J R Martin: 75 books

Book cover of Violence against Women
by Dawn Beichner, Spencer E. Cahill, Martin Daly
Language: English
Release Date: December 2, 2004

Research and advocacy aimed at understanding and ending violence against women had its beginning in the early 1970s, emerging as a central concern of the feminist movement. This work has expanded exponentially over the past three decades to influence practice and policy at the local, state, and federal...
Book cover of Die Welt der Hebräischen Bibel

Die Welt der Hebräischen Bibel

Umfeld - Inhalte - Grundthemen

by Reinhard Achenbach, Angelika Berlejung, Walter Dietrich
Language: German
Release Date: May 10, 2017

Eine umfassende, zuverlässige und wissenschaftlich aktuelle Einführung in die Welt der Hebräischen Bibel: ihr kulturelles Umfeld, ihre literarische Gestalt, ihre gesellschaftlichen Hintergründe, ihre kultische Prägung, ihre Bilder vom Menschen und von Gott. Die 32 Paragraphen sind von ausgesuchten...
Book cover of Achieving sustainable cultivation of wheat Volume 1

Achieving sustainable cultivation of wheat Volume 1

Breeding, quality traits, pests and diseases

by Dr P. Bramel, Dr Kellye Eversole, Dr Jacques Le Gouis
Language: English
Release Date: June 30, 2017

Discusses ways of ensuring genetic diversity, advances in wheat breeding and their use to improve properties such as drought resistance and cold tolerance; Summarises research on factors affecting nutritional and other aspects of wheat quality; Reviews advances in understanding wheat pests and diseases...
Book cover of Preventing and Reversing Arthritis Naturally
by Raquel Martin, Karen J. Romano, R.N.
Language: English
Release Date: November 1, 2000

A comprehensive self-help program designed to prevent and reverse degenerative inflammatory diseases without drugs and their unwelcome side effects. • The program in this book is designed to help millions who suffer from chronic arthritis pain to heal, rather than to just medicate their symptoms. •...
Book cover of Not just a mirror. Looking for the political theatre today
by Julian Boal, Boris Buden, Galit Eilat
Language: English
Release Date: October 26, 2015

Der englischsprachige Band Not Just a Mirror setzt sich mit grundlegenden Fragen des politischen Theaters in der Gegenwart auseinander und stellt künstlerisch-politische Strategien und Praktiken von Theatermachern aus aller Welt vor - u. a. Chto Delat, Milo Rau, Kretakör, Faustin Linyekula, Public...
Book cover of Psychotic Continuum
by N.C. Andreasen, J. Angst, F.M. Benes
Language: English
Release Date: December 6, 2012

One of the most important questions of our previous common volumes about affective, schizoaffective, and schizophrenic disorders was the question of what connects and what separates psychotic disorders (Marneros and Tsuang, Schizo­ affective Psychoses, Springer-Verlag, 1986; Marneros and Tsuang Affective...
Book cover of Achieving sustainable cultivation of cocoa
by Dr Ranjana Bhattacharjee, Dr Brigitte Laliberté, Dr Chris Turnbull
Language: English
Release Date: August 9, 2018

There is a growing demand for cocoa. However, cultivation is dependent on ageing trees with low yields and increasing vulnerability to disease. There is growing concern about the environmental impact of cultivation in areas soil health and biodiversity. There is therefore an urgent need to make cocoa...
Book cover of Broken Bones, Broken Bodies

Broken Bones, Broken Bodies

Bioarchaeological and Forensic Approaches for Accumulative Trauma and Violence

by Petra Banks, Eric J. Bartelink, Derek A. Boyd
Language: English
Release Date: July 14, 2017

Injury recidivism is a continuing health problem in the modern clinical setting and has been part of medical literature for some time. However, it has been largely absent from forensic and bioarchaeological scholarship, despite the fact that practitioners work closely with skeletal remains and, in...
Book cover of Moment mal!

Moment mal!

Was die Zeit mit uns macht

by Horst Evers, Boris Aljinovic, Adriana Altaras
Language: German
Release Date: September 22, 2017

Früher ging heute nicht so schnell vorbei: Was macht die Zeit denn so? Das Phänomen Zeit hat die Menschen immer schon fasziniert. Sie bestimmt unser Leben, mal hat man zu viel Zeit, mal zu wenig, häufig läuft sie uns davon, und wir wissen nicht, wo sie schon wieder geblieben ist. Es gibt unvergessliche...
Book cover of FaRK Trek - Episode 1

FaRK Trek - Episode 1

Das Erwachen der Legenden

by Wolfgang Hohlbein, Christoph Marzi, T. S. Orgel
Language: German
Release Date: August 26, 2017

Sommer 2017 – ein Meteor zieht über den Nachthimmel und zerbricht in unzählige Splitter. Diese Splitter verteilen sich über ganz Deutschland und setzen eine ganze Kette von Ereignissen in Gang. Verschwunden geglaubte Wesen aus Sagen und Legenden erwachen aus langem Schlaf, kehren zurück ans...
Book cover of MRI from Picture to Proton
by Donald W. McRobbie, Elizabeth A. Moore, Martin R. Prince
Language: English
Release Date: April 13, 2017

MR is a powerful modality. At its most advanced, it can be used not just to image anatomy and pathology, but to investigate organ function, to probe in vivo chemistry, and even to visualise the brain thinking. However, clinicians, technologists and scientists struggle with the study of the subject....
Book cover of Crustal Evolution of Southern Africa

Crustal Evolution of Southern Africa

3.8 Billion Years of Earth History

by S. C. Eriksson, A. J. Tankard, K. A. Eriksson
Language: English
Release Date: December 6, 2012

Syntheses of the geology of major areas of the Earth's crust are increasingly needed in order that the features of, and the problems associated with, the secular evolution of the continents can be understood by a wide audience. Southern Africa is fortunate in having a remarkable variety of geological...
Book cover of Geschichte des Christentums IV,1

Geschichte des Christentums IV,1

Konfessionelles Zeitalter

by Hans-Martin Kirn, Traugott Jähnichen, Adolf Martin Ritter
Language: German
Release Date: February 14, 2018

In der abendländischen Kirchengeschichte des 17. und 18. Jahrhunderts vollzog sich ein vielschichtiger, zur Neuzeit durchbrechender und deshalb in seinen Folgen bis heute prägend gebliebener Umformungsprozess. Die wichtigsten Sinneinheiten, die dabei als Konfessionelles Zeitalter, Pietismus und...
Book cover of The Squam Lake Report

The Squam Lake Report

Fixing the Financial System

by Darrell Duffie, Kenneth R. French, Martin N. Baily
Language: English
Release Date: May 25, 2010

In the fall of 2008, fifteen of the world's leading economists--representing the broadest spectrum of economic opinion--gathered at New Hampshire's Squam Lake. Their goal: the mapping of a long-term plan for financial regulation reform. The Squam Lake Report distills the wealth of insights...
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