Finch: 305 books

Book cover of Schattenschläfer
by Paul Finch
Language: German
Release Date: January 5, 2016

Ein eisiger Winter bricht über den Norden Englands herein, als in der Nähe des Lake District zwei junge Mädchen verschwinden. Alles spricht dafür, dass "Der Fremde" zurückgekehrt ist, ein Killer, an den sich Detective Mark Heckenburg und seine Kollegen nur zu gut erinnern. Zehn Jahre ist es her,...
Book cover of Die Spinne

Die Spinne


by Paul Finch
Language: German
Release Date: May 11, 2015

Manchester 1997: PC Mark "Heck" Heckenburg fährt in den frühen Morgenstunden Streife durch die leeren Straßen der Stadt, als er zu einem Einbruch gerufen wird und seine schlimmste Befürchtung sich bewahrheitet – "die Spinne", ein berüchtigter Gewalttäter, hat sich sein nächstes Opfer gesucht...
Book cover of Angstbringer



by Paul Finch
Language: German
Release Date: December 2, 2019

Detective Mark "Heck" Heckenburg bekommt eine schier unlösbare Aufgabe: Er soll einen der meistgesuchten Schwerverbrecher Großbritanniens finden, der sich seit Jahren der Verhaftung entzieht. Neben zahllosen kalten Spuren stößt Heck auch auf ein Video, in dem der Gesuchte vergeblich um sein Leben...
Book cover of Feuerläufer



by Paul Finch
Language: German
Release Date: August 1, 2017

Ein perfider Killer macht England unsicher, und Mark Heckenburg ist ihm dicht auf den Fersen. Die Ermittlungen führen den Detective in seine Heimat, die heruntergekommene Industriestadt Bradburn. Doch hier versteckt sich nicht nur der Mörder, ein Brandstifter fackelt Häuser und Menschen ab. Bald...
Book cover of The Little Book of Rude Words
by Sid Finch
Language: English
Release Date: June 9, 2016

Swearing is an art form, and with this handy collection of obscenities you can be the Picasso of profanity. Bursting with obnoxious insults and filthy names for unmentionable acts, 'The Little Book of Rude Words' will leave you shocked and tickled by how creatively crude our language can be.
Book cover of Smoke and Adders
by Jennie Finch
Language: English
Release Date: September 1, 2016

Alex Hastings – probation officer and idealist – still believes in the good in other people, but the little town of Highpoint is becoming a very dangerous place for her. An arsonist is starting fires on the Somerset Levels and a sexual predator stalks the streets looking for his next, perfect...
Book cover of The Moth Man
by Jennie Finch
Language: English
Release Date: September 1, 2014

This was the moment. The moment he had dreamed of since first seeing the house three weeks ago. Inside, the woman reached up and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and it was the most exciting, provocative gesture he had ever seen. He was shaking though he no longer felt the cold on his bare body....
Book cover of Finding Home
by Michael Finch
Language: English
Release Date: July 27, 2015

Finding Home is a book from a new voice in poetry. The poems are about home, nature, love, places in America, and a view of the plight of Christians in the world today. If your heart ever hearkens back to a simpler time and home, Finding Home will touch you in a way that poetry has not before.
Book cover of Schwarze Witwen

Schwarze Witwen


by Paul Finch
Language: German
Release Date: January 12, 2017

Eine junge Frau steht am Straßenrand, ein Mann hält an und nimmt sie ein Stück mit. Kurz darauf wird der Fahrer tot und grausam verstümmelt im Wald gefunden – das erste von vielen Opfern. "Jill the Ripper", wie die Killerin von der Presse bald getauft wird, versetzt ganz England in Angst und...
Book cover of Hellepoort
by Bill Schutt, J.R. Finch
Language: Dutch
Release Date: February 25, 2017

Voor de lezers van Clive Cussler, Steve Berry en Wilbur Smith Hellepoort is 'Een buitengewone thriller' - Publishers Weekly (Starred Review) 'Suspense die je hart sneller laat kloppen en je nog lang bijblijft.' - James Cameron (regisseur van Titanic) 1944. Terwijl de oorlog in Europa en in de Stille...
Book cover of Handbook of Models for Human Aging
by Stephen A. Benjamin, Caleb E. Finch, John C. Guerin
Language: English
Release Date: April 28, 2011

The Handbook of Models for Human Aging is designed as the only comprehensive work available that covers the diversity of aging models currently available. For each animal model, it presents key aspects of biology, nutrition, factors affecting life span, methods of age determination, use in research,...
Book cover of Metro New York Off the Beaten Path®

Metro New York Off the Beaten Path®

A Guide to Unique Places

by Susan Finch
Language: English
Release Date: May 18, 2010

Tired of the same old tourist traps? Whether you’re a visitor or a local looking for something different, let this first edition of Metro New York Off the Beaten Path show you the metro New York City region you never knew existed. Visit a sizable chunk of the Berlin Wall—in Battery Park. Attend...
Book cover of The Prophet of Gold
by Emmett Finch
Language: English
Release Date: July 11, 2013

Within are the words of a highly gifted individualthe Prophet of Gold, whose wisdom and words come from dimensions not considered by most humans. The secrets and mysteries of life revealed within can do much to help a spiritual life journey, bringing success and understanding, which we all...
Book cover of What America Did

What America Did

A Record of Achievement in the Prosecution of the War

by Florence Finch Kelly
Language: English
Release Date: March 22, 2018

What America Did; A Record of Achievement in the Prosecution of the War covers the American Army, Navy, and Air Force during World War I. It also discusses topics like financing the War and other issues facing the nation at home during World War I.
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