Georgina: 236 books

Book cover of A Better World is Possible

A Better World is Possible

The Gatsby Charitable Foundation and Social Progress

by Georgina Ferry
Language: English
Release Date: September 7, 2017

On 17 March 1967, the 26-year-old David Sainsbury wrote out a cheque for £5 and established the trust which would become the Gatsby Charitable Foundation. Gatsby's purpose was ambitious: to make the world a better place by taking on some of the social, economic and scientific challenges that face...
Book cover of Politics and Aesthetics of the Female Form, 1908-1918
by Georgina Williams
Language: English
Release Date: April 11, 2018

This book examines the pictorial representation of women in Great Britain both before and during the First World War. It focuses in particular on imagery related to suffrage movements, recruitment campaigns connected to the war, advertising, and Modernist art movements including Vorticism. This investigation...
Book cover of Wie zij was
by Georgina Harding
Language: Dutch
Release Date: June 17, 2011

Een ijskoude ochtend in Engeland, januari 1961. De moeder van de achtjarige Anna verdwijnt voor altijd in het niets. Een vluchtige kus, een laatste groet door de met ijs beslagen ruiten en ze is vertrokken. Later die dag hoort Anna dat haar moeder bij een ongeluk is omgekomen. De volwassenen hullen...
Book cover of The Newspapering Murrays

The Newspapering Murrays

The story of 'Ma' Murray, a pioneer newspaper woman who became a legend in her own time.

by Georgina Keddell, Conrad Black
Language: English
Release Date: January 31, 2017

The story of Margaret 'Ma' Murray, a pioneer newspaper woman who became a legend in her own time. Introductory notes by Conrad Black
Book cover of Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin

Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin

Patterns, Proteins and Peace: A Life in Science

by Georgina Ferry
Language: English
Release Date: September 11, 2014

Shortlisted for the Duff Cooper Prize and the Marsh Biography Award Dorothy Hodgkin (1910-1994) was renowned for her important work on penicillin, vitamin B12 and insulin. Fully engaged with the political and social currents of her time, she participated in some of the greatest upheavals of...
Book cover of Comunicación persuasiva para la entrevista de trabajo
by Georgina Aran Selvaggio
Language: Spanish
Release Date: October 7, 2015

La deseada capacidad de persuadir requiere impactar en los demás, conseguir no solo que presten atención a lo que quieres, sino que además les guste, les convenza y lo recuerden. Para comunicar de manera convincente y proyectar tus capacidades es tan importante conocerte a ti mismo como conocer...
Book cover of The A Circuit
by Georgina Bloomberg, Catherine Hapka
Language: English
Release Date: May 24, 2011

The A Circuit is the top of the top when it comes to horse showing. It's a world with its own rules and super-privileged lifestyles. Teens employ private tutors so they can travel the circuit all year showing horses that cost as much as some people's homes. Tommi, Kate, and Zara are all elite competitors...
Book cover of My Favorite Mistake

My Favorite Mistake

An A Circuit Novel

by Georgina Bloomberg, Catherine Hapka
Language: English
Release Date: March 13, 2012

Tommi, Kate, and Zara are well established in the world of elite horse showing. But being a pro in your sport doesn't mean you're a pro in your social life. Tommi, the billionaire heiress, is training a young horse to prove to her father that she can make horses a real career. But when her...
Book cover of Rein It In

Rein It In

An A Circuit Novel

by Georgina Bloomberg, Catherine Hapka
Language: English
Release Date: August 27, 2013

The A circuit's notorious new gossip blog is all anyone can talk about. Rumors about Kate are threatening her horse show career and her relationship with Fitz. Zara is mad when her riding ability is questioned. Tommi is riding the high of selling the horse she trained all summer. But the blog is speculating...
Book cover of S.O.S Tengo mi primera cita
by Georgina Dritsos
Language: Spanish
Release Date: March 20, 2017

Todavía faltan varias horas para LA cita con ÉL… No hay ninguna prisa. La casa está tranquila, pero en tu interior estás muerta de miedo, nerviosa, alterada. Tu cabeza es un torbellino de pensamientos, de inseguridades. No puedes evitar pensar: ¿y si algo sale mal? ¿Si no lo paso bien con...
Book cover of The Science of Survival: OUCH!

The Science of Survival: OUCH!

Extreme Feats of Human Endurance

by Georgina Phillips
Language: English
Release Date: September 4, 2008

Snakes alive, people get up to some weird stuff! This fast-paced, entertaining and informative book is packed with stories of extreme human endurance throughout history. Read about amazing escapologist Harry Houdini, arctic explorer Ernest Shackleton, the crew of Apollo 13, the scientists who experimented...
Book cover of Christy Brown

Christy Brown

The Life That Inspired My Left Foot

by Georgina Louise Hambleton
Language: English
Release Date: September 2, 2011

Christy Brown was severely disabled with cerebral palsy, unable to use any part of his body other than his left foot. Doctors said he was a 'mental defective' and that he would never be able to lead any kind of normal life; Christy proved them wrong. His mother taught him to write using chalk...
Book cover of El cambio climático

El cambio climático

Causas, efectos y soluciones

by Mario Molina, José Sarukhán, Julia Carabias
Language: Spanish
Release Date: August 17, 2017

En "El cambio climático" se ofrecen un compendio conciso, tanto de los elementos científicos básicos del conocimiento acerca del cambio climático, la modificación de la composición química de la atmósfera y sus repercusiones en los climas del planeta, como en aspectos relacionados...
Book cover of Harvard Classics Volume 42

Harvard Classics Volume 42

English Poetry 3: Tennyson To Whitman

by Alfred, Lord Tennyson, Golden Deer Classics
Language: English
Release Date: September 3, 2017

Contents: 1. Use Preview To See Table of Contents Inside Also available: The Complete Harvard Classics Collection (51 Volumes + The Harvard Classic Shelf Of Fiction) 50 Masterpieces You Have To Read Before You Die (Golden Deer Classics)
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