Deborah Ellis: 43 books

Book cover of Ich heiße Parvana
by Deborah Ellis
Language: German
Release Date: August 19, 2014

Afghanistan nach den Taliban - ein von den Amerikanern befreites und gleichzeitig besetztes Land. Mit ihrer Schule für Mädchen stoßen Parvana, ihre Mutter und einige andere Frauen auf den Widerstand der Männer aus der Umgebung. Die Drohungen nehmen zu. Als Parvanas Mutter entführt und getötet wird,...
Book cover of Die Sonne im Gesicht

Die Sonne im Gesicht

Ein Mädchen in Afghanistan

by Deborah Ellis
Language: German
Release Date: August 31, 2015

Nur als Junge verkleidet kann Parvana die Herrschaft der Taliban überleben! Als ihr Vater verhaftet wird, nimmt die elfjährige Parvana seinen Platz auf dem Markt in Kabul ein. Hier hatte er den vielen Analphabeten ihre Post vorgelesen. Wegen der restriktiven Gesetze der Taliban kann sie sich jedoch...
Book cover of Wenn der Mond am Himmel steht, denk ich an dich
by Deborah Ellis
Language: German
Release Date: November 2, 2015

Eine gefährliche Liebe ... Die 15-jährige Farrin hat eine Menge Geheimnisse. Denn obwohl sie auf eine Schule für Hochbegabte geht und aus einer angesehenen und wohlhabenden Familie stammt, ist es nach der islamischen Revolution besser, sich möglichst unauffällig zu verhalten. Zumal ihre...
Book cover of Rosen, Tulpen, Nelken, alle Blumen welken
by Deborah Ellis
Language: German
Release Date: March 11, 2013

Es sollte ein unbeschwerter Sommer werden für Jess und ihre beste Freundin Casey. Doch die aufmüpfige kleine Stephanie macht den beiden Feriencamp-Betreuerinnen das Leben schwer. Wem rutscht da kein Scherz über Mordgelüste raus? Als das Mädchen eines Nachts verschwindet und Tage später tot aufgefunden...
Book cover of El pan de la guerra
by Deborah Ellis
Language: Spanish
Release Date: April 24, 2015

Parvana es una chica de once años que vive en Kabul, Afganistán, durante la época del gobierno de los talibanes. Cuando su padre es detenido, su familia –sin recursos para poder vivir-, buscará una solución desesperada: Parvana, que por ser mujer tiene prohibido ganar dinero, deberá transformarse...
Book cover of Parvana - Une enfance en Afghanistan
by Deborah Ellis
Language: French
Release Date: May 30, 2018

Parvana a onze ans et n'a jamais connu son pays autrement qu'en guerre. Une guerre de cauchemar qui interdit aux femmes de sortir non voilées ou sans l'escorte d'un homme, père ou mari. Assez grande pour être soumise à ces interdits, Parvana doit pourtant trouver une façon de les contourner....
Book cover of Mossy Creek
by Deborah Smith, Sandra Chastain, Donna Ball
Language: English
Release Date: May 31, 2001

Welcome to Mossy Creek, your home town. You'll find a friendly face at every window, and a story behind every door. We've got a mayor who cleans her own gun, and a Police Chief who doesn't need one. We've got scandal at the coffee shop and battles on the ballfield, a cantankerous Santa and a flying...
Book cover of Basics of Law Librarianship
by Deborah Panella, Ellis Mount
Language: English
Release Date: November 12, 2012

Here is an essential introductory guide on all aspects of law librarianship written especially for non-law librarians, library school students, and beginning law librarians. Although there are several excellent practical handbooks and numerous articles on specific topics of law librarianship for practicing...
Book cover of Women and Asian Martial Traditions
by Ellis Amdur, David Finch, Stanley Henning
Language: English
Release Date: July 6, 2016

Here is an anthology filled with content specifically selected for readers who have a strong interest in women’s participation in the Asian martial traditions. In addition to combative theory and practice, topics include aspects of theatrical performance, music, dance, gender studies, and insights...
Book cover of A Day In Mossy Creek
by Deborah Smith, Sandra Chastain, Debra Dixon
Language: English
Release Date: February 28, 2006

Maybe it's the post-New Year's boredom. Maybe it's the cold frisky air. Whatever the cause the citizens of Mossy Creek seem determined to get into trouble on a clear winter day in mid-January. Police Chief Amos Royden and his loyal officers Mutt and Sandy can barely keep up with the calls. Hank and...
Book cover of Reunion At Mossy Creek
by Deborah Smith, Sandra Chastain, Debra Dixon
Language: English
Release Date: June 1, 2002

Welcome back to Mossy Creek--the warm-hearted but stubborn residents of the small town whose motto is "Ain't goin' nowhere and don't want to" are once again sorting out the joys sorrows and everyday mysteries of life. This time around they've got the added drama of the big town reunion commemorating...
Book cover of Assessing Children's Well-Being

Assessing Children's Well-Being

A Handbook of Measures

by Sylvie Naar-King, Deborah A. Ellis, Maureen A. Frey
Language: English
Release Date: October 17, 2003

Behavioral medicine has now matured as a field to the point where all recognize that different populations are presented with different issues. Psychological reactions and patterns affect the health and well-being of children, as well as adults, and numerous standardized instruments for the assessment...
Book cover of The Organic Gardener's Handbook of Natural Pest and Disease Control

The Organic Gardener's Handbook of Natural Pest and Disease Control

A Complete Guide to Maintaining a Healthy Garden and Yard the Earth-Friendly Way

by Fern Marshall Bradley, Barbara W. Ellis, Deborah L. Martin
Language: English
Release Date: February 2, 2010

With growing consumer awareness about the dangers of garden chemicals, turn to The Organic Gardener's Handbook of Natural Pest and Disease Control as the most reliable and comprehensive guide on the garden shelf. Rodale has been the category leader in organic methods for decades, and this thoroughly...
Book cover of Rodale's Ultimate Encyclopedia of Organic Gardening

Rodale's Ultimate Encyclopedia of Organic Gardening

The Indispensable Green Resource for Every Gardener

by Fern Marshall Bradley, Barbara W. Ellis, Ellen Phillips
Language: English
Release Date: January 30, 2018

Rodale's Ultimate Encyclopedia