Gloria: 1114 books

Book cover of Il magico potere dell'acqua...
by Stefano Puviani E Gloria Malagoli
Language: Italian
Release Date: February 9, 2016

Questa raccolta fotografica è dedicata alla maestosità dell’acqua in tutte le sue straordinarie espressioni, partendo da quelle più rumorose e impetuose dei fiumi in piena, dei torrenti e delle cascate fino ad arrivare a quelle più quiete e tranquille dei laghi e dei ruscelli. Il mio intento...
Book cover of We Did It
by Gloria Lapin
Language: English
Release Date: November 24, 2012

Learning to read can be a daunting task for some readers. Since unlocking the reading code can be difficult, it helps to have material specifically designed for beginning readers. "We Did It" contains about 100 easy to sound out short vowel words (CVC) and is filled with supportive illustrations....
Book cover of Zoe's Naked City Council Meeting

Zoe's Naked City Council Meeting

A Fantasy of the Permanude Universe

by Gloria
Language: English
Release Date: May 29, 2019

Zoe’s adventures continue to take her some amazing places! She gains a new group of friends to ‘help’ her, Stan, and the others in the drug trial reach orgasms faster. Not only that, but there’s a huge event held at Central Park for all lifestyles. Can Zoe and her friends fuck as long as they...
Book cover of Holly's Naked Island School

Holly's Naked Island School

A Novel of the Permanude Universe

by Gloria
Language: English
Release Date: July 25, 2019

It's Holly's first day at her new school and she's having one of those ‘naked in school’ dreams. Only she's the one in the shirt and shorts. It's half her classmates that are naked! After six months of searching for a job, her dad accepted one on a south sea island. The tour books had little...
Book cover of Kat's College Goes Naked

Kat's College Goes Naked

A Fantasy of the Permanude Universe

by Gloria
Language: English
Release Date: August 19, 2019

Kat is a good girl. She's starting her Junior year at Seagull U working hard to keep the 3.5 average she needs for her scholarship. She intends to be the first in her family to ever graduate from college. Then some students get enough signatures for a petition to force a vote. Should the campus...
Book cover of Paradise Ain't Perfect

Paradise Ain't Perfect

But It Sure Comes Close

by Gloria Jackson
Language: English
Release Date: April 12, 2015

Book cover of Warm Dust, Summer Rain
by Gloria Nero
Language: English
Release Date: September 9, 2005

When Doug Rainey, a despairing poet, whom the author draws as a central character, drowns in a New York City reservoir he leaves sorrow and mystery in his wake. Warm Dust, Summer Rain deals in an arresting and unique way with the sometimes strange behavior of those left behind to grieve. Deirdre...
Book cover of La reputazione

La reputazione

Chi dice che cosa di chi

by Gloria Origgi
Language: Italian
Release Date: September 13, 2016

Come si crea o si distrugge la reputazione? Le ragioni di un anonimato prolungato o di una celebrità folgorante, del peggioramento o del miglioramento della nostra immagine, per lo più ci sfuggono. Eppure la reputazione attraversa da un capo all'altro le nostre vite. Da un lato ci preoccupiamo talmente...
Book cover of Juegos de poder
by Gloria Lomana
Language: Spanish
Release Date: November 14, 2017

Juegos de poder nos revela una trastienda en los medios de comunicación que, de existir, pone los pelos de punta. Al juicio del lector queda cuánto hay en estas páginas de realidad y cuánto de ficción… Gloria Lomana, directora de informativos de Antena 3 (2003-2016), nos revela en esta...
Book cover of Retos del constitucionalismo pluralista
by Gloria Amparo, Rodríguez, Gloria Patricia Lopera
Language: Spanish
Release Date: January 28, 2017

Este libro incluye las visiones de diferentes autores que, desde la academia y los movimientos sociales, han reflexionado sobre los derechos de los pueblos indígenas, afrodescendientes y demás poblaciones con el fin de establecer el sentido del constitucionalismo pluralista, realizar un balance...
Book cover of Cómo hablar con un conservador (Edición mexicana)

Cómo hablar con un conservador (Edición mexicana)

Un ensayo sobre las diferencias entre liberalismo y conservadurismo

by Gloria Álvarez Cross
Language: Spanish
Release Date: June 14, 2019

En su tercer libro, Gloria Álvarez nos presenta un trabajo necesario para comprender aquellos temas en los que conservadores y libertarios difieren con el objetivo de preguntarnos qué ideario presenta mejores soluciones para las demandas del siglo XXI. Entre ese péndulo totalitario donde...
Book cover of Kat the Naked Wrestler

Kat the Naked Wrestler

A Fantasy of the Permanude Universe

by Gloria
Language: English
Release Date: September 1, 2019

This is volume 2 in Kat’s adventures when her college voted to go Permanude. She was too busy studying to vote. She hated the idea at first, but now she's starting to love it. She's got a boyfriend she loves to have sex with. There are small carts on campus offering all sorts of jewelry to...
Book cover of I bambini ci guardano...
by Stefano Puviani E Gloria Malagoli
Language: Italian
Release Date: January 11, 2016

Questa raccolta fotografica racconta di bambini che popolano gli angoli della Terra e che osservano il mondo di noi adulti, carico di contraddizioni, di violenza, di intolleranza. Un mondo incapace di mostrarci come modelli validi da imitare, utili per la loro crescita di individui equilibrati, sani...
Book cover of La sacralità della Natura
by Stefano Puviani E Gloria Malagoli
Language: Italian
Release Date: February 21, 2016

Questa raccolta fotografica è dedicata alla Natura in tutta la sua magnificenza: dalle agresti terre modenesi, ai silenziosi deserti, alle valli sconfinate, alle vette mozzafiato del Paese delle Nevi, fino alla selvaggia savana coi suoi mille colori e profumi. La sensazione che si avverte scorrendo...
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