James Hillman: 20 books

Book cover of Kinds of Power

Kinds of Power

A Guide to its Intelligent Uses

by James Hillman
Language: English
Release Date: October 24, 2012

In the boldest expose on the nature of power since Machiavelli, celebrated Jungian therapist James Hillman shows how the artful leader uses each of two dozen kinds of power with finesse and subtlety. Power, we often forget, has many faces, many different expressions. "Empowerment," writes...
Book cover of The Force of Character

The Force of Character

And the Lasting Life

by James Hillman
Language: English
Release Date: November 7, 2012

In his bestselling The Soul's Code, James Hillman restored passion and meaning to the concept of identity, arguing that each of us is born with an innate character, the "daimon" or "spirit" that calls us to what we are meant to be. Now, in The Force of Character, Hillman brings...
Book cover of Il mito dell'analisi
by James Hillman
Language: Italian
Release Date: December 17, 2014

Si può dire che questo libro segni il più importante sviluppo della psicologia analitica dopo la morte di Jung. James Hillman ha qui messo in questione l’analisi stessa con una radicalità e una consequenzialità che sconvolgono e scalzano ogni possibile routine delle varie scolastiche (junghiane...
Book cover of Re-visione della psicologia
by James Hillman
Language: Italian
Release Date: March 19, 2015

James Hillman ha sottratto la psicologia a coloro che l’avevano ridotta a una scienza del comportamento – con il corredo di programmi di ricerca, studi quantitativi e rigidi sistemi concettuali –, e ne ha fatto un discorso, o un’arte dell’anima, che, rinunciando a ogni «fantasia di cura,...
Book cover of Lament of the Dead: Psychology After Jung's Red Book
by James Hillman, Sonu Shamdasani
Language: English
Release Date: August 26, 2013

With Jung’s Red Book as their point of departure, two leading scholars explore issues relevant to our thinking today. In this book of dialogues, James Hillman and Sonu Shamdasani reassess psychology, history, and creativity through the lens of Carl Jung’s Red Book. Hillman, the founder...
Book cover of The Soul's Code

The Soul's Code

In Search of Character and Calling

by James Hillman
Language: English
Release Date: February 6, 2013

“[An] acute and powerful vision . . . offers a renaissance of humane values.”—Thomas Moore, author of Care of the Soul and The Re-Enchantment of Everyday Life Plato called it “daimon,” the Romans “genius,” the Christians “guardian angel”; today we use such terms as “heart,”...
Book cover of The Essential James Hillman
by James Hillman
Language: English
Release Date: October 31, 2013

First published in 1990. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
Book cover of Archetypal Psychology
by James Hillman
Language: English
Release Date: November 6, 2015

Originally written for the Italian Enciclopedia del Novecento, this indispensable book is a concise, instructive introduction to polytheism, Greek mythology, the soul-spirit distinction, anima mundi, psychopathology, soul-making, imagination, therapeutic practice, and the writings of C. G. Jung, Henry...
Book cover of A Terrible Love of War
by James Hillman
Language: English
Release Date: February 22, 2005

War is a timeless force in the human imagination—and, indeed, in daily life. Engaged in the activity of destruction, its soldiers and its victims discover a paradoxical yet profound sense of existing, of being human. In A Terrible Love of War, James Hillman, one of today’s most respected psychologists,...
Book cover of Il codice dell'anima
by James Hillman
Language: Italian
Release Date: December 17, 2014

Esiste qualcosa, in ciascuno di noi, che ci induce a essere in un certo modo, a fare certe scelte, a prendere certe vie – anche se talvolta simili passaggi possono sembrare casuali o irragionevoli? Se esiste, è il daimon, il «demone» che ciascuno di noi riceve come compagno prima della nascita,...
Book cover of L'anima del mondo e il pensiero del cuore
by James Hillman
Language: Italian
Release Date: March 19, 2015

Quella malattia della psiche che è oggi la normalità ha trovato in James Hillman un interprete che non concede facili terapie. La sua via è piuttosto quella di chi indica, con pacatezza, l’inevitabilità di un mutamento radicale: si tratta – osserva Hillman in «Anima mundi», uno dei tre saggi...
Book cover of Il suicidio e l'anima
by James Hillman
Language: Italian
Release Date: December 17, 2014

Se il suicidio è certamente il più violato fra i tabù – oggi più che mai, come testimoniano le cronache –, rimane nondimeno, nella percezione comune, lo scandalo supremo, il gesto inaccettabile. Il diritto lo ha giudicato per molto tempo un reato; la religione lo considera peccato, condannandolo...
Book cover of Saggio su Pan
by James Hillman
Language: Italian
Release Date: March 19, 2015

Chi è Pan? E chi sono gli dèi della Grecia? Tutta la cultura moderna – basta pensare a Hölderlin e a Nietzsche – è stata traversata dal desiderio di un ‘ritorno alla Grecia’ di cui qui Hillman ci aiuta a riscoprire le motivazioni profonde e la tortuosa storia. L’immenso lavorio degli...
Book cover of We've Had a Hundred Years of Psychotherapy
by James Hillman
Language: English
Release Date: March 17, 2009

This furious, trenchant, and audacious series of interrelated dialogues and letters takes a searing look at not only the legacy of psychotherapy, but also practically every aspect of contemporary living--from sexuality to politics, media, the environment, and life in the city. James Hillman--controversial...
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