Fred: 2346 books

Book cover of Hunky Dory Bible Stories
by Fred Potter
Language: English
Release Date: October 19, 2014

God and the devil make wager over a man’s life. A young boy battles a soldier nine feet tall, killing the soldier with only a slingshot. A prophet is eaten by a fish and three days later warns a city of imminent destruction. And a man on an island has incredible visions of the apocalypse. It isn’t...
Book cover of The Master Criminal
by Fred Merrick White
Language: English
Release Date: August 16, 2017

A collection of 12 stories published serially in The Ludgate, London, Jun 1897 to May 1898, in which the criminal mastermind, Felix Gryde, conducts his nefarious criminal work -- theft, kidnapping, ransom, assassination, fraud -- and he never gets caught. The author's introduction: "The...
Book cover of The Sport of Knaves
by Fred Shira
Language: English
Release Date: November 11, 2013

Windshields still frosted up each morning. The weather was getting warmer. The wind was losing some its bite. Spring was coming. The trees had begun to leaf out. First come the Maples lining the horse paths. The hard woods, walnuts and oaks would come later. It was an old setting with big mature trees....
Book cover of Im Schatten des Palazzo Farnese
by Fred Vargas
Language: German
Release Date: December 3, 2012

Die Zutaten: Drei etwas exzentrische französische Studenten in Rom, die sich die Namen römischer Kaiser gegeben haben: Claudius, Tiberius, Nero. Eine wundervolle Italienerin Anfang 40, Laura, der in dieser Geschichte nahezu alle Männer verfallen. Claudius' Vater, ein namhafter Pariser Kunsthistoriker....
Book cover of Die schwarzen Wasser der Seine

Die schwarzen Wasser der Seine


by Fred Vargas
Language: German
Release Date: July 16, 2014

Fred Vargas hat mit Kommissar Adamsberg einen unvergleichlichen Helden geschaffen. Diese drei Pariser Geschichten, die allesamt kriminalistische Kleinode sind, offenbaren von neuem ihre Poesie, ihren Humor, ihre herrlichen Dialoge, ihre feine Menschenbeobachtung - kurz, ihre gerühmte erzählerische...
Book cover of Die schöne Diva von Saint-Jacques
by Fred Vargas
Language: German
Release Date: December 3, 2012

Irgendwo zwischen Montparnasse und der Place d'Italie leben die drei arbeitslosen Junghistoriker Mathieu, Marc und Lucien. Sie mögen sich - als Freunde. Sie verachten einander - beruflich. Eines Tages werden sie unfreiwillig zu Kriminalisten, als ihre schöne Nachbarin spurlos verschwunden ist. Fred...
Book cover of Von der Liebe, linken Händen und der Angst vor leeren Einkaufskörben
by Fred Vargas
Language: German
Release Date: June 19, 2014

Vom Sinn des Nichtstuns. Fred Vargas ist mit ihren literarischen Kriminalromanen um Kommissar Adamsberg weltberühmt geworden. Mit diesem charmanten Buch unternimmt sie den Versuch, das „monströse Knäuel des Lebens“ zu entwirren und den Schlüssel zum Glück zu finden: Nur wer das Unnötige...
Book cover of Choice and Agency in the Writing Workshop

Choice and Agency in the Writing Workshop

Developing Engaged Writers, Grades 46

by Fred Hamel
Language: English
Release Date: December 15, 2009

Step into a classroom and “listen in” on the writing initiatives and motivations of students who are given significant choice and agency in the development of their writing. Discover why upper elementary children need ways to become literate as kids, not merely as prototypes of adults...
Book cover of Spoiled Rotten

Spoiled Rotten

Today's Children and How to Change Them

by Fred G. Gosman
Language: English
Release Date: July 10, 2013

It starts with designer diapers. It extends to extravagant birthday parties, leads to boorish behavior and plummeting grades. What is the problem here? It's what we are doing to our children by not having the smarts to set boundaries, impose rules, and give them the firm, unwavering guidance they...
Book cover of The Social Security Disability Program is Broken
by Fred Ponder
Language: English
Release Date: June 17, 2013

The e-book follows the author's theme "How to Navigate the Social Security Disability Bureaucracy". The publication presents a 40-year perspective from an executive manager. The e-book project has two general objectives and three specific objectives. In general, the author seeks to help new filers...
Book cover of Raymond Williams
by Fred Inglis
Language: English
Release Date: June 23, 2005

In his life, Raymond Williams played many parts: child of the Black Mountains, inspirational adult lecturer, Cambridge professor, folk hero and guru of the left. After his death, he has remained a symbolic figure and his classic works, Culture and Society, The Long Revolution, The Country and the...
Book cover of The Delicious History of the Holiday
by Fred Inglis
Language: English
Release Date: November 28, 2005

Our holidays lie near the heart of our emotional life, enjoyed for a fortnight, fed on imagination for eleven months of the year. What we want from our holidays tells a lot about who we are and what we wish we were. In this charming account, Fred Inglis traces the rise of the holiday from its...
Book cover of Corporate venturing

Corporate venturing

managing the innovation family in a dynamic world

by Corina Kuiper, Fred van Ommen
Language: English
Release Date: November 16, 2016

Most companies wake up to the necessity of creating new business through corporate venturing. On the same hand many companies struggle how to create new business areas next to or even outside their current business scope. When should a company decide to explore corporate venturing? Should a company...
Book cover of Energy Tapping

Energy Tapping

How to Rapidly Eliminate Anxiety, Depression, Cravings, and More Using Energy Psychology

by Fred Gallo, PhD, Harry Vincenzi
Language: English
Release Date: September 1, 2008

Your body's energy system is a powerful force. When out of balance or disrupted, stress, anxiety, depression, and other negative emotions can take hold. Energy tapping, a revolutionary therapy based on energy psychology and acupuncture, balances the body's energy for renewed physical and mental vitality. Use...
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