Horn: 408 books

Book cover of Jātaka Tales: Volume 1
by Eric Van Horn
Language: English
Release Date: May 13, 2018

The Jātaka Tales are the Buddhist equivalent of Aesop’s Fables. They are morality stories. In the Buddhist cultures of that time, these were the stories that children grew up hearing. They were the popular entertainment. Families would gather together in the evening after the day’s work was done...
Book cover of The Politics of Industrial Collaboration during World War II
by Martin Horn, Talbot Imlay
Language: English
Release Date: April 17, 2014

Did Ford SAF sabotage the German war effort by deliberately manufacturing fewer vehicles than they could have? Ford SAF claimed after the war that they did. Exploring the nature and limits of industrial collaboration in occupied France, Horn and Imlay trace the wartime activities of Ford Motor Company's...
Book cover of Women, Civil Society and the Geopolitics of Democratization
by Denise M. Horn
Language: English
Release Date: April 19, 2010

Over the past decade, democratization and civil society promotion became key variables in preserving global security and the liberal economic market. This book examines the prevalence of democratization policies as a hegemonic geopolitical tool; these policies represent a concerted political effort...
Book cover of Der Rhein. Geschichte und Sagen seiner Burgen, Abteien, Klöster und Städte
by W. O. von Horn
Language: German
Release Date: July 1, 2019

Neuausgabe des Buches aus dem Jahr 1875. - Über das Buch: Der in der Lesewelt durch seine anziehende, kernhafte und frische Erzählungsweise genugsam bekannte Spinnstubenschreiber (Pseudonym W. O. von Horn) sammelte am Rhein die Sagen unmittelbar aus dem Mund seiner Landsleute, spähte nach der Geschichte...
Book cover of Four Mothers

Four Mothers

A Novel

by Shifra Horn
Language: English
Release Date: December 18, 2018

Shifra Horn's beautifully imagined novel tells the story of five generations of women in one family against the backdrop of one hundred years in Jerusalem. The story begins with the birth of the family's first boy to Amal, the last generation. Her mother, grandmother and great-grandmother are...
Book cover of Kingston’S Kitchen

Kingston’S Kitchen

Simple Wholesome Recipes for Your Favorite Canine

by Karin Samantha Horn Roseman, Monika S. Philips
Language: English
Release Date: February 27, 2015

When it comes to spoiling you dog, nothing beats great cuisine. Karin Samantha Horn Roseman and Monika S. Phillips have been cooking for their dogs for more than twenty years. Together they share their favorite pup recipes including stories that inspired the recipes. Named after one of Karins Great...
Book cover of Don't Just Talk, Do It!
by Nadine Horn
Language: English
Release Date: August 26, 2014

Dreaming about some crazy adventures? Don't know where to start? Or even doubting that it is possible at all? It's time you read this book. It is a 'How-to' guide to transform yourself from a talker to a do-er. Your are not presented by isolated principles but taken along the incredible...
Book cover of Vegan Everything

Vegan Everything

100 Easy Recipes for Any Craving—from Bagels to Burgers, Tacos to Ramen

by Nadine Horn, Jörg Mayer
Language: English
Release Date: November 1, 2019

If you can crave it, you can cook it! 100 easy, eclectic recipes to feed you all day, every day Whatever you may be craving for dinner tonight—pizza, burgers, quesadillas, ramen, dumplings, curries, falafel, jambalaya—you can make—totally vegan, completely delicious, and faster than you’d...
Book cover of Quattro madri
by Shifra Horn
Language: Italian
Release Date: June 21, 2018

Quattro madri racconta la storia di quattro generazioni di donne durante l’ultimo secolo a Gerusalemme. Amal, appartenente alla quinta generazione, è disperata poiché il marito, dopo la nascita del primo figlio, se n’è andato senza lasciare traccia. Al contrario sua madre, sua nonna e sua bisnonna...
Book cover of Jātaka Tales: Volume 3
by Eric Van Horn
Language: English
Release Date: August 6, 2019

The Jātaka Tales are the Buddhist equivalent of Aesop’s Fables. They are morality stories. In the Buddhist cultures of that time, these were the stories that children grew up hearing. They were the popular entertainment of their time. Families would gather together in the evening after the day’s...
Book cover of Jātaka Tales: Volume 2
by Eric Van Horn
Language: English
Release Date: December 4, 2018

The Jātaka Tales are the Buddhist equivalent of Aesop’s Fables. They are morality stories. In the Buddhist cultures of that time, these were the stories that children grew up hearing. They were the popular entertainment of their time. Families would gather together in the evening after the day’s...
Book cover of Leise wie ein Schmetterling

Leise wie ein Schmetterling

Abschied vom fehlgeborenen Kind

by Ute Horn
Language: German
Release Date: December 12, 2014

Jede 2. oder 3. Frau erlebt einmal in ihrem Leben eine Fehlgeburt, manche sogar öfter. Lange Zeit galt: Je weniger sich die Eltern mit dem Verlust des Kindes beschäftigen, desto besser verkraften sie es. Ein fataler Irrtum. Gerade Frauen leiden oft sehr lange unter dem unverarbeiteten Schmerz. Mittlerweile...
Book cover of Von der Notwendigkeit des Widerspruchs

Von der Notwendigkeit des Widerspruchs

Gedanken zur Gesundheit, zur Krankheit, zur Medizin, zu Arzt und Patient

by Johannes Horn
Language: German
Release Date: September 22, 2018

Professor Dr. med. Johannes Horn beleuchtet mit seiner Erfahrung von über 40 Jahren als Arzt und Chirurg das Erscheinungsbild der heutigen Medizin. Am Anfang steht bei ihm die Überzeugung, dass eine christlich geprägte Wertevorstellung Widerspruch einzulegen hat gegen Entwicklungen, die zu einer...
Book cover of Mami Jubiläumsbox 8 – Familienroman
by Annette Mansdorf, Susanne Svanberg, Isabell Rohde
Language: German
Release Date: August 28, 2018

Sichern Sie sich jetzt die Jubiläumsbox - 6 Romane erhalten, nur 5 bezahlen! Seit über 40 Jahren ist Mami die erfolgreichste Mutter-Kind-Reihe auf dem deutschen Markt! Buchstäblich ein Qualitätssiegel der besonderen Art, denn diese wirklich einzigartige Romanreihe ist generell der Maßstab und...
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