Fred: 2346 books

Book cover of Mord und andere Nebensächlichkeiten
by Horst Bieber, Fred Breinersdorfer, Richard Hey
Language: German
Release Date: June 1, 2018

Zu jeder Zeit, ob im Wilden Westen oder später, zu einer Zeit, die wir zivilisiert nennen, wurden Menschen ermordet; heimtückisch, skrupellos zuweilen sogar regelrecht abgeschlachtet, ob aus Habgier oder um ein anderes Verbrechen zu vertuschen manchmal sogar nur, weil es dem Täter Freude bereitet … Doch...
Book cover of Captain Falsebeard in A Very Fishy Tale
by Fred Blunt
Language: English
Release Date: July 2, 2015

Meet CAPTAIN FALSEBEARD and ADMIRAL SWINETOES Bitter enemies of the briny blue! When Captain Falsebeard discovers the legendary Crossbone treasure, he and his crew can't believe their luck! Until, that is, Falsebeard's arch enemy - the dastardly Admiral Swinetoes - determines to steal the booty...
Book cover of Das Schiff Esperanza

Das Schiff Esperanza

Hörspiel (Reclams Universal-Bibliothek)

by Fred von Hoerschelmann
Language: German
Release Date: January 22, 2016

Fred von Hoerschelmann ist ein Meister konzentrierten Erzählens, das Hörer und Leser menschlicher zu machen sucht, indem es sie spannend unterhält. Sein "Schiff Esperanza", in ein Dutzend Sprachen übersetzt, ist wohl das erfolgreichste deutsche Hörspiel überhaupt. Text in neuer Rechtschreibung. Text aus Reclams Universal-Bibliothek mit Seitenzählung der gedruckten Ausgabe.
Book cover of Die Geschichte

Die Geschichte

Die Bibel als fortlaufende Geschichte Gottes mit uns.

by Randy Frazee, Fred Ritzhaupt
Language: German
Release Date: September 15, 2012

Die größte Geschichte aller Zeiten hat sich niemand ausgedacht. Sie ist wahr. Es ist Gottes Liebesgeschichte mit der Menschheit. Darum geht es in diesem Buch. In 31 Kapiteln bringt "Die Geschichte" den roten Faden der Bibel auf den Punkt, von der Schöpfung bis zur Offenbarung. Der rote...
Book cover of Willkommen daheim

Willkommen daheim

Eine Übertragung des Neuen Testaments, die den Verstand überrascht und das Herz berührt.

by Fred Ritzhaupt
Language: German
Release Date: February 23, 2015

Diese Übertragung des Neuen Testaments lässt sich lesen wie ein Roman. Sie erweckt das Geschehen intensiver und bildhaft er zum Leben als die klassischen Übersetzungen. Und wird durch die Verszählung für jeden Absatz nun auch zur praktischen Alltagsbibel. Dabei vereint Fred Ritzhaupt die frische...
Book cover of The Chicken Asylum

The Chicken Asylum

An Alex Reynolds Mystery

by Fred Hunter
Language: English
Release Date: September 16, 2014

When Alex Reynolds, his lover Peter Livesay, and his mother Jean--occasional freelance operatives for the CIA--are asked to stash an Iraqi military defector in their home, all three are less than thrilled. It turns out the defector is an 18-year-old soldier who has ties to a terrorist organization...
Book cover of Capital Queers

Capital Queers

An Alex Reynolds Mystery

by Fred Hunter
Language: English
Release Date: September 16, 2014

Alex Reynolds and his lover Peter Livesay discover that a mysterious cult has killed friends of theirs over their friends' accidental possession of a stolen religious artifact. Now, Alex, Peter, and Alex's mother have inherited their friends' annoying dog Muffin as well as the unwanted and deadly attention of the killers... in Fred Hunter's Capital Queers.
Book cover of The Mummy's Ransom

The Mummy's Ransom

A Ransom/Charters Mystery

by Fred Hunter
Language: English
Release Date: September 16, 2014

The Mummy's Ransom by Fred Hunter A controversial exhibit of Chinchorro mummies is about to open in Chicago at Dolores Tower, the latest building by the equally controversial local developer Louie Dolores. The mummies - dating from 2000 to 7000 BC - are incredibly fragile, making their transportation...
Book cover of Ransom at Sea

Ransom at Sea

A Ransom/Charters Mystery

by Fred Hunter
Language: English
Release Date: September 16, 2014

With a relaxing few days in mind, Miss Emily Charters signs up for a four-day seniors' cruise of the Great Lakes organized by her church. In the company of her friend and housekeeper, Lynn Francis, Charters and the other seniors set sail from Chicago, but while the waters on the lake are calm and...
Book cover of Roll On

Roll On

A Trucker's Life on the Road

by Fred Afflerbach
Language: English
Release Date: April 15, 2012

Roll On, the first book from author Fred Afflerbach, takes readers on an interstate journey with a long-haul trucker. Ubi Sunt is addicted to his life on the road and, if he had his way, he’d continue driving until he no longer could. But forces in his life are threatening to take away Ubi’s driving...
Book cover of Benjamin Grabbed His Glicken and Ran
by Fred Jay Gordon
Language: English
Release Date: February 4, 2012

Benjamin Hackett -- frightening, fascinating, dangerous, lovable, a twenty-three-year-old living on the edge of madness -- explores the most remote corners of his mind. In his room at the boarding house, Benjamin works on, "Benjamin's Mysteries," in which he pours out his deepest anxieties...



by Fred Van Liew
Language: English
Release Date: August 10, 2015

In coffee shops, convenience stores, and courthouses across the country, Americans are struggling to agree on why the justice system they have is not the justice system they want. Dramatically different experiences with it frustrate every attempt at a common description of the problem, and the grim...
Book cover of 4 Short Stories
by Fred Jay Feldman
Language: English
Release Date: August 31, 2016

This edition of the collected short stories is a distillation of many works written by Fred Feldman. They focus on the private lives of outwardly successful middle class Americans. These stories examine their personal successes and many hidden insecurities.
Book cover of I Am One of You Forever
by Fred Chappell
Language: English
Release Date: July 1, 1987

Wonderfully funny and also deeply touching, I Am One of You Forever is the story of a young boy's coming of age. Set in the hills and hollows of western North Carolina in the years around World War II, it tells of ten-year-old Jess and his family -- father, mother, grandmother, foster brother, and...
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