Ian: 5018 books

Book cover of Whitney and Bobbi Kristina
by Ian Halperin
Language: English
Release Date: June 9, 2015

Shocking new revelations emerge about superstar Whitney Houston and her only daughter, Bobbi Kristina Brown, in #1 New York Times bestselling author Ian Halperin’s account of their tumultuous lives. On July 26, 2015, after nearly six months in a coma, Bobbi Kristina Brown, daughter of musical...
Book cover of Kardashian Dynasty

Kardashian Dynasty

The Controversial Rise of America's Royal Family

by Ian Halperin
Language: English
Release Date: April 19, 2016

Investigator and #1 New York Times bestselling author Ian Halperin pulls back the curtain on America’s notorious Kardashian family’s seemingly meteoric rise to fame, and the dark secrets they’ve struggled to hide in Kardashian Dynasty, now in paperback. The Kardashians and Jenners have...
Book cover of Peter the Great
by Ian Grey
Language: English
Release Date: January 10, 2019

"Ian Grey's Peter the Great reads like a novel . . ." - Louis Fischer. The first modern Russian was Peter the Great. In this enthralling biography of that remarkable ruler, award-winning historian Ian Grey paints an illuminating portrait - clear, objective, and without malice or sentimentality....
Book cover of IndyFest Magazine #88

IndyFest Magazine #88

Indyfest Magazine, #88

by Ian Shires
Language: English
Release Date: September 12, 2015

The 88th issue of IndyFest Magazine! is here.This September 2015 issue is one you need to read. Inside you will find in-depth interviews with:T.J. TroyChuck DixonJay MooersS.A. BakerAlso included in this issue:Eitorial by Ian ShiresA Written View by Douglas OwenSneek...
Book cover of Vida y muerte de Federico García Lorca
by Ian Gibson, Quique Palomo
Language: Spanish
Release Date: November 8, 2018

Ian Gibson repasa la vida de Federico García Lorca en un cómic biográfico. Federico García Lorca es el poeta y dramaturgo español más famoso del mundo. Y quizás el desaparecido más llorado de la Guerra Civil de 1936-1939. En este cómic, Ian Gibson -su biógrafo y uno de los hispanistas...
Book cover of IndyFest Magazine #86

IndyFest Magazine #86

Indyfest Magazine, #86

by Ian Shires, Douglas Owen, Steven Pennella
Language: English
Release Date: July 11, 2015

The 86th issue of IndyFest Magazine! is here.This July 2015 issue is one you need to read. Inside you will find in-depth interviews with:Charlton Comic's Paul KupperbergCreate of Tether, Chuck AmadoriAuthor and writer Rick PhillipsLead artist of Dog Eater,s Guillermo A. AngelIllustrator...
Book cover of The Daydreamer
by Ian McEwan
Language: English
Release Date: August 3, 2011

A delightful literary foray for adults and children alike, from the inexhaustible imagination of Booker Prize-winning, best-selling author Ian McEwan. In these seven exquisitely interlinked episodes, the grown-up protagonist Peter Fortune reveals the secret journeys, metamorphoses, and adventures...
Book cover of Yeruldelgger 3. La morte nomade
by Ian Manook
Language: Italian
Release Date: February 15, 2018

Stremato da anni di lotta inutile contro la criminalità, l’incorruttibile commissario Yeruldelgger ha lasciato la polizia di Ulan Bator. Piantata la sua yurta nell’immensità del deserto del Gobi, ha deciso di ritornare alle tradizioni dei suoi antenati. Ma il suo ritiro sarà breve. Suo malgrado,...
Book cover of Sweet Tooth

Sweet Tooth

A Novel

by Ian McEwan
Language: English
Release Date: November 13, 2012

In this stunning new novel, Ian McEwan’s first female protagonist since Atonement is about to learn that espionage is the ultimate seduction. Cambridge student Serena Frome’s beauty and intelligence make her the ideal recruit for MI5. The year is 1972. The Cold War is far from over. England’s...
Book cover of James Bond 01 - Casino Royale
by Ian Fleming
Language: German
Release Date: September 19, 2012

Der britische Geheimagent wird nach Frankreich geschickt, um einen feindlichen Agenten beim Kartenspiel zu ruinieren ... Geheimdienstchef M schickt Bond auf eine Mission, um einen russischen Agenten namens "Le Chiffre" auszuschalten. Er soll ihn am Baccarat-Tisch ruinieren und so seine sowjetischen...
Book cover of James Bond 07 - Goldfinger
by Ian Fleming
Language: German
Release Date: June 13, 2013

Goldfinger ist Ian Flemings siebter Bond-Roman und führt den britischen Geheimagenten um die ganze Welt, um einen von Gold besessenen Größenwahnsinnigen aufzuhalten ... Auric Goldfinger: grausam, schlau, frustrierend vorsichtig. Er betrügt beim Canasta und ist ein Gauner im großen Stil, der auch...
Book cover of James Bond 12 - Man lebt nur zweimal
by Ian Fleming
Language: German
Release Date: December 13, 2013

Bond, ein gebrochener Mann nach dem Tod seiner Frau durch Ernst Stavro Blofeld, will dem Agentenleben entsagen und gefährdet so sich selbst und seine Kollegen. M, der nicht bereit ist, den Verlust einer seiner besten Agenten zu akzeptieren, schickt 007 nach Japan auf eine letzte, fast unlösbare...
Book cover of James Bond 13 - Der Mann mit dem goldenen Colt
by Ian Fleming
Language: German
Release Date: March 5, 2014

Der einer Gehirnwäsche unterzogene Bond hat versucht, M, seinen Chef, zu ermorden und ist gescheitert. Nun muss Bond beweisen, dass er in alter Form zurück und wieder vertrauenswürdig ist. "Alles" was 007 zu tun hat, ist den tödlichsten Auftragskiller der Welt zur Strecke zu bringen...
Book cover of Dead Souls

Dead Souls

An Inspector Rebus Novel

by Ian Rankin
Language: English
Release Date: March 2, 2010

Weary, wary, hard-drinking Detective John Rebus returns in author Ian Rankin's internationally acclaimed, award-winning series. As complex and unpredictable as the brooding mists that envelop his Edinburgh beat, Rebus is ever resourceful and determined--but this time, vulnerable and challenged as...
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