Eli: 352 books

Book cover of Scratch Track

Scratch Track

Escaping Indigo, #3

by Eli Lang
Language: English
Release Date: March 23, 2018

Being a roadie isn't everyone's idea of a dream job, but it's all Quinn wants. He loves touring, loves getting to hear amazing music every night and, more than anything, loves being someone the band members of Escaping Indigo can lean on. When Quinn joins the band in the recording studio, it's...
Book cover of The Storyteller from Crandolin
by Eli Cohen
Language: English
Release Date: April 21, 2016

From the bedroom of two young children, to a world of magical creatures and evil flying monsters, a war between two worlds begins. All rests in the hands of Enigami the Elf and his friends Benny, Suzy and James who escape many perils in the land of Crandolin to stop the evil King Brigidon. The secret plan of an evil king can destroy two worlds, while the power of imagination can save it.
Book cover of Basic Illustrated Snowshoeing
by Eli Burakian
Language: English
Release Date: October 2, 2012

Richly photographed and information-packed tools for the novice or handy reference for the veteran, BASIC ILLUSTRATED books distill years of knowledge into affordable and visual guides. Whether you're planning a trip of thumbing for facts in the field, the BASIC ILLUSTRATED series shows you what you need to know.
Book cover of Grimm Remains
by Eli Celata
Language: English
Release Date: October 15, 2018

Sometimes the fairy tale's end is just the Grimm beginning. Mammon’s summoning turned Rochester into a beacon for the denizens of Hell. As demon activity increases, Jon settles in for a new academic year, and Jordan moves in as the city’s protector. Unfortunately, the young warlock of Rochester...
Book cover of The Trouble With Tony
by Eli Easton
Language: English
Release Date: August 21, 2013

Sex in Seattle: Book One As part of the investigation into the murder of a young woman, Seattle PI Tony DeMarco poses as a patient of Dr. Jack Halloran, the therapist who treated the victim at a Seattle sex clinic. This isn’t the first time Tony has gone undercover, but it’s the first time...
Book cover of ABC's of Giving Back
by Lindsey, Liam, and Eli Chadwick
Language: English
Release Date: July 18, 2017

The ABC’s of Giving Back connects learning and reading with giving back. It’s a win-win for everyone! Future world changers can sign the inside and commit to making the world a better place one letter at a time. It is more blessed to give than to receive. (Acts 20:35)  
Book cover of Volim svog tatu

Volim svog tatu

Serbian Bedtime Collection

by Šeli Admont, Shelley Admont
Language: Serbian
Release Date: February 6, 2018

Mali zeka Džimi u početku nije znao da vozi bicikl na dva točka kao njegova starija braća. U stvari, ponekad su ga zadirkivali zbog toga. Kada je otac pokazao Džimiju da ne treba da se plaši da proba nešto novo, zabava je mogla da počne. Ova priča bi mogla da bude savršena za čitanje...
Book cover of Volim da perem zube

Volim da perem zube

Serbian Bedtime Collection

by Šeli Admont, Shelley Admont
Language: Serbian
Release Date: February 6, 2018

Mali Džimi ne voli da pere zube. Čak i kada mu mama kupi novu četkicu za zube, Džimijeve omiljene narandžaste boje, on je ne koristi kao što bi trebalo. Ali kada čudne i magične stvari počnu da se dešavaju malom Džimiju, on počinje da shvata koliko je važno prati zube. Volim da...
Book cover of Volim da jedem voće i povrće

Volim da jedem voće i povrće

Serbian Bedtime Collection

by Šeli Admont, Shelley Admont
Language: Serbian
Release Date: February 6, 2018

Džimi, mali zeka, voli da jede slatkiše. Ušunjao se u kuhinju da nađe kesu sa slatkišima koja je bila sakrivena u ormariću. Šta se dešava nakon što se Džimi popne da bi dohvatio kesu sa slatkišima? Saznaćete kada pročitate ovu ilustrovanu dečiju knjigu. Od tog dana, on počinje da razvija...
Book cover of Volim svoju mamu

Volim svoju mamu

Serbian Bedtime Collection

by Šeli Admont
Language: Serbian
Release Date: February 6, 2018

Svako voli svoju mamu, bez obzira na to koliko ima godina. U ovoj priči za laku noć, mali zeka Džimi i njegova starija braća pokušavaju da smisle savršen rođendanski poklon za mamin rođendan. Žele da joj pokažu koliko je vole. Kakvo su kreativno rešenje smislili kako bi izrazili...
Book cover of A Kinetic View of Statistical Physics
by Pavel L. Krapivsky, Sidney Redner, Eli Ben-Naim
Language: English
Release Date: November 18, 2010

Aimed at graduate students, this book explores some of the core phenomena in non-equilibrium statistical physics. It focuses on the development and application of theoretical methods to help students develop their problem-solving skills. The book begins with microscopic transport processes: diffusion,...
Book cover of The Enlightenment of Daniel
by Eli Easton
Language: English
Release Date: December 18, 2013

Sex in Seattle: Book Two Business tycoon Daniel Derenzo lives for his work until his dying father reminds him life is short. When Daniel starts to reevaluate his world he experiences a startling revelation—he’s attracted to his business partner and best friend, Nick, even though Daniel...
Book cover of Ways of Residing in Transformation

Ways of Residing in Transformation

Interdisciplinary Perspectives

by Sten Gromark, Mervi Ilmonen, Katrin Paadam
Language: English
Release Date: May 15, 2017

Profound transformations in residential practices are emerging in Europe as well as throughout the urban world. They can be observed in the unfolding diversity of residential architecture and spatially restructured cities. The complexity of urban and societal processes behind these changes requires...
Book cover of Levinas Faces Biblical Figures
by Ephraim Meir, Edna Langenthal, Gary D. Mole
Language: English
Release Date: March 20, 2014

The book offers new insights on the opening up of Levinas's thought and biblical stories to one another; it considers the ways in which Levinas can open up the biblical text to requestioning, and how the biblical text can inform our reading of Levinas. Setting up in dialogue the heteronomic texts...
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