Fred: 2346 books

Book cover of Tartuffe, de Molière T03
by Fred Duval, Zanzim
Language: French
Release Date: December 3, 2014

L’adaptation BD de la pièce magnifiquement servie par le verbe de Molière, fidèlement restituée par Fred Duval et délicieusement mise en image par Zanzim. Une réflexion sur l’hypocrisie et le fanatisme sous toutes les formes. Afin d’apporter la preuve à son mari de l’hypocrisie...
Book cover of Tartuffe, de Molière T02
by Fred Duval, Zanzim
Language: French
Release Date: December 3, 2014

L’adaptation BD de la pièce magnifiquement servie par le verbe de Molière, fidèlement restituée par Fred Duval et délicieusement mise en image par Zanzim. Une réflexion sur l’hypocrisie et le fanatisme sous toutes les formes. En singeant la dévotion, Tartuffe a réussi à manipuler...
Book cover of Hauteville House T13

Hauteville House T13

L'Ordre de l'obsidienne

by Fred Duval, Thierry Gioux
Language: French
Release Date: January 13, 2016

Le steampunk vu par Fred Duval et Thierry Gioux : des faits historiques réels du XIXe siècle et des aventures fantastiques de héros sans peur et sans reproche. Une série proche de l'univers de Jules Verne.
Book cover of Wonderball T03

Wonderball T03

Le Shérif

by Jean-Pierre Pécaud, Fred Duval, Fred Blanchard
Language: French
Release Date: March 30, 2016

Neuf morts, neuf secondes, une seule arme : une enquête aux airs de « déjà vu » pour l'inspecteur Wonderball, le flic le plus désaxé de San Francisco. Une série policière à la croisée de XIII et L'Inspecteur Harry. Wonderball, suivant les indications du Fantôme, trouve dans l'Utah les...
Book cover of The Chief Executive In Texas

The Chief Executive In Texas

A Study in Gubernatorial Leadership

by Fred, Jr. Gantt
Language: English
Release Date: August 19, 2014

"A Texas governor has only two happy days: the day he is inaugurated and the day he retires." So spoke Joseph D. Sayers at the beginning of the twentieth century. Now, in an analysis of the Texas governorship by Fred Gantt, Jr., the reader learns why Governor Sayers' remark remains true many years after...
Book cover of Shark Fin Soup
by Fred Barnett
Language: English
Release Date: April 16, 2018

During a storm, Jesus appeared on a blue tarp upon the deck of The Vinnie Maru, demanding that agent Bernie Benedict find him a date. Shark Fin Soup A tale of sharks, gods, cannibals, mad cows and endless love. Since bygone days, two ancient Pacific cannibal tribes have fought over which...
Book cover of Bats (A Return to Damnalot)
by Fred Barnett
Language: English
Release Date: May 17, 2016

Gentle readers, Our publisher feels that it would be unkind and irresponsible to let you read this book without a word or two of friendly caution. You are about to enter the world of demons, ghosts, goblins—the undead. This story is fact. I lived through it. I still do. Many centuries ago, Prince...
Book cover of Astronomy for Everyone
by Fred Herrmann
Language: English
Release Date: April 13, 2016

Astronomy for Everyone explains the fundamentals of Astronomy in language that is easily understood by non-astronomers. The newcomer to astronomy is often overcome by a myriad of scientific jargon which often leaves the reader blurry eyed, confused and overwhelmed. Astronomy for Everyone explains...
Book cover of Fathers and Sons in Shakespeare

Fathers and Sons in Shakespeare

The Debt Never Promised

by Fred B. Tromly
Language: English
Release Date: May 1, 2010

Some of Shakespeare's most memorable male characters, such as Hamlet, Prince Hal, and Edgar, are defined by their relationships with their fathers. In Fathers and Sons in Shakespeare, Fred B. Tromly demonstrates that these relationships are far more complicated than most critics have assumed. While...
Book cover of Working With Spirit

Working With Spirit

Engaging the Spirituality to Meet the Challenges of the Workplace

by Lucy Reid, Fred Evers
Language: English
Release Date: August 1, 2004

How does spirituality relate to our everyday working lives? Can the challenges of work stress, burnout, time famine, and conflict be addressed by our beliefs and spiritual practices? Lucy Reid and Fred Evers argue that spirituality in the workplace is neither a strategy to placate unhappy workers,...
Book cover of Archer and Armstrong - Tome 3 - Le Lointain
by Fred Van Lente, Père Pérez, Clayton Henry
Language: French
Release Date: March 25, 2016

Mary-Maria, la sœur adoptive et ennemie jurée d’Archer, est de retour avec la ferme intention de s’imposer à la tête de la Secte. Pour y parvenir, elle décide de prendre le contrôle du Lointain, l’endroit le plus inaccessible de la planète. Mais Archer et Armstrong n’entendent pas...
Book cover of War Mother
by Fred Van Lente, Andrew Dalhouse
Language: French
Release Date: June 26, 2018

GARDIENNE. CHASSEUSE. MÈRE. GUERRIÈRE. Deux mille ans dans le futur, sur une Terre ravagée par les guerres, les catastrophes naturelles et le temps, se dressent ici ou là des royaumes fortifiés et des enclaves secrètes où l’humanité s’accroche à la vie… L’une d’elle est le Bosquet,...
Book cover of Génération Zéro
by Fred Van Lente, Andrew Dalhouse
Language: French
Release Date: January 24, 2018

« Nous sommes le futur » Kidnappés très jeunes par le Projet Rising Spirit, les enfants de la force d'attaque appelée Génération Zéro ont été entraînés à devenir des soldats télépathes. Après des années d'emprisonnement, ils ont enfin réussi à gagner leur liberté. Désormais en...
Book cover of First of the Flood
by Fred Normandale
Language: English
Release Date: July 31, 2011

Fred Normandale remembers when his home town of Scarborough was one of the great centres for the fishing industry and had the characters to match. He has turned his memories into a nostalgic book full of tales of his life and adventures at sea. "I grew up in the 'bottom end' of Scarborough...
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