Gloria: 1114 books

Book cover of Enfoque histórico‐cultural: outros problemas de las prácticas profesionales - Ecos 3
by Guillermo Arias Beatón, Gloria Fariñas León, Rina Pedrol Troiteiro
Language: Spanish
Release Date: December 20, 2017

La presente publicación en tres volúmenes tiene la intención de divulgar qué hacemos cubanos y brasileños, en la actualidad con el legado del Enfoque Histórico- Cultural. Los trabajos que aquí se publican fueron los presentados y debatidos en el evento, denominado VII Conferencia Internacional...
Book cover of Experiencias escolares

Experiencias escolares

Sujetos y territorios

by Gloria Borioli
Language: Spanish
Release Date: June 6, 2016

Advirtiendo tensiones institucionales y escuchando una diversidad de voces, el equipo autor de este libro procura dar cuenta de algunos resultados de su labor investigativa en una escuela preuniversitaria cordobesa signada por la reflexión y la acción. En efecto, se trata de un establecimiento...
Book cover of Los estudiantes de grado

Los estudiantes de grado

Sus actividades de investigación

by Hugo Darío Echevarría, Gloria Vadori
Language: Spanish
Release Date: November 30, 2012

Este libro sintetiza los principales resultados, logrados en dos proyectos de tipo exploratorios relacionados a la investigación de los alumnos universitarios. El primero se realizó desde el punto de vista psicogenético, indagando las etapas que atravesaban los alumnos cuando aprendían a investigar....
Book cover of Competencias genéricas

Competencias genéricas

La escuela media más allá de las disciplinas

by Enrique Bambozzi, Gloria Vadori
Language: Spanish
Release Date: November 16, 2012

Las culturas institucionales de las Escuelas Medias habilitan la construcción de  aprendizajes (competencias) que no están necesariamente vinculados a los campos disciplinares. En este sentido, el objetivo de la presente investigación es identificar competencias genéricas que gravitan de manera...
Book cover of Gestión pedagógica

Gestión pedagógica

Aportes desde la investigación educativa

by Eduardo Marzolla, Enrique Bambozzi, Gloria Vadori
Language: Spanish
Release Date: November 16, 2012

Investigar en el campo de la gestión directiva y producir un conocimiento que aporte a la construcción de Políticas Públicas de Inclusión ha sido el objeto de esta línea de investigación que demuestra que los directivos de escuela media, entendidos como actores, despliegan distintas prácticas...
Book cover of Up the Downside
by Gloria Dunbar
Language: English
Release Date: May 30, 2017

Valerie Taylor is a young lady who has it allbeauty, brains, and a bright future. She yearns for romance, but she just doesnt seem able to get it right. She has a couple of back-to-back affairs with Anton, who deceives her for another, and Bobby, who is staunchly married to his career. Valerie discovers...
Book cover of Charity and Sacrifice
by Gloria Oliver
Language: English
Release Date: October 14, 2016

All Elizabeth hoped to do was to rekindle the love in her marriage. Yet despite ignoring her social obligations and immersing herself in her husband's important work, somehow this only made things worse.Her last hope is her unborn child, a source of unrequited love to fill the void inside her....
Book cover of Addie's One Wish to The Brightest Star
by Gloria St. Joy
Language: English
Release Date: April 11, 2017

Eight-year old Addie Zanini has one big wish. Every night she holds her favorite doll Sophie, as she pictures her wish floating up to the brightest star. She calls it, “The Lucky star.” Discover the wonder of a little girl’s imagination, curiosity, and creativity as she looks forward...
Book cover of Broken Ties
by Gloria Davidson Marlow
Language: English
Release Date: November 14, 2014

Sidra Martin not only can’t remember her childhood before she was found on a Florida roadside and placed in a foster home, she can’t understand why she dislikes—no, make that fears—Christmas trees and anything else to do with the holiday. What is wrong with her? Sidra’s boss, Private Investigator...
Book cover of Sweet Sacrifices
by Gloria Davidson Marlow
Language: English
Release Date: July 1, 2010

With few clues to go on and a newborn baby in tow, Kendall James sets out on a journey to find her wayward husband. What she finds when she arrives at his family's estate, however, is a lifetime of secrets that shatter her illusions, put her life in danger, and offer her a love she never expected....
Book cover of How to Land a Top-Paying Maintenance electricians Job: Your Complete Guide to Opportunities, Resumes and Cover Letters, Interviews, Salaries, Promotions, What to Expect From Recruiters and More
by Knowles Gloria
Language: English
Release Date: October 24, 2012

