Fred: 2346 books

Book cover of Sweet Dreams
by Fred McKibben
Language: English
Release Date: April 17, 2019

BEAUTIFUL SEVENTEEN-YEAR-OLD ZOEY PATRIZ is missing in a dangerous city. Despite the hard feelings Eddie Rose has for his ex-wife, Kay Luckett, he agrees to leave his new-found paradise in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico, to help her and her sister, Lilli Patriz, find out what happened Zoey in New Orleans. Warren...
Book cover of Pompes funèbres et couches-culottes
by Fred Esterel
Language: French
Release Date: March 17, 2017

Qui a dit que seules les mamans se préparaient pour l'arrivée de bébé ? Dans ce roman à l'humour décapant, Fred Esterel dévoila ici ce que les parents pensent tout bas. Entre le choix de la nounou, des petits pots et des couches, Pierre doit également faire face aux lourdes responsabilités...
Book cover of Guten Abend, liebe Gäste

Guten Abend, liebe Gäste

Title song from the TV series "Väter der Klamotte" (1973)

by Fred Strittmatter, Fred Strittmatter, Heinz Caloue
Language: German
Release Date: March 20, 2019

Dieses Notenheft enthält die Originalnoten zum Kinderlied "Guten Abend, liebe Gäste - Title song from the TV series "Väter der Klamotte" (1973)" für Klavier, Gesang und Gitarre. Mittlerer Schwierigkeitsgrad in G-Dur mit Liedtext. // This music book contains the original sheet music of the Children's...
Book cover of Riss


Mein Leben zwischen Hymne und Hölle

by Christian Schenk, Fred Sellin
Language: German
Release Date: August 29, 2018

Christian Schenk: Ein Mann im Wahn, dessen schwere bipolare Störung in der depressiven Phase in Verfolgungswahn ausgeartet ist. Ein Mann, der an seinen euphorischen Tagen glaubt, die Erde aus den Angeln heben zu können, glaubt, der König der Welt zu sein. Und tatsächlich ist Christian Schenk ein...
Book cover of Keine Angst vor Ängsten - dein Pocketcoach
by Fred Christmann
Language: German
Release Date: March 15, 2017

Weniger Angst - mehr vom Leben! Wer sich seinen Ängsten stellt, wird sich verändern. Dieser Coach hilft dir, deinen Ängsten mehr und mehr die Stirn zu bieten. In fünf Bereichen kannst du dich mit Übungen aus der Verhaltenstherapie Schritt für Schritt verändern: im Denken, Fühlen und Verhalten,...
Book cover of Google vs. Apple

Google vs. Apple

Der erbitterte Kampf ums mobile Netz und die Revolution der Medienwelt

by Fred Vogelstein
Language: German
Release Date: September 15, 2014

Die größte Revolution der letzten Jahre fand vor unseren Augen und Ohren statt - aus einem Mobiltelefon wurde ein "Smartphone", ein mobiler Mini¬computer, der die Art und Weise, wie wir leben und kommunizieren, auf den Kopf gestellt hat. Die zentralen "Revolutionäre" sind Apple...
Book cover of Chasing Shadows

Chasing Shadows

Memoirs of a Sixties Survivor

by Fred Wilcox
Language: English
Release Date: June 10, 2014

CHASING SHADOWS tells the story of a young man who pays a heavy price for pursuing his own dream. When he announces that he intends to be a poet instead of a doctor, his working class family thinks he’s gone crazy. They send him to psychiatrists who shoot electricity though his brain, warn him that...
Book cover of HBR's 10 Must Reads on Strategic Marketing (with featured article "Marketing Myopia," by Theodore Levitt)
by Harvard Business Review, Clayton M. Christensen, Theordore Levitt
Language: English
Release Date: March 12, 2013

Stop pushing products—and start cultivating relationships with the right customers. If you read nothing else on marketing that delivers competitive advantage, read these 10 articles. We’ve combed through hundreds of articles in the Harvard Business Review archive and selected the most important...
Book cover of The Procurement and Supply Manager's Desk Reference
by Fred Sollish, John Semanik
Language: English
Release Date: May 23, 2012

Every supply manager's essential desktop tool with in-depth, authoritative coverage of each topic Leaving no stone unturned in covering all aspects of the procurement and sourcing functions, The Procurement and Supply Manager's Desk Reference, Second Edition is filled with everything every...
Book cover of Modern American Manners

Modern American Manners

Dining Etiquette for Hosts and Guests

by Fred Mayo, Michael Gold
Language: English
Release Date: April 4, 2017

“A useful guide to navigating the often confusing—and always evolving—world of manners at today’s dinner table” (James Oseland, former editor-in-chief of Saveur magazine, author of Cradle of Flavor and judge on Top Chef Masters). What’s the right way to hold a wine glass? What’s...
Book cover of Ben & Jerry's: The Inside Scoop

Ben & Jerry's: The Inside Scoop

How Two Real Guys Built a Business with a Social Conscience and a Sense of Humor

by Fred Lager
Language: English
Release Date: February 2, 2011

"Deftly and compassionately captures [Ben's] genius in all its entrepreneurial splendor...This tale will keep you entertained."--New York Times Book Review. A former CEO of Ben & Jerry's tells how two '60s holdovers built a single ice cream store into one of America's hottest...
Book cover of Investment Real Estate: Finance and Asset Management
by Fred Prassas
Language: English
Release Date: May 21, 2013

Investment Real Estate: Finance and Asset Management differs from other real estate investment and financial analysis publications in that it focuses on the real estate manager's role in ensuring that the real estate management company's clients realize their investment goals for any given property.
Book cover of Negotiate the Best Lease for Your Business
by Fred S. Steingold, Attorney, Janet Portman
Language: English
Release Date: November 30, 2017

When it comes to business, there is no standard lease! Ready to haggle for the best deal possible? Turn to Negotiate the Best Lease for Your Business -- you’ll find the information, advice and strategies you need when negotiating with an experienced landlord. This practical handbook...
Book cover of Max Factor

Max Factor

The Man Who Changed the Faces of the World

by Fred E. Basten
Language: English
Release Date: September 1, 2011

**The true story of a poor immigrant who built a Hollywood cosmetics empire is told in “**this biography of the man who gave the world a makeover” (Publishers Weekly). There was a time when “nice girls” didn’t wear makeup. Max Factor changed all that. Born Maksymilian Faktorowicz...
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