Honore De Balzac: 586 books

Book cover of La paz del hogar
by Honore de Balzac
Language: Spanish
Release Date: January 28, 2015

"La paz del hogar" es un relato breve que se centra en las relaciones de unos cuantos personajes durante la celebración de una fiesta.
Book cover of Honorina
by Honore de Balzac
Language: Spanish
Release Date: January 15, 2015

Honorina es una mujer de la alta sociedad que abandonó la seguridad de su matrimonio aburrido  por el amor que le profesaba un hombre no muy respetable. Abandonó todo, incluido el respeto, dinero, la posición, la alegría, la belleza… y aquel hombre la dejó tal como ella hizo con su marido.
Book cover of La bourse

La bourse

( Edition intégrale )

by Honoré de Balzac
Language: French
Release Date: April 17, 2018

Un jeune peintre prometteur fait une chute dans son atelier et se réveille dans les bras d'une ravissante inconnue, sa voisine. Mais cette idylle naissante est rapidement contrariée par les soupçons qui pèsent sur cette jeune fille et sa mère. Pourquoi un riche vieillard vient-il chaque...
Book cover of Vendetta (Mobi Classics)
by Honore de Balzac,Katharine Prescott Wormeley (Translator)
Language: English
Release Date: January 1, 2010

In the year 1800, toward the close of October, a foreigner, accompanied by a woman and a little girl, was standing for a long time in front of the palace of the Tuileries, near the ruins of a house recently pulled down, at the point where in our day the wing begins which was intended to unite the chateau...
Book cover of Droll Stories (Mobi Classics)
by Honore de Balzac
Language: English
Release Date: January 1, 2010

This is a book of the highest flavour, full of right hearty merriment, spiced to the palate of the illustrious and very precious tosspots and drinkers, to whom our worthy compatriot, Francois Rabelais, the eternal honour of Touraine, addressed himself. Be it nevertheless understood, the author has no...
Book cover of Ursula
by Honore de Balzac
Language: English
Release Date: March 8, 2015

Entering Nemours by the road to Paris, we cross the canal du Loing, the steep banks of which serve the double purpose of ramparts to the fields and of picturesque promenades for the inhabitants of that pretty little town. Since 1830 several houses had unfortunately been built on the farther side of the...
Book cover of Albert Savarus
by Honore de Balzac
Language: English
Release Date: October 21, 2014

What an ideal being was this Albert--gloomy, unhappy, eloquent, laborious, as compared by Mademoiselle de Watteville to that chubby fat Count, bursting with health, paying compliments, and talking of the fashions in the very face of the splendor of the old counts of Rupt.
Book cover of Ferragus
by Honore de Balzac
Language: English
Release Date: September 1, 2014

A heartbroken cavalry officer, Auguste de Maulincour, is strolling through a rather seedy section of Paris when he happens to spot the object of his unrequited love, a married young woman named Clemence. Even more remarkable is the fact that he sees her furtively entering a house of ill repute. Aghast...
Book cover of Lanetli Çocuk
by Honore de Balzac
Language: Turkish
Release Date: January 1, 2001

Türkçeye ilk kez çevrilen Lanetli Çocuk, her ne kadar aile sırları, aşk, derebeylik üstüne bir roman gibi gözükse de, ilk basıldığında Felsefesel İncelemeler'in içinde yeralıyordu. Tek yönlü bir okuma ile sınırlandırılamayacak tuzaklı bir metin, gizemci bir dille yazılmış...
Book cover of The Hidden Masterpiece
by Honore de Balzac
Language: English
Release Date: March 8, 2015

On a cold morning in December, towards the close of the year 1612, a young man, whose clothing betrayed his poverty, was standing before the door of a house in the Rue des Grands−Augustine, in Paris. After walking to and fro for some time with the hesitation of a lover who fears to approach his mistress,...
Book cover of Verlorene Illusionen
by Honore de Balzac
Language: German
Release Date: August 30, 2013

Ehrgeizig ist der Dichter Lucien de Rubempre, der aus der westfranzösischen Provinzstadt Angoulême nach Paris kommt, um sein Glück zu machen. Der sich mit dem Adelstitel seiner Mutter Schmückende will in die vornehmen Kreise. Doch er bleibt erfolglos, wird aber von dem Journalisten Lousteau in...
Book cover of Ursula (Mobi Classics)
by Honore de Balzac,Katharine Prescott Wormeley (Translator)
Language: English
Release Date: January 1, 2010

Entering Nemours by the road to Paris, we cross the canal du Loing, the steep banks of which serve the double purpose of ramparts to the fields and of picturesque promenades for the inhabitants of that pretty little town. Since 1830 several houses had unfortunately been built on the farther side of the...
Book cover of Vendetta
by Honore de Balzac
Language: English
Release Date: March 8, 2015

In the year 1800, toward the close of October, a foreigner, accompanied by a woman and a little girl, was standing for a long time in front of the palace of the Tuileries, near the ruins of a house recently pulled down, at the point where in our day the wing begins which was intended to unite the chateau...
Language: French
Release Date: May 24, 2016

Les premières pages de ce très court roman nous proposent un foisonnement d'hypothèses sur son héroïne : qui est donc cette Madame Firmiani ? Une « rusée commère » ? Ou « un ange » ?
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