For the first time, a book exists that compiles all the information candidates need to apply for their first Maintenance electricians job, or to apply for a better job. What you'll find especially helpful are the worksheets. It is so much easier to write about a work experience using these outlines....
Book cover of 失控的數據:數字管理的誤用與濫用,如何影響我們的生活與工作,甚至引發災難
by 傑瑞‧穆勒(Jerry Z. Muller), 張國儀(Gloria Chang)
Language: Chinese
Release Date: July 1, 2019

錯誤的量化評鑑正逐漸扭曲我們的認知, 成為操弄人心的手法! ★ 諾貝爾經濟學獎得主喬治‧艾克羅夫 大師推薦 ★ 哈佛商學院院長拉凱許‧古拉納 強力推薦 ★ 2019年海耶克圖書獎決選入圍 醫院拚三十天內的術後存活率,於是想盡方法讓病人活到第三十一天才過世?! 銀行集團拚業績,竟演變成集體詐欺案,造假、盜用客戶個資樣樣來**?!** 警方為降低犯罪率,可能淪為大案不抓、專查小案,好讓數字更漂亮**?!** 大學教員犧牲研究、教學時間,製作各式厚重卻未必有人認真看的評鑑資料**?!** 慈善組織為達公開透明的標準,反而陷入「低支出」、「高產值」的惡性循環**?!** 企業為滿足季營收目標,改將資源轉移到短期項目上,擱置長期發展計畫**?!** 這些案例若令你感到荒謬,別笑,它們都是現在進行式。 在許多情況下,根據標準化評量來做出決策,確實比根據個人經驗與專業所做的判斷要好得多。然而世人對於數字管理和量化數據,已經到了盲信的地步,不僅常忽略數據背後的演算法是否合理,也往往無視這些指標到底有沒有實質意義。 傑瑞‧穆勒教授透過本書,解析人們沉迷量化評鑑機制帶來的後果,書中整理醫療、教育、企業、政府、軍警、金融投資、慈善事業等不同領域的案例,帶領讀者了解數據的誤用如何影響、甚至宰制了我們的生活。比方說,當我們太在乎醫院的開刀成功率時,是否變相造成重症病人被拒收的悲劇?當我們太過相信「好的績效必須立即可見」時,反而助長短視主義,長遠規劃可能被評為效益不彰,而沒有人想做? 作者並非反對使用數據,而是指出我們不該忘記,數據是用來輔助我們做判斷的工具,不是直接替代專業經驗的資訊,書末並提供何時和如何使用指標的提醒。對於活在大數據時代的我們來說,想從數字管理中受益不受害,本書值得借鑑並做為警惕。 各界推薦 黃益中(公民教師、《思辨》作者)、 黃捷(高雄市議員)、 萬惡的人力資源主管(作家)、 齊立文(《經理人月刊》總編輯)、 歐陽立中(作家‧教師)、 顏聖紘(中山大學生物學系副教授)、 顏擇雅(出版人‧作家)、 蘇書平(先行智庫/為你而讀執行長) ──共同推薦 穆勒真實再現「數字評估」造成的種種危害,不管是在學校、醫院、軍隊以及商場中,本書指出一個重大的問題。──喬治‧艾克羅夫(George...
Book cover of Red Hot Erotic

Red Hot Erotic

69 x berauschender Sex

by Hannah Parker, Jenny Prinz, Maggy Dor
Language: German
Release Date: January 1, 2010

Rot steht für Liebe, Sünde, die Glut der Leidenschaft. Das alles und noch vieles mehr hält diese lustvolle Sammlung freizügig erotischer Kurzgeschichten für Sie bereit. In 69 scharfen Erzählungen wird Begehren geschürt – und Verlangen, das gestillt werden will ... "Volle Lippen öffneten...
Book cover of Are You Interested?
by Gloria Banks Redner
Language: English
Release Date: July 13, 2012

You are the reader. Inside these covers…become a detective!  Are the chapters in this book truth or fiction?  Did this happen to me? Maybe “yes,” maybe “no.”  Did this happen to you? Maybe “yes,” maybe “no.”  Did this happen to someone you know?  ...
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