Fred: 2346 books

Book cover of The Collected Master Criminal Stories
by Fred M. White
Language: English
Release Date: October 27, 2016

THE COLLECTED MASTER CRIMINAL STORIES is a collection of a dozen stories following the exploits of master criminal Felix Gryde, "the Sherlock Holmes of malefactors." • The Head of the Caesars • At Windsor • The Silverpool Cup • The Morrison Raid Indemnity • Cleopatra’s Robe •...
Book cover of Blackmail!
by Fred M. White
Language: English
Release Date: October 29, 2018

Fred M. White gives us the opportunity to feel in high society. Many distinguished guests gathered at the Sir George apartment. Everything shone with real silver and gold. One of the guests hooked expensive mahogany thing. From now on, real disassembly begins.
Book cover of 30 Mystery & Investigation Masterpieces (Best Navigation, Active TOC) (A to Z Classics)
by Edgar Allan Poe, William Le Queux, Fred Merrick White
Language: English
Release Date: October 23, 2017

This book contains several tables of HTML content that will make reading easier. The first table of contents lists all the titles included in this volume. This book contains the following works, classified by author: In a Grove by Ryūnosuke Akutagawa The Innocence of Father Brown by Gilbert...
Book cover of Visions


fragment de navigations, récit, notes de voyage

by Fred Griot
Language: French
Release Date: July 10, 2008

Pour combien d’entre nous le voyage, la déstabilisation des routes, la curiosité des visages, mais surtout la mise à distance de la langue intérieure par rapport à celle qui aide à se confronter au réel immédiat, a été le déclencheur et la passe pour l’écriture ? C’est bien...
Book cover of Refonder | notes d'écriture 1990-2009

Refonder | notes d'écriture 1990-2009

de la venue des mots comme matière : notes d'écriture 1990-2009

by Fred Griot
Language: French
Release Date: September 9, 2008

Le projet a vocation non pas seulement à accueillir les textes, mais à déplacer notre rapport à l’atelier, au chantier, à la notion même de frontière ou de contour d’oeuvre, dans le basculement que permet le numérique, et que nous commençons tout juste à explorer. Ainsi,...
Book cover of A Queen of the Stage
by Fred M. White
Language: English
Release Date: September 15, 2016

Timidly, almost appealingly, a girl with pathetic blue eyes looked at a man opposite to her. They were a striking contrast; the girl so young and fair and innocent of the world, the man wearing an assumption of benevolence which was belied by the furtiveness of his eyes, and the sensual lips. Smooth...
Book cover of Hard Pressed
by Fred M. White
Language: English
Release Date: September 14, 2016

It was a gala night at the National Opera House, and the theatre was crammed from floor to roof, for Melba was sustaining a new part, and all London had gathered to listen. It was rarely indeed that so fashionable an audience assembled in February. The boxes were ablaze with diamonds. On the grand...
Book cover of An American Fable
by Fred Jay Gordon
Language: English
Release Date: January 28, 2012

AN AMERICAN FABLE is about ambition, luck, and death. Set in New York in the early 1950’s -- post World War II and just before color television -- the story follows Aris Bellerophon, a boy who loves horses and who claims a gypsy told him he’d be famous at twenty-five, and Big Brim Oscar Birmingham,...
Book cover of La Ricarde

La Ricarde

Portrait d'un quadragénaire flétri de n’avoir pas assez vécu

by Fred Bocquet
Language: French
Release Date: October 22, 2015

Quand un antihéros doit se mettre sur la pointe des pieds pour vivre à hauteur d’espoir... Bernard Gautier (sans h), vendeur de chaussures de son état, n’est pas vraiment taillé pour la promiscuité, les apéritifs en société et la fréquentation des autres en général. Mais le gain...
Book cover of The master criminal
by Fred M White
Language: English
Release Date: September 17, 2016

The history of famous detectives, imaginary and otherwise, has frequently been written, but the history of a famous criminal—never. This is a bold statement, but a true one all the same. The most notorious of rascals know that sooner or later they will be found out, and therefore they plan their...
Book cover of Sammelband 7 Krimis: Tödliche Zwickmühle und andere Krimis
by Alfred Bekker, Fred Breinersdorfer, Thomas West
Language: German
Release Date: August 9, 2019

Sammelband 7 Krimis: Tödliche Zwickmühle und andere Krimis Kriminalromane der Sonderklasse - hart, actionreich und überraschend in der Auflösung. Ermittler auf den Spuren skrupelloser Verbrecher. Spannende Romane in einem Buch: Ideal als Urlaubslektüre. Dieses Buch enthält folgende drei...
Book cover of Thriller-Paket 11 Extra Krimis April 2018
by Alfred Bekker, Horst Bieber, Fred Breinersdorfer
Language: German
Release Date: April 25, 2018

Thriller-Paket 11 Extra Krimis April 2018 Dieses Buch enthält folgendende Krimis: Alfred Bekker: Ein Hai im Swimming-Pool Horst Bieber: Erben nicht erwünscht Alfred Bekker: Undercover Mission Fred Breinersdorfer: Notwehr Theodor Horschelt: Die Bestie von New York A.F.Morland:...
Book cover of Mord und andere Nebensächlichkeiten
by Horst Bieber, Fred Breinersdorfer, Richard Hey
Language: German
Release Date: June 1, 2018

Zu jeder Zeit, ob im Wilden Westen oder später, zu einer Zeit, die wir zivilisiert nennen, wurden Menschen ermordet; heimtückisch, skrupellos zuweilen sogar regelrecht abgeschlachtet, ob aus Habgier oder um ein anderes Verbrechen zu vertuschen manchmal sogar nur, weil es dem Täter Freude bereitet...
Book cover of Abel und ein Fall von Notwehr

Abel und ein Fall von Notwehr

Ein Fall für Abel - Cassiopeiapress Kriminalroman

by Fred Breinersdorfer
Language: German
Release Date: April 10, 2019

Ein Fall für Abel Krimi von Fred Breinersdorfer Der Umfang dieses Buchs entspricht 229 Taschenbuchseiten. Gretchen, die kleine Tochter von Käthe Lauer, erkrankt nach einem Zeckenbiss an Meningitis, der Zustand des Mädchens verschlechtert sich rapide. Käthe ist verzweifelt. Sie hört, dass es ein...
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