Han Han: 492 books

Book cover of Convalescenza
by Kang Han
Language: Italian
Release Date: May 30, 2019

Una donna cerca risposta agli interrogativi che la morte della sorella ha lasciato insoluti: perché, senza un motivo apparente, aveva cominciato a detestarla? Perché, pur essendo in tutto più dotata, si sentiva inferiore a lei? Perché sembrava tenere la vita a distanza, «come se scansasse del...
Book cover of Philosophy and Exegesis in Simplicius

Philosophy and Exegesis in Simplicius

The Methodology of a Commentator

by Han Baltussen
Language: English
Release Date: December 12, 2013

This is the first book-length study in English of the interpretative and philosophical approach of the commentaries of Simplicius of Cilicia (c. AD 530). Simplicius' work, marked by doctrinal complexity and scholarship, is unusually self-conscious, learned and rich in its sources, and he is therefore...
Book cover of Representation and Scepticism from Aquinas to Descartes
by Han Thomas Adriaenssen
Language: English
Release Date: April 13, 2017

In this book Han Thomas Adriaenssen offers the first comparative exploration of the sceptical reception of representationalism in medieval and early modern philosophy. Descartes is traditionally credited with inaugurating a new kind of scepticism by saying that the direct objects of perception are...
Book cover of Royal National Park
by Connie Han
Language: English
Release Date: June 23, 2015

"Australian is my home" series lead you to know about Australia, a beautiful country we are living in. Words are made simple for beginner readers. You could use it as a entry level reading book to help kid learn. You could also use it as a book help kids learn more about this world. Each page contains...
Book cover of We Are At The Airport
by Connie Han
Language: English
Release Date: July 1, 2015

The idea of this book came from an article I read on newspaper, which gave some examples on how modern airports are turning themselves into big shopping center and playground. You probably won’t believe it: Singapore Changi airport has world’s tallest slide, a cactus garden, a sunflower garden...
Book cover of Vivid Sydney
by Connie Han
Language: English
Release Date: June 20, 2015

Vivid Sydney is a festival of light, music and idea. I took my son to the light show and he enjoyed it so much. The book is one of the "Australia is my home" series, which will help people learn more about Australia, a beautiful country where we are living in. The text of book is made simple to suit...
Book cover of Comment supprimer vos douleurs
by Ho-Han Chang
Language: French
Release Date: November 23, 2012

« Supprimez vos Douleurs» Ho-Han Chang   1. « Une thérapie naturelle qui permet de remplacer la plupart des médicaments achetés sans ordonnance » ! PAGE 5 2. La raison de toutes les douleurs physiques --- selon la médecine...
Book cover of Une mission trop périlleuse - Une mystérieuse menace
by Barb Han, Cassie Miles
Language: French
Release Date: November 1, 2017

Une mission trop périlleuse, Barb Han Folle de rage, Alice se débat pour échapper aux griffes du rancher musclé qui vient de l’arracher malgré elle aux criminels qu’elle traquait depuis des jours. Sans le savoir, il a fait capoter sa mission d’infiltration, et elle ignore à présent comment...
Book cover of Denk mal! 2017

Denk mal! 2017

Anregungen von Harald Welzer, Güner Yasemin Balci, Nils Minkmar, Ahmad Mansour, Byung-Chul Han u.a.

by Güner Yasemin Balci, Ahmad Mansour, Byung-Chul Han
Language: German
Release Date: July 28, 2016

In diesem Band sind einige der klügsten Köpfe der Gegenwart versammelt. Sie bieten uns ein Kaleidoskop an Ideen, Impulsen und Anregungen zum Nachdenken, die uns Hinweise und Antworten auf die wichtigsten Fragen unserer Zeit liefern. Das klügste Geschenk des Jahres!Mit Beiträgen u.a. von Tilman Allert, Güner Balci, Martin Seel, Harald Welzer, Nils Minkmar und Ahmad Mansour.
Book cover of Hunter on a Moonless Night
by Elena Han
Language: English
Release Date: March 3, 2013

Lord Duinel only returns home once a year, when something savage rides across his lands under a moonless sky. He's resigned to the curse--until he meets Nimae, a young woman at ease in the stables and the woods. She intrigues him; she makes him laugh. And although she's been marked as the dark hunter’s...
Book cover of Les disparues du Wyoming - On a enlevé Aubrey
by Rachel Lee, Barb Han
Language: French
Release Date: August 1, 2019

Les disparues du Wyoming, Rachel Lee Par une nuit d’hiver glaciale, trois lycéennes disparaissent en pleine tempête de neige. Persuadée que les jeunes filles ont été enlevées par un prédateur solitaire, Kelly, adjointe du shérif, organise une battue pour les retrouver. Mais les conditions...
Book cover of De laatste profeet en de giganten
by Han Peeters
Language: Dutch
Release Date: March 9, 2015

OrlandO van Straten (18 jaar) wordt door zijn biologische vader Kronos naar een verre planeet gestuurd om daar orde op zaken te stellen. Tijdens zijn missie dreigt de mensheid op aarde te worden aangevallen door de Giganten, reusachtige reptielen die staan voor het kwaad in het universum. Emile van...
Book cover of Boeddhisme voor denkers
by Han F de Wit, Jeroen Hopster
Language: Dutch
Release Date: June 10, 2014

Onderzoekspsycholoog en boeddhistische leraar Han de Wit en de jonge filosoof en historicus Jeroen Hopster vergelijken in het boek 'Boeddhisme voor denkers' de boeddhistische traditie en de westerse filosofie. Er blijken overeenkomsten én verschillen te bestaan. Een verschil ligt in de innerlijke...
Book cover of Mensenwerk
by Han Kang
Language: Dutch
Release Date: January 12, 2016

Zuid-Korea, 1980. In de zuidelijke stad Gwangju vindt in de nasleep van de moord op de militaire dictator Park Chung Hee een studentenopstand plaats, die gevolgd wordt door brute represailles en een afkondiging van de krijgswet. Terwijl de veertienjarige Dong-ho tussen het almaar groter wordende aantal...
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