Hermann: 877 books

Book cover of Der Franchisevertrag

Der Franchisevertrag

Fallstricke, Hilfestellungen und Organisationen

by Hermann Riedl, Martin Niklas
Language: German
Release Date: August 31, 2017

Dieses Buch orientiert sich an vielen Erfahrungen aus der Praxis im Bereich Recht und Unternehmenssteuerung und den daraus resultierenden Problemstellungen, teilweise auch anderweitiger Rechtsprechung soweit sie sich direkt auf franchiserelevante Fragestellungen bezieht, oder zumindest dort analog...
Book cover of Synergetic Agents

Synergetic Agents

From Multi-Robot Systems to Molecular Robotics

by Hermann Haken, Paul Levi
Language: English
Release Date: July 18, 2012

This book addresses both multi robot systems and miniaturization to the nanoscale from a unifying point of view, but without leaving aside typical particularities of either. The unifying aspect is based on the concept of information minimization whose precise formulation is the Haken-Levi-principle. The...
Book cover of Complexitools


How to (re)vitalize work and make organizations fit for a complex world

by Niels Pflaeging, Silke Hermann
Language: English
Release Date: June 30, 2018

The practical guide to organizational development and high performance in 21st century dynamics. Complexitools are organizational techniques that are as alive as today´s markets, today´s work, and the challenges organizations are facing today. This book presents smart, contemporary approaches...
Book cover of Juvenile Delinquency in an English Middle Town
by Hermann Mannheim
Language: English
Release Date: August 21, 2013

First published in 1998. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
Book cover of Social Aspects of Crime in England between the Wars
by Hermann Mannheim
Language: English
Release Date: March 11, 2019

Originally published in 1940. This ground-breaking work formed the foundation for modern criminology becoming an academic discipline within UK sociological studies. It concerns the history of crime, its causes and treatment in England during the preceding twenty-five years or so. Mannheim, through...
Book cover of Crystallization Modalities in Polymer Melt Processing

Crystallization Modalities in Polymer Melt Processing

Fundamental Aspects of Structure Formation

by Hermann Janeschitz-Kriegl
Language: English
Release Date: September 18, 2009

Structure formation in crystallizing polymers, as occurring during processing, has not been treated so far in a coherent form. This fact explains, why this monograph is written as the ?rst book devoted to this subject. A quarter of a century ago the underdevelopment of this subject was obvious. Trial...
Book cover of Capitalism and the Political Economy of Work Time
by Christoph Hermann
Language: English
Release Date: October 17, 2014

John Maynard Keynes expected that around the year 2030 people would only work 15 hours a week. In the mid-1960s, Jean Fourastié still anticipated the introduction of the 30-hour week in the year 2000, when productivity would continue to grow at an established pace. Productivity growth slowed down...
Book cover of The Brewing Industry and the Brewery Workers' Movement in America
by Hermann Schluter
Language: English
Release Date: August 25, 2017

This vintage book contains a detailed history of the beer brewing industry, with a special focus on the Brewery Workers' Movement in America. With extensive historical information and details of notable events and advancements, this is a volume that will appeal to those with an interest in the development...
Book cover of Handbook of Manufacturing Control

Handbook of Manufacturing Control

Fundamentals, description, configuration

by Hermann Lödding
Language: English
Release Date: December 13, 2012

Unternehmen mit kurzen Lieferzeiten, hoher Liefertreue und niedrigen Beständen wachsen schnell und erzielen hohe Gewinne. Wie Unternehmen diese logistische Herausforderung meistern können, zeigt das Buch anhand von aktuellen Forschungsergebnissen der Leibniz Universität Hannover. Der Band gibt...
Book cover of The Risks of Nuclear Energy Technology

The Risks of Nuclear Energy Technology

Safety Concepts of Light Water Reactors

by Günter Kessler, Anke Veser, Franz-Hermann Schlüter
Language: English
Release Date: August 22, 2014

The book analyses the risks of nuclear power stations. The security concept of reactors is explained. Measures against the spread of radioactivity after a severe accident, accidents of core melting and a possible crash of an air plane on reactor containment are discussed. The book covers three scientific...
Book cover of Introduction to Wind Energy Systems

Introduction to Wind Energy Systems

Basics, Technology and Operation

by Hermann-Josef Wagner, Jyotirmay Mathur
Language: English
Release Date: October 8, 2012

The present book was written to address the needs of those readers interested in wind energy converters. The authors have tried to strike a balance between a short book chapter and a very detailed book for experts in the field. There were three prime reasons behind doing so: first, the field is highly...
Book cover of Introduction to Wind Energy Systems

Introduction to Wind Energy Systems

Basics, Technology and Operation

by Hermann-Josef Wagner, Jyotirmay Mathur
Language: English
Release Date: September 3, 2009

Authors have tried to strike a balance between a short book chapter and a very detailed book for subject experts. There were three prime reasons behind doing so: first, the field is quite interdisciplinary and requires simplified presentation for a person from non-parent discipline. Second reason...
Book cover of Crystallography and Surface Structure

Crystallography and Surface Structure

An Introduction for Surface Scientists and Nanoscientists

by Klaus Hermann
Language: English
Release Date: April 8, 2011

A valuable learning tool as well as a reference, this book provides students and researchers in surface science and nanoscience with the theoretical crystallographic foundations, which are necessary to understand local geometries and symmetries of bulk crystals, including ideal single crystal surfaces....
Book cover of Auftragsmanagement der industriellen Produktion

Auftragsmanagement der industriellen Produktion

Grundlagen, Konfiguration, Einführung

by Hans-Hermann Wiendahl
Language: German
Release Date: September 22, 2011

Mit der Globalisierung rückt die Logistik als Wettbewerbsfaktor für Produktionsunternehmen zunehmend in den Vordergrund. In dem Band wird erstmals ein ganzheitlicher, sozio-technischer Ansatz für das Auftragsmanagement in der industriellen Produktion vorgestellt, der die Wechselwirkungen zwischen...
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