Desiderius Erasmus: 41 books

Book cover of Colloquies
by Desiderius Erasmus, Craig Thompson
Language: English
Release Date: December 15, 1997

Erasmus' Familiar Colloquies grew from a small collection of phrases, sentences, and snatches of dialogue written in Paris about 1497 to help his private pupils improve their command of Latin. Twenty years later the material was published by Johann Froben (Basel 1518). It was an immediate success...
Book cover of Paraphrases on the Epistles to the Corinthians, Ephesians, Philippans, Colossians, and Thessalonians
by Desiderius Erasmus
Language: English
Release Date: May 23, 2009

As part of his effort to make the Bible an effective instrument of reform in society, church, and everyday life, Erasmus composed the Paraphrases. In these series of texts, the Holy Scripture provides the core of a work that is vastly expanded to embrace the reforming "philosophy of Christ"...
Book cover of Apophthegmata
by Betty I. Knott-Sharpe, Desiderius Erasmus
Language: English
Release Date: January 15, 2015

Assembled for the young Prince William of Cleves, Erasmus’ Apophthegmata consists of thousands of sayings and anecdotes collected from Greek and Latin literature for the moral education of the future ruler. Betty I. Knott and Elaine Fantham’s two-volume annotated translation of the aphorisms and...
Book cover of Praise of Folly
by Desiderius Erasmus
Language: English
Release Date: September 30, 2004

Erasmus of Rotterdam (c. 1466-1536) is one of the greatest figures of the Renaissance humanist movement, which abandoned medieval pieties in favour of a rich new vision of the individual's potential. Praise of Folly, written to amuse his friend Sir Thomas More, is Erasmus's best-known work. Its dazzling...
Book cover of Theologie


Handboek van de christensoldaat;Oproep; Gods onmetelijke barmhartigheid; Uit de Parafrase van Lucas; De vrije wilskeuze; Het herstel van de eenheid in de Kerk

by Desiderius Erasmus
Language: Dutch
Release Date: December 21, 2016

Waarom vocht Erasmus, die streefde naar eenheid binnen de Kerk, zoveel theologische geschillen uit? Hij was een modern theoloog, die wilde afrekenen met de middeleeuwse manier van theologie bedrijven, iets wat hij ook in de Lof der Zotheid deed. Dat leverde hem vijanden op, die bijvoorbeeld zijn werken...
Book cover of Opvoeding


Etiquette; Leren studeren; De opvoeding van kinderen ; De opvoeding van de christenvorst ; Tegen de barbaren

by Desiderius Erasmus
Language: Dutch
Release Date: December 21, 2016

In het derde deel van het Verzameld werk komt de opvoedkundige kant van Erasmus aan bod, in vijf meesterlijke werken: Etiquette, Leren studeren, De opvoeding van kinderen, De opvoeding van de christenvorst, Tegen de barbaren. Erasmus heeft naam gemaakt als filoloog en theoloog, als een te duchten...
Book cover of Brieven
by Desiderius Erasmus
Language: Dutch
Release Date: October 4, 2017

Erasmus was een verwoed briefschrijver, met contacten in heel Europa. Al tijdens zijn leven werden zijn brieven voortdurend gekopieerd, uitgegeven en gretig gelezen. Voor Erasmus was een goede brief een volmaakt vormgegeven geheel, steeds aangepast aan de omstandigheden en persoonlijkheid van de verzender...
Book cover of The Praise of Folly
by Desiderius Erasmus
Language: English
Release Date: June 1, 2009

Erasmus of Rotterdam wrote the essay The Praise of Folly during a week at Sir Thomas More's estate in Bucklersbury. He later refined and extended the piece. In it he personifies Folly as a god, whose companions are likewise-personified sins and human weaknesses. His work criticizes the Catholic Church,...
Book cover of In Praise of Folly
by Desiderius Erasmus
Language: English
Release Date: March 21, 2019

Erasmus was the most facetious man, and the greatest critic of his age. He carried on a reformation in learning at the same time he advanced that of religion; and promoted a purity of style as well as simplicity of worship. This drew on him the hatred of the ecclesiastics, who were no less bigotted...
Book cover of Praise of Folly
by Desiderius Erasmus
Language: English
Release Date: December 15, 2009

The goddess Folly gives a speech, praising herself and explaining how much humanity benefits from her services, from politicians to philosophers, aristocrats, schoolteachers, poets, lawyers, theologians, monarchs and the clergy. At the same time, her discourse provides a satire of Erasmus's world, poking...
Book cover of Against War and In Praise of Folly
by Desiderius Erasmus
Language: English
Release Date: March 16, 2017

Starting off by teaching about the heinousness of war, Erasmus convicts us all about the tendencies of our violent and sinful nature in the face of God’s love and justice in a world consumed by war. Next he takes us on a journey showing what benefit heresy and falsehood have for strengthening the church and making us who believe in God realize what is truth and what is not.
Book cover of The Education of Children
by Desiderius Erasmus
Language: English
Release Date: March 8, 2015

After the longe despayred fruitfulnes of thy wyfe, I hearsay thou art made a father, and that wyth a man chylde, whyche sheweth in it selfe a meruelous towardnes, and euen to be lyke the parentes: and that if so be we maye by such markes and tokens pronosticate anye thyng, maye seeme to promise perfite...
Book cover of Lof der zotheid
by Desiderius Erasmus
Language: Dutch
Release Date: October 16, 2015

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