Fred: 2346 books

Book cover of Jour J T13

Jour J T13

Colomb Pacha

by Emem, Fred Blanchard
Language: French
Release Date: June 5, 2013

Sortir les images et les mots des livres d'histoire pour leur donner une nouvelle vie, un nouvel éclairage, au travers d'albums de bande dessinée... Comment ? Grâce à deux simples mots : "Et si"... Pour son expédition, le marin Colomb se convertit à l'Islam et s'associe à des...
Book cover of Der Tag X, Band 5 - Die Republik der Sklaven
by Fred Duval, Jean-Pierre Pecau
Language: German
Release Date: December 29, 2017

58 vor Christus: Die von Spartacus freigelassenen Sklaven haben in Sizilien ihre eigene Republik gegründet. Doch auch hier finden sie keinen Frieden und ein neuer Krieg droht. Julius Caesar will die Republik der freien Männer zurückerobern!
Book cover of Vercingétorix
by Didier Convard, Fred Vignaux, Stéphane Bourdin
Language: French
Release Date: March 5, 2014

La Guerre des Gaules À l’âge de cinq ans, Vercingétorix vit son père condamné au bucher par les siens pour avoir osé se prétendre roi des peuples gaulois. Nourri de la même ambition, le jeune Arverne apprend la discipline militaire en réalisant ses classes auprès de la puissante...
Book cover of O Coração do Cão Negro
by Cesar Alcázar, Fred Rubim
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: April 20, 2016

Anrath, o mercenário irlandês conhecido como o "Cão Negro de Clontarf", é um homem atormentado. Nascido gaélico, foi criado entre os Vikings. O destino fez dele um renegado, um guerreiro condenado a vagar entre duas culturas sem pertencer a nenhuma. Contratado pelo misterioso Inglês...
Book cover of Une vie avec Alexandra David Néel
by Fred Campoy
Language: French
Release Date: February 3, 2016

La jeune Marie-Madeleine entre au service d’une vieille femme despotique : Alexandra David-Néel, exploratrice, philosophe, écrivain, qui fut, au début du siècle, la première femme blanche à entrer au Tibet.Dans la villa de Digne où s’entassent les souvenirs de 14 années passées en Asie, Marie-Madeleine se retrouve plongée dans la vie exceptionnelle de l’aventurière.
Book cover of Moriarty T02

Moriarty T02

Empire mécanique 2/2

by Fred Duval, Jean-Pierre Pécau, Stevan Subic
Language: French
Release Date: June 5, 2019

Comment Moriarty peut-il encore mettre des bâtons dans les roues de Sherlock Holmes quand ce dernier jure l'avoir vu mourir ? L'enquête se boucle et toutes les réponses sont enfin révélées. Londres, 1899 « It's raining men ». Pour être plus précis, de monstrueux Hyde tombent du ciel pour...
Book cover of Lincoln
by Fred Duval, Roberto Meli, Farid Ameur
Language: French
Release Date: June 13, 2018

« Un bulletin de vote est plus fort qu’une balle de fusil. » 1863, Gettysburg. C’est sur ces plaines de Pennsylvanie que le sang de plus de 50 000 Américains a coulé, permettant à l’armée nordiste de remporter une victoire capitale. Mais à quel prix ? Alors qu’il se rend...
Book cover of Resurrectionists: Near Death Experience
by Fred Van Lente
Language: English
Release Date: September 1, 2015

Resurrectionists are a select group of people who cannot only remember their past lives, but also become them. Framed architect-turned-thief Jericho Way and his crew of modern-day tomb robbers aren’t born knowing they’ve been trying to pull off the same heist for three millennia. First, they have...
Book cover of WWE: Forever #1
by Brent Schoonover, Michael Kingston, Lan Pitts
Language: English
Release Date: February 13, 2019

Get ready for some old school action in this all-new special focusing on WWE Legends. The team of Michael Kingston & Michel Mulipola return to document the rise of the Excellence of Execution, Bret Hart; Brent Schoonover tells a tale of what happens when Bobby “The Brain” Heenan attempts to...
Book cover of Rocko's Modern Life #2
by Ryan Ferrier, Fred Stresing
Language: English
Release Date: January 24, 2018

Rocko’s new job is more than he bargained for, so he’ll have to do whatever it takes to get fired. Featuring a backup story from David DeGrand that sends Rocko and Heffer to O-Town’s very own comic convention.
Book cover of Rocko's Modern Life #5
by Ryan Ferrier, Fred Stresing
Language: English
Release Date: June 20, 2018

When Rocko tries to cash-in on Spunky’s newfound internet fame, Spunky is dognapped and held for ransom.
Book cover of The Art of Troma
by Fred Van Lente
Language: English
Release Date: October 10, 2018

For over FORTY YEARS, Troma Studios has blazed its own bloody, slime-covered trail, making movies their own damn way! From The Toxic Avenger to The Class Of Nuke ‘Em High to Poultrygeist to Tromeo And Juliet, Lloyd Kaufman never compromised, waving his independent freak-flag freely, and helped jumpstart...
Book cover of Rocko's Modern Life #4
by Ryan Ferrier, Fred Stresing
Language: English
Release Date: April 28, 2018

When Mrs. Bighead leaves Mr. Bighead, it’s up to Rocko and the gang to convince him that everything will be okay!
Book cover of Rocko's Modern Life Vol. 2
by Ryan Ferrier, Fred Stresing
Language: English
Release Date: March 27, 2019

Modern life has never been easy for Rocko, Filburt, and Heffer. But it gets even harder when Rocko’s dog Spunky becomes an overnight internet sensation. Desperate times call for desperate measures and Rocko will do whatever it takes to win back his best bud’s affection, even if it means breaking...
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