Hammer: 191 books

Book cover of Ice Melts in the Wind: The Seasonal Poems of the Kokinshu
by Larry Hammer
Language: English
Release Date: November 1, 2018

The Kokinshu, compiled around 905 C.E. in 20 thematic books, was the first imperial anthology of Japanese poetry. It defined the acceptable topics, diction, imagery, and style of court poetry for the next thousand years. Haiku poets took many cues from this tradition, including giving primacy to seasonal...
Book cover of These Things Called Dreams: The Poems of Ono no Komachi
by Larry Hammer
Language: English
Release Date: February 26, 2019

Ono no Komachi is generally recognized as Japan’s greatest love poet before modern times. For most of history, however, she was better known for her legendary beauty and supposed numerous affairs. The texts behind her reputation reveal her to have been superb poetic technician and author of some...
Book cover of Nächster Halt: Dschihad
by Agnes Hammer
Language: German
Release Date: January 18, 2016

Was treibt junge Menschen an, im Namen einer Religion zu morden? Auf der wahren Grundlage des gescheiterten Kofferbombenattentats im Kölner Hauptbahnhof von 2005 greift Agnes Hammer eine hochaktuelle Frage auf: Mit großer Sensibilität und Respekt wirft sie mit der Geschichte von Max und Adil zahlreiche...
Book cover of Shifts
by Wayne Hammer
Language: English
Release Date: September 11, 2015

After fighting in a dirty little war against rebel insurgents, Michael Duchesne returns to the United States with an adopted son and a secret that could tear his family apart. In an effort to keep them safe, he severs all ties with his military past, building a successful career as a civil engineer....
Book cover of Studying Distant Galaxies

Studying Distant Galaxies

A Handbook of Methods and Analyses

by Mathieu Puech, François Hammer, Hector Flores;Myriam Rodrigues
Language: English
Release Date: November 15, 2016

Distant galaxies encapsulate the various stages of galaxy evolution and formation from over 95% of the development of the universe. As early as twenty-five years ago, little was known about them, however since the first systematic survey was completed in the 1990s, increasing amounts of resources...
Book cover of Geweld
by Lotte Hammer, Soren Hammer
Language: Dutch
Release Date: February 12, 2013

Op een groot landgoed buiten Kopenhagen wordt in een meer met de bijnaam `het Duivelsveen het lichaam van een jonge vrouw gevonden. Niemand mist haar, niemand zoekt haar en het lichaam ligt er al een jaar. Het blijkt te gaan om de zestienjarige Nigeriaanse Jessica en de plaatselijke politie staat...
Book cover of eXXXit
by John Hammer
Language: English
Release Date: July 17, 2014

Pornography is a multibillion dollar a year industry that enslaves millions of men and women, including many Christians, in a hideous addiction to sex, lust and immorality. Once trapped, many of these victims long desperately for a-way out but find they cannot do it on their own. As its title suggests,...
Book cover of The Dot On the I In History: Of Gentiles and Jews—a Hebrew Odyssey Scrolling the Internet
by Michael B. Hammer
Language: English
Release Date: December 14, 2017

The inspiration author Michael B. Hammer received when speaking with others about the Israeli-Palestinian problem led to The Dot on the I in History: On Gentiles and Jews—Scrolling the Internet with the goal of helping others better understand the problem. When the issues involve intertribal, interracial,...
Book cover of Verraad
by Lotte Hammer, Soren Hammer
Language: Dutch
Release Date: May 8, 2012

Een ijzersterke Deense thriller voor de liefhebbers van Jussi Adler-Olsen en de tv-serie The Killing. DEEL 3 IN DE HOOFDINSPECTEUR KONRAD SIMONSEN-REEKS Nadat hij is hersteld van een zware hartaanval keert hoofdinspecteur Konrad Simonsen terug naar de afdeling Moordzaken van de politie...
Book cover of Wraak
by Lotte Hammer, Soren Hammer
Language: Dutch
Release Date: May 9, 2011

DEEL 2 IN DE HOOFD-INSPECTEUR KONRAD SIMONSEN-REEKS De koelbloedigste seriemoordenaar van Denemarken is eindelijk opgespoord. Er is één probleem: de politie heeft geen enkel bewijs. Hoofdinspecteur Konrad Simonsen van de politie in Kopenhagen wordt naar een plaats delict in Groenland...
Book cover of Kids Cook
by Joanna Hammer
Language: English
Release Date: August 9, 2017

Kids Cook Cooking Class With 45 Fun and Healthy Dishes For Young Chiefs This is a very important book worthy being included in your library. In contains all the kinds of foods that children between the age of three and seven can easily prepare whether under guidance of alone, but after a very...
Book cover of Kommunikation im Cyberspace
by Patrick Hammer, Clemens Marschner
Language: German
Release Date: May 15, 2007

Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2000 im Fachbereich Medien / Kommunikation - Multimedia, Internet, neue Technologien, Note: 1, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Veranstaltung: Hauptseminar Multimedia, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Diese Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit Mensch-zu-Mensch-Kommunikation...
Book cover of Das Beste kommt noch - Männer im Unruhestand

Das Beste kommt noch - Männer im Unruhestand

Erfahrungen - Orientierungen - Tipps

by Eckart Hammer
Language: German
Release Date: November 27, 2014

Was tun Männer, wenn morgens der Wecker nicht mehr klingelt? Nach seinem Erfolgsbuch »Männer altern anders« bietet Eckart Hammer nun Anregungen, Tipps und Berichte für die nachberufliche Zeit: vom selbst organisierten Lernen über bürgerschaftliches Engagement oder Tätigkeit in Generationenprojekten...
Book cover of Unterschätzt: Männer in der Angehörigenpflege

Unterschätzt: Männer in der Angehörigenpflege

Was sie leisten und welche Unterstützung sie brauchen

by Eckart Hammer
Language: German
Release Date: February 27, 2014

1,8 Millionen Männer pflegen ihre Frauen, Mütter oder andere Angehörige zu Hause. Das sind 35 Prozent der Pflegenden: Pflege ist längst auch Männersache - obwohl alle Welt nur über die Leistung der Frauen in der Pflege spricht. Eckart Hammer holt die pflegenden Männer aus dem Schattendasein,...
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