Dirk Bontes: 13 books

Book cover of Aeneid Liber Sextus
by Dirk Bontes
Language: English
Release Date: March 12, 2014

The Aeneid was composed by the Roman poet Publius Vergilius Maro and consists of twelve books. This sixth book about the marvelous travels of the Trojan hero Aeneas is the longest, most read and most popular of the twelve. It also very much is a stand alone book. Once there was the hidden world...
Book cover of KIC 8462852 Solved
by Dirk Bontes
Language: English
Release Date: April 27, 2016

KIC 8462852 was thought to be a non-descript star. Then suddenly it dimmed for a day! And later once again! Next it was shown to have gradually reduced its light strength for the last century. What causes this unexpected, far out of the ordinary behavior? What obscures the light from this star? Birds?...
Book cover of Dick Turpin, God Of The Underworld
by Dirk Bontes
Language: English
Release Date: February 9, 2015

This book is an independent publication of the chapter about the English highwayman Dick Turpin in my book about Black Peter (Zwarte Piet). An extra chapter about the secret life of John Wilkes Booth and about the role he played in his assassination of USA-president Abraham Lincoln, was added to the...
Book cover of Friso’s Giant Ship
by Dirk Bontes
Language: English
Release Date: November 2, 2015

Friso’s Giant Ship is an interpretation of the Frisian folktale "Het Reuzenschip Van Friso". It is a double tale, because in fact it is about two ships at the time of the Deluge. The one ship is a project Orion type spaceship that is propulsed by atom bombs and that travels into deep space...
Book cover of FK Com-Type ‘Platypus Stars’
by Dirk Bontes
Language: English
Release Date: February 1, 2016

BP Piscium was initially thought to be a young star, but astronomers later concluded that it actually fitted a small group of old stars, the FK Com-type stars.BP Piscium also is thought to have eaten a large planet or a small companion star.In this article it is argued that BP Piscium is in fact a...
Book cover of Evolution Is Teleological
by Dirk Bontes
Language: English
Release Date: May 4, 2014

In the modern model of evolution theory the evolution of a protein or of an organ behaves like the accidental changes in a drunk man's walk. Mutations in the hereditary DNA occur due to accidental processes. The natural selection of those mutations also is the result of accidental processes. The rapidity...
Book cover of Lucian's "True History". Its Credible Parts Interpreted
by Dirk Bontes
Language: English
Release Date: July 5, 2015

Lucianus of Samosata lived in the second century A.D. He wrote many texts in Greek, of which more than eighty are still extant. One of these texts is his "True History", his "monument of lies". In it he asserts: "One thing I confidently pronounce for a truth, that I lie"....
Book cover of Aeneas And The Sibyl
by Dirk Bontes
Language: English
Release Date: June 2, 2014

According to the author's analysis the Underworld was not a location inside the Earth, but rather it was a huge space station in a geostationary orbit below our planet in space. Aeneas is brought there in a spaceshuttle by his guide the Sibyl and he returns to the Earth by means of a stargate. He...
Book cover of Bushrangers. Gods Of Heaven And Hell
by Dirk Bontes
Language: English
Release Date: April 28, 2015

Much of this book consists of quotes - mainly from Wikipedia articles about in particular Bushrangers, with some digressions about Irish / English highwaymen and USA Outlaws. This book makes sense of the information in these quotes and shows how it relates to the gods of Heaven and Underworld and...
Book cover of Ye Olde Electric Asteroids
by Dirk Bontes
Language: English
Release Date: July 20, 2015

There is a plethora of asteroids and comets in our solar system: Apollo's, Amors, Hilda's, Hungarians, Main Belt asteroids, Trojans, Cybeles. There are asteroid 'families' and there are interloping comets. The asteroids appear have been sorted. This article / E-book proposes that...
Book cover of Bushrangers. Goden Van Hemel En Hel
by Dirk Bontes
Language: English
Release Date: April 28, 2015

Dit boek bevat veel citaten - voornamelijk van Wikipedia artikels over in het bijzonder Bushrangers, met enkele uitwijdingen over Ierse / Engelse Highwaymen en USA Outlaws. Dit boek interpreteert de informatie die deze citaten bevatten en laat zien hoe die informatie verband houdt met de goden van...
Book cover of Guttural Pouches In Horses: Evolution, Function And Mycosis
by Dirk Bontes
Language: English
Release Date: April 18, 2014

There are unique organs in the head of the horse: guttural pouches. In this short article the mysteries of their evolution, function and the reason of their mycosis are explained for the first time. The two main chapters are the Introduction and the Discussion. In the Introduction the pertinent facts are presented by means of many quotes. The Discussion has the explanations.
Book cover of Luchtzakken In Paarden: Evolutie, Functie En Mycosis
by Dirk Bontes
Language: Dutch
Release Date: April 17, 2014

Paarden hebben een uniek orgaan in hun hoofd: de luchtzakken. In dit korte artikel worden de grote raadselen van de evolutie, de functie en de reden van de schimmelinfectie ervan voor het eerst verklaard. De twee voornaamste hoofdstukken zijn de Introductie en de Discussie. In de Introductie worden middels vele citaten de relevante feiten opgesomd. In de Discussie volgen de verklaringen.
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