Ii: 811 books

Book cover of How to Use Translation to Grow Your Business
by Winn Trivette II, MA
Language: English
Release Date: August 26, 2018

How to Use Translation to Grow Your Business is the first book of its kind for companies to explore a new business strategy built on translation. In this eye-opening account, certified translator Winn Trivette II explains why firms should use translation as a pro-active tool to successfully...
Book cover of A Different Kind of Sentinel
by Sir E. J. Drury II
Language: English
Release Date: February 18, 2013

Having survived the war in Vietnam, without physical injury to himself, Sir E. J. Drury II “had nonetheless incurred the deeper wounds of a house divided against itself.” As a child, had not he experienced his real father’s schizophrenia and, later, his stepfather’s alcoholism as war related,...
Book cover of Drei Päpste und ihre Lieblingsheiligen

Drei Päpste und ihre Lieblingsheiligen

Persönliche Gedanken von Johannes Paul II, Benedikt XVI. und Franziskus.

by Johannes Paul II., Benedikt XVI., Franziskus (Papst)
Language: German
Release Date: October 13, 2017

Jeder hat seine Lieblingsheiligen. Die Figuren, die für einen besonders wichtig sind, die einen begleiten, die Orientierung geben und Halt. Bei den Päpsten ist das nicht anders. In diesem Buch sind die schönsten Texte von Johannes Paul II., Benedikt XVI. und Franziskus über die Heiligen versammelt,...
Book cover of Catéchèses sur les psaumes
by Benoit Xvi, Jean Paul Ii
Language: French
Release Date: August 26, 2016

De mars 2001 jusqu’à sa mort, en 2005, Jean-Paul II a entrepris une grande catéchèse sur la liturgie des Heures, par un commentaire des psaumes et des cantiques. Il voulait ainsi promouvoir « la Liturgie des Heures comme prière de tout le Peuple de Dieu ». Benoît XVI a complété ces catéchèses...
Book cover of Nostra Aetate

Nostra Aetate

Déclaration sur les relations de l'Église avec les religions non chrétiennes

by Concile Vatican II
Language: French
Release Date: December 10, 2011

Un texte historique de l'Église catholiqueCe beau texte marque la reconnaissance officielle par l'Église des valeurs constituées par les religions non chrétiennes ; elles ont quelque chose à faire connaître de Dieu, les chrétiens doivent y être attentifs. On retiendra notamment l'accent...
Book cover of Ad Gentes Divinitus

Ad Gentes Divinitus

Décret sur l'activité missionnaire de l'Église

by Concile Vatican II
Language: French
Release Date: February 15, 2011

Un texte historique de l'Église catholique Dépassant l'appel traditionnel à la mission lointaine, ce texte invite l'Église tout entière, là où elle est, à évangéliser, c'est-à-dire à annoncer à tous les peuples, à tous les pays, à toutes les cultures, le bonheur que Dieu promet...
Book cover of Déclaration sur l'éducation chrétienne
by Concile Vatican Ii
Language: French
Release Date: March 11, 2015

"L’extrême importance de l’éducation dans la vie de l’homme et son influence toujours croissante sur le développement de la société moderne sont pour le Concile œcuménique l’objet d’une réflexion attentive." Voici quels sont les premiers mots de la déclaration du...
Book cover of Corsana


Myths and Legends

by Charles Wellington II
Language: English
Release Date: June 17, 2018

With the port city of Asic out of danger, CK, Rory, Drendel, Chloe, and Rannstein, each go their separate ways. Having received an invitation to study with other psionics at the Nostro Guild, Christopher takes off with the hopes of finally finding others like himself. But heroic deeds never go unnoticed,...
Book cover of Corsana


The Phalanx Syndicate

by Charles Wellington II
Language: English
Release Date: June 1, 2018

CK―Christopher Knight―has a secret, he’s a psionic; a human with the ability to will things to happen with the power of his mind. And while he has kept to the shadows, Christopher has always dreamt about being a hero. But hanging from the ceiling of a cave being tortured, and getting his face...
Book cover of Kaiserin Katharina II. (Erinnerungen)

Kaiserin Katharina II. (Erinnerungen)

Von ihr selbst geschrieben. Mit einem Nachtrag aus den Erinnerungen der Fürstin Daschkoff

by Katharina II. von Russland
Language: German
Release Date: July 18, 2019

In ihren eigenhändig verfassten Erinnerungen, die lange Zeit als Staatsgeheimnis behandelt und erst 100 Jahre später in Paris veröffentlicht wurden, beschreibt Katharina die Große ihre Jugendjahre in Russland bis zur Thronbesteigung ihres Gatten als Zar Peter III. - auf die dann kurze Zeit später...
Book cover of Superstars of the Galaxy

Superstars of the Galaxy

An Explosive Entrance

by William Craig Eason II
Language: English
Release Date: July 7, 2017

Superstars of the Galaxy by William Craig Eason II   Superstars of the Galaxy introduces readers to a world in the far, distant future. The story follows a crew of rebels, working to defeat an oppressive regime. But who is friend and who is foe? Weaving together...
Book cover of Ecclesia de Eucharistia

Ecclesia de Eucharistia

L'Eglise vit de l'eucharistie

by Jean Paul Ii
Language: French
Release Date: May 18, 2017

Ecclesia de Eucharistia, ou encore « l'Église vit de l'eucharistie », est la dernière encyclique de Jean Paul II ; elle date de 2003. À cette époque, le saint Pape était déjà gravement malade, mais il conservait toute sa lucidité pour rappeler au peuple chrétien l'importance de l'eucharistie...
Book cover of Matto! - parte bianca -
by Ii Stella A Dx, II Stella A Dx, Fabio Centrone
Language: Italian
Release Date: April 15, 2013

Cosa accadrebbe se gli Scacchi, potenti guerrieri provenienti da un universo parallelo e dotati di straordinaria Magia, entrassero con forza nel nostro mondo rivendicando una guerra iniziata secoli fa? Riuscirà Joseph a comprendere l’immane pericolo che sia lui che il Mondo intero sta correndo...
Book cover of A View from the South

A View from the South

The Narrative Art of Boyd Saunders

by Boyd Saunders, Thomas Dewey II
Language: English
Release Date: January 29, 2019

A View from the South: The Narrative Art of Boyd Saunders is the first comprehensive examination of the life and art of one of America’s premier printmakers. In this celebration of an enduring and widely acclaimed career as an artist, Thomas Dewey II chronicles Saunders’s work not only as a printmaker,...
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