, Julia Mills
Language: English
Release Date: October 15, 2019

Brace yourself for a sexy and wicked treat! We've packed this limited-time boxed set full of vampires, wolves, dragons, and more! Inside you will find twenty-one Paranormal Romance books that will satisfy your craving for immortal bad boys. Give into your hunger for lust, passion, and romance. We've brought it all in one sinfully delightful set!
Book cover of Ratings Analysis

Ratings Analysis

Audience Measurement and Analytics

by James Webster, Patricia Phalen, Lawrence Lichty
Language: English
Release Date: October 30, 2013

This 4th edition of Ratings Analysis describes and explains the current audience information system that supports economic exchange in both traditional and evolving electronic media markets. Responding to the major changes in electronic media distribution and audience research* * in recent years,...
Book cover of BOOM! Box Mix Tape
by John Allison, Maddie Flores, Paul Mayberry
Language: English
Release Date: January 3, 2018

The annual BOOM! Box Mix Tape is an eclectic collection of stories featuring beloved characters from established BOOM! Box series as well as original stories showcasing up-and-coming creators and brand-new content. With original stories featuring Lumberjanes, Giant Days, Cyanide & Happiness, Goldie...
Book cover of The Sarcasm Handbook
by Lawrence Dorfman, James Michael Naccarato
Language: English
Release Date: August 22, 2017

From the author of the bestselling Snark series comes the premiere guide to satire, sneering, jeering, and mockery in their finest forms. A surviving knight of many a verbal joust, Larry Dorfman has become an expert at backhanded sass and cathartic banter. Featuring life lessons from the master...
Book cover of 50 Masterpieces You Have To Read Before You Die: Volumes 1 To 3 (Golden Deer Classics)
by Joseph Conrad, D. H. Lawrence, George Eliot
Language: English
Release Date: February 12, 2017

Golden Deer Classics proudly presents this megaset which regroups the first three volumes of the "50 masterpieces you have to read before you die" series. Contents: See separate volumes descriptions to get the exhaustive list of books included in that megaset. Also available : 50 Masterpieces...
Book cover of TIPS


The Child Voice

by Terrence Bacon, Kristen Bugos, Shelley Cooper
Language: English
Release Date: July 16, 2010

This second edition of TIPS: The Child Voice was prepared in response to demand for an updated and expanded version of the highly successful 1997 edition. This edition takes into account the broadening base of information regarding the nature of the singing voice. Now with strategies for the voice...
Book cover of 烈日帝國:非洲霸權的百年爭奪史1830-1990
by 勞倫斯.詹姆士(Lawrence James)
Language: Chinese
Release Date: March 1, 2018

台灣第一本深度探究近代非洲殖民史的歷史著作 開啟黑暗大陸的一把鑰匙,透析當代歐洲殖民史的專業指引 政治大學國際關係研究中心教授、台灣非洲研究論壇執行長嚴震生 專文導讀 《金融時報》、《紐約時報》、《泰晤士報》、《科克斯書評》、《旁觀者》雜誌、《書目》雜誌、《出版者周刊》、《圖書館期刊》一致推薦 1884年,柏林西非會議上,歐洲各國將非洲分食殆盡 1895年,台灣成為大日本帝國的殖民地 1898年,美國與西班牙為了古巴和菲律賓殖民地而大打出手 19至20世紀,乃是歐、美、亞殖民帝國呼風喚雨的年代 在那個新帝國主義列強瓜分世界的時代,非洲與我們有著相同的命運 非洲,一塊古老而神祕的大陸,占全球陸地總面積的百分之二十,擁有豐富的動植物生態與礦藏,也是人類祖先的發源地。 十五至十七世紀的大航海時代,葡萄牙人開始沿西非海岸向南航行,希望能找到通往東方的航道。由於此時歐洲人的目光仍放在富饒的東方,因此縱然歐洲人在非洲沿岸建立許多中繼站與商貿點,但仍對撒哈拉沙漠以南的內陸地區欠缺探勘動力,對非洲內陸一知半解的歐洲人,將之蔑稱為「黑暗大陸」。 十九世紀之後,透過探險家李文斯頓(David...
Book cover of Kissing in the Chapel, Praying in the Frat House

Kissing in the Chapel, Praying in the Frat House

Wrestling with Faith and College

by Taylor Brorby, Mary Ellen Jebbia, Brandan J. Robertson
Language: English
Release Date: December 5, 2014

College is a time to learn, explore, and grow, but what does faith have to do with it? In this collection of essays, gifted writers in their twenties and early thirties reflect on their college years by telling stories—some hilarious, some heart-wrenching—on the intersection of faith and college. At...
Book cover of Reinventing Public Education

Reinventing Public Education

How Contracting Can Transform America's Schools

by Paul Hill, Lawrence C. Pierce, James W. Guthrie
Language: English
Release Date: February 15, 2009

A heated debate is raging over our nation’s public schools and how they should be reformed, with proposals ranging from imposing national standards to replacing public education altogether with a voucher system for private schools. Combining decades of experience in education, the authors propose...
Book cover of Secret Babies Bundle

Secret Babies Bundle

A Secret Baby Romance

by Kim Lawrence, Julia James, Robyn Donald
Language: English
Release Date: November 1, 2006

When Rowena runs into her old college friend Dr. Quinn Tyler at a charity ball, the attraction is instant. Handsome, sexy and eligible, he can have any woman he wants--and now he wants Rowena! Determined to prove her independence, Rowena insists she's a career woman with no time for marriage...
Book cover of One-Click Buy: December Harlequin Presents
by Robyn Donald, Julia James, Anne Mather
Language: English
Release Date: December 1, 2007

One convenient download. One bargain price. Get all December Harlequin Presents with one click! Princes and billionaires...marriage bargains and secret babies...forbidden love, betrayal and deceit...and more! Get all the compellling drama and passionate romance you crave with eight new stories...
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