Eli: 352 books

Book cover of The Descendant
by Darrell Chichester, David Lyon, Eli Gonzalez
Language: English
Release Date: May 17, 2018

Noah Stark is no ordinary archaeologist. Since birth, he has possessed unique power and abilities. He’s stronger and can see and hear better than normal humans. His body heals in moments from most injuries. He views it as a curse. His mother changed their names years ago to avoid detection and exploitation...
Book cover of Enrichment at the Claimant's Expense

Enrichment at the Claimant's Expense

Attribution Rules in Unjust Enrichment

by Dr Eli Ball
Language: English
Release Date: December 15, 2016

This book presents an account of attribution in unjust enrichment. Attribution refers to how and when two parties – a claimant and a defendant – are relevantly connected to each other for unjust enrichment purposes. It is reflected in the familiar expression that a defendant be 'enriched at the...
Book cover of Probability and Computing

Probability and Computing

Randomized Algorithms and Probabilistic Analysis

by Michael Mitzenmacher, Eli Upfal
Language: English
Release Date: January 31, 2005

Randomization and probabilistic techniques play an important role in modern computer science, with applications ranging from combinatorial optimization and machine learning to communication networks and secure protocols. This 2005 textbook is designed to accompany a one- or two-semester course for...
Book cover of Probability and Computing

Probability and Computing

Randomization and Probabilistic Techniques in Algorithms and Data Analysis

by Michael Mitzenmacher, Eli Upfal
Language: English
Release Date: July 3, 2017

Greatly expanded, this new edition requires only an elementary background in discrete mathematics and offers a comprehensive introduction to the role of randomization and probabilistic techniques in modern computer science. Newly added chapters and sections cover topics including normal distributions,...
Book cover of Clinical Brain Mapping
by Daniel Yoshor, Eli Mizrahi
Language: English
Release Date: May 18, 2012

The most accessible, clinically focused guide to brain mapping techniques and systems This profusely illustrated, concise, yet detailed sourcebook enables both neurosurgeons and neurologists to map functions to specific cognitive and sensory locations in the brain. Clinical Brain Mapping takes...
Book cover of Kinetic Theory of Nucleation
by Eli Ruckenstein, Gersh Berim
Language: English
Release Date: July 6, 2016

Explore a Kinetic Approach to the Description of Nucleation - An Alternative to the Classical Nucleation TheoryKinetic Theory of Nucleation presents an alternative to the classical theory of nucleation in gases and liquids-the kinetic nucleation theory of Ruckenstein-Narsimhan-Nowakowski (RNNT). RNNT uses the kinetic theory of fluids to calculate t
Book cover of Infocrime


Protecting Information Through Criminal Law

by Eli Lederman
Language: English
Release Date: March 25, 2016

It has often been said that information is power. This is more true in the information age than ever. The book profiles the tools used by criminal law to protect confidential information. It deals with the essence of information, the varieties of confidential information, and the basic models for its protection within the context of the Internet and social networks.
Book cover of Operative Techniques: Spine Surgery - E-Book
by Eli M. Baron, Alexander R. Vaccaro, MD
Language: English
Release Date: March 23, 2012

Spine Surgery, 2nd Edition delivers step-by-step, multimedia guidance to help you master the must-know techniques in this field. Part of the popular and practical Operative Techniques series, this orthopaedics reference focuses on individual procedures, each presented in a highly visual, easy-to-follow...
Book cover of Superhero
by Eli Easton
Language: Italian
Release Date: July 11, 2018

Non è facile per un giovane artista gay come Jordan Carson crescere a Jefferson, nel Wisconsin, dove il pensiero fisso di tutti, alle scuole medie e al liceo, sono le squadre sportive. Ma Jordan è stato fortunato. Ha incontrato Owen Nelson in seconda elementare, e da allora i due sono diventati...
Book cover of La scoperta di Daniel
by Eli Easton
Language: Italian
Release Date: April 19, 2017

Il magnate della finanza Daniel Derenzo vive per il lavoro, fino a che il padre morente gli ricorda quanto la vita sia breve. Quando comincia a guardarsi intorno con occhi nuovi, fa una scoperta sconvolgente: sebbene abbia sempre pensato di essere etero si sente attratto dal suo socio in affari e...
Book cover of Pris dans le blizzard
by Eli Easton
Language: French
Release Date: June 18, 2019

Neige, vapeur et secrets. Lorsque Jude Devereaux, qui fuit un amant violent, trouve refuge dans un chalet isolé de l’Alaska, incapable de rejoindre la ville avant que le blizzard s’abatte sur la région, Hutch, déjà suspicieux de nature, se montre méfiant. Cependant, Jude n’est pas...
Book cover of Joyeux noël Mr. Miggles
by Eli Easton
Language: French
Release Date: December 17, 2018

Toby Kincaid aime son poste de bibliothécaire junior. Il passe ses journées entouré de livres à discuter avec les clients. Il adore tout particulièrement le bibliothécaire en chef, Mr. Miggles, un homme gentil, plein d'esprit, qui sait tout sur tout et qui est désespérément accro à Noël. Mais...
Book cover of Les ennuis riment avec Tony

Les ennuis riment avec Tony

Sexe à Seattle, T1

by Eli Easton
Language: French
Release Date: January 30, 2015

Pour mener à bien son enquête sur le meurtre d’une jeune femme, Tony DeMarco, détective privé à Seattle, se fait passer pour un patient du docteur Jack Halloran, le thérapeute ayant traité la victime dans une clinique de sexe de la même ville. Ce n’est pas la première fois que Tony passe...
Book cover of Amours et mots croisés
by Eli Easton
Language: French
Release Date: December 25, 2016

Luke Schumaker est designer de jeux vidéos, et travaille de chez lui. Tous les jours, il va promener son chien dans le bois d’à côté, sans se douter qu’un admirateur secret l’observe. L’admirateur est Alex Shaw, et lui aussi travaille de chez lui, à créer des mots croisés et...
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