James Allen: 401 books

Book cover of Men and Systems
by James Allen
Language: English
Release Date: September 29, 2018

The unceasing change, the insecurity, and the misery of life make it necessary to find some basis of certainty on which to rest if happiness and peace of mind are to be maintained. All science, philosophy, and religion are some many efforts in search of this permanent basis; all interpretations on...
Book cover of All These Things Added
by James Allen
Language: English
Release Date: May 1, 2009

From the author of the perennial bestseller As a Man Thinketh comes All These Things Added, a theological inquiry into the nature of the soul and eternity that comprises two main sections: "Entering the Kingdom" and "The Heavenly Life." This two-in-one volume is a must-read for those interested in engaging, readily accessible theology.
Book cover of Through the Gates of Good

Through the Gates of Good

or Christ and Conduct

by James Allen
Language: English
Release Date: February 15, 2016

He who will humbly pass through the Gate of Good, resolving that every element of his nature that is not pure and true and lovable shall be abandoned, that every violation of the Divine precepts shall be abolished, to him, faithful, humble, true, will be revealed the sublime Vision of the Perfect...
Book cover of Claim Number One
by George Washington Ogden, James Allen St. John
Language: English
Release Date: November 27, 2011

pubOne.info thank you for your continued support and wish to present you this new edition. Coming to Comanche, you stopped, for Comanche was the end of the world. Unless, of course, you were one of those who wished to push the boundary-line of the world farther, to make homes in the wilderness where there had been no homes, to plant green fields in the desert where none had been before.


Book cover of Man


King of Mind, Body, and Circumstance

by James Allen, Southern Illinois University
Language: English
Release Date: August 14, 2016

The problem of life consists in learning how to live. It is like the problem of addition or subtraction to the schoolboy. When mastered, all difficulty disappears, and the problem has vanished. All the problems of life, whether they be social, political, or religious, subsist in ignorance and wrong-living....
Book cover of Men and Systems
by James Allen
Language: English
Release Date: October 31, 2018

The unceasing change, the insecurity, and the misery of life make it necessary to find some basis of certainty on which to rest if happiness and peace of mind are to be maintained. All science, philosophy, and religion are some many efforts in search of this permanent basis; all interpretations on...
Book cover of Above Life’s Turmoil
by James Allen
Language: English
Release Date: June 27, 2019

AUTO-AIUTO / Generale FILOSOFIA / Generale AUTO-AIUTO / Motivazionale e Ispirazionale AUTO-AIUTO / Crescita Personale / Generale AUTO-AIUTO / Crescita Personale / Felicità AUTO-AIUTO / Emozioni We cannot alter external things, nor shape other people to our liking, nor mould the world to our wishes...
Book cover of Men and Systems
by James Allen
Language: English
Release Date: August 15, 2013

The unceasing change, the insecurity, and the misery of life make it necessary to find some basis of certainty on which to rest if happiness and peace of mind are to be maintained. All science, philosophy, and religion are some many efforts in search of this permanent basis; all interpretations on...
Book cover of Dalla Povertà al Potere - La realizzazione della Prosperità e della Sicurezza economica
by James Allen
Language: Italian
Release Date: May 5, 2017

Indice dei Contenuti Prefazione Parte 1: La Strada Della Prosperità La Lezione Del Male Il Mondo Un Riflesso Di Stati Mentali La Via d'Uscita Da Condizioni Indesiderate Il Potere Silenzioso Del Pensiero: Controllare E Indirizzare La Propria Forza Il Segreto Della Salute, Del Successo...
Book cover of Men and Systems
by James Allen
Language: English
Release Date: July 19, 2019

The unceasing change, the insecurity, and the misery of life make it necessary to find some basis of certainty on which to rest if happiness and peace of mind are to be maintained. All science, philosophy, and religion are some many efforts in search of this permanent basis; all interpretations on...
Book cover of All These Things Added
by James Allen
Language: English
Release Date: June 28, 2019

...Great efforts are now being put forward to found a “Garden City,” which In seeking for pleasures here and rewards hereafter men have destroyed (in their hearts) the Temple of Righteousness, and have wandered from the Kingdom of Heaven. By ceasing to seek for earthly pleasures and heavenly rewards,...


Book cover of Man


King of Mind, Body, and Circumstance

by James Allen
Language: English
Release Date: March 12, 2013

The problem of life consists in learning how to live. It is like the problem of addition or subtraction to the schoolboy. When mastered, all difficulty disappears, and the problem has vanished. All the problems of life, whether they be social, political, or religious, subsist in ignorance and wrong-living....
Book cover of Light on Life’s Difficulties
by James Allen
Language: English
Release Date: August 5, 2019

Foreword The Light That Leads to Perfect Peace Light on Facts andHypotheses Light on the Law of Cause and Effect in Human Life Light on Values Spiritual and Material Light on the Sense of Proportion Light on Adherence to Principle Light on theSacrifice of the Self Light on the Management of the...
Book cover of From poverty to power
by James Allen
Language: English
Release Date: December 20, 2018

I looked around upon the world, and saw that it was shadowed by sorrow and scorched by the fierce fires of suffering. And I looked for the cause. I looked around, but could not find it; I looked in books, but could not find it; I looked within, and found there both the cause and the self-made nature...
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