J L Smith: 185 books

Book cover of Media Depictions of Brides, Wives, and Mothers
by Ann E. Burnette, Mary Frances Casper, Hao-Chieh Chang
Language: English
Release Date: September 27, 2012

Media Depictions of Brides, Wives, and Mothers, edited by Alena Amato Ruggerio, explores how television, film, the internet, and other media variously perpetuate gender stereotypes. The contributors to this volume bring a variety of feminist rhetorical and media criticism approaches from across the...
Book cover of Leadership for Rural Schools

Leadership for Rural Schools

Lessons for All Educators

by Donald M. Chalker, Alan De Young, Mary Jean Ronan Herzog
Language: English
Release Date: April 19, 2002

More than 50% of America's schools today exist in rural settings. This book addresses the distinctiveness of rural school leaders, identifies issues encountered by administrators, faculty, and students, and concludes by proposing new standards for rural schools in general and their leaders. This book...
Book cover of Le cercle secret 1
by L.J. Smith
Language: French
Release Date: May 5, 2010

Contrainte de quitter le soleil de la Californie pour s’installer dans la maison lugubre de sa grand-mère en Nouvelle-Angleterre, Cassie regrette sa vie d’avant. D’autant que dans son nouveau lycée, la flamboyante Faye n’a pas l’air de la porter dans son cœur. Pourtant, elle se sent étrangement...
Book cover of Journal d'un vampire 1
by L.J. Smith
Language: French
Release Date: February 4, 2009

Dès l’arrivée de Stefan Salvatore à Fell’s Church, Elena, la reine du lycée, se jure de le séduire. D’abord distant, le garçon aux allures d’ange rebelle finit par céder à sa passion dévorante… et à lui révéler son terrible secret. Quelques siècles plus tôt, la femme qu’il...
Book cover of Journal d'un vampire 5
by L.J. Smith
Language: French
Release Date: June 22, 2011

Avec l'aide de l'irrésistible mais néanmoins sournois Damon, Elena a sauvé son cher Stefan du Royaume des Ombres. Mais aucun des deux frères vampires n'en est revenu indemne. Affaibli par sa longue captivité, Stefan a besoin de plus de sang que ce qu'Elena peut lui fournir, tandis que Damon,...
Book cover of Journal de Stefan 4
by L.J. Smith, Kevin Williamson, Julie Plec
Language: French
Release Date: May 9, 2012

Angleterre, 1888. En s’installant dans la paisible campagne anglaise, Stefan Salvatore pensait avoir échappé à son passé sanglant. Mais bientôt à Londres une rumeur court sur un mystérieux meurtrier sanguinaire : Jack l’Éventreur. Impliqué dans l’enquête, Stefan est convaincu qu’il...
Book cover of Journal d'un vampire - Tome 1 - Partie 1
by L.J. Smith
Language: French
Release Date: February 6, 2013

Dès l’arrivée de Stefan Salvatore à Fell’s Church, Elena, la reine du lycée, se jure de le séduire. D’abord distant, le garçon aux allures d’ange rebelle finit par céder à sa passion dévorante… et à lui révéler son terrible secret. Quelques siècles plus tôt, la femme qu’il...
Book cover of Journal d'un vampire - Tome 1 - Partie 2
by L.J. Smith
Language: French
Release Date: February 6, 2013

Dès l’arrivée de Stefan Salvatore à Fell’s Church, Elena, la reine du lycée, se jure de le séduire. D’abord distant, le garçon aux allures d’ange rebelle finit par céder à sa passion dévorante… et à lui révéler son terrible secret. Quelques siècles plus tôt, la femme qu’il...
Book cover of Communication Perspectives on Popular Culture
by Andrew F. Herrmann, Art Herbig, Tony E. Adams
Language: English
Release Date: October 12, 2016

Popular culture helps construct, define, and impact our everyday realities and must be taken seriously because popular culture is, simply, popular. Communication Perspectives on Popular Culture brings together communication experts with diverse backgrounds, from interpersonal communication, business...
Book cover of From the Yenisei to the Yukon

From the Yenisei to the Yukon

Interpreting Lithic Assemblage Variability in Late Pleistocene/Early Holocene Beringia

by Norman A. Easton, Dr. Robert E. Ackerman, Jacob Baus
Language: English
Release Date: April 1, 2011

Who were the first people who came to the land bridge joining northeastern Asia to Alaska and the northwest of North America? Where did they come from? How did they organize technology, especially in the context of settlement behavior?     During the Pleistocene era, the people now...
Book cover of The Frontier of Patriotism

The Frontier of Patriotism

Alberta and the First World War

by David Borys, Juliette Champagne, Brett Clifton
Language: English
Release Date: September 19, 2016

With the centenary of the First World War, communities across Canada arranged commemorations of the war experience to honour local servicemen who, through their triumphs and sacrifices, were presented as laying the foundation for a free and independent country. Often overlooked are the triumphs and...
Book cover of The Conservative Revolution of Antonin Scalia
by Howard Schweber, David A Schultz, Henry L. Chambers Jr.
Language: English
Release Date: August 31, 2018

Many hoped or feared that Antonin Scalia’s appointment to the Supreme Court in 1986 would guarantee a conservative counter-revolution that would reverse the liberal jurisprudence of the Supreme Court under Chief Justice Earl Warren and which was continued to some extent under the Burger Court though...
Book cover of Friends, Lovers, Co-Workers, and Community

Friends, Lovers, Co-Workers, and Community

Everything I Know about Relationships I Learned from Television

by Lauren Bratslavsky, Elizabeth L. Cohen, Mary Erickson
Language: English
Release Date: May 26, 2016

Friends, Lovers, Co-Workers, and Community analyzes how television narratives form the first decade of the twenty-first century are powerful socializing agents which both define and limit the types of acceptable interpersonal relationships between co-workers, friends, romantic partners, family members,...
Book cover of Studies in Culture Contact

Studies in Culture Contact

Interaction, Culture Change, and Archaeology

by Kathleen Deagan, Prudence M. Rice, Robert L. Schuyler
Language: English
Release Date: March 5, 2015

People have long been fascinated about times in human history when different cultures and societies first came into contact with each other, how they reacted to that contact, and why it sometimes occurred peacefully and at other times was violent or catastrophic. Studies in Culture Contact:...
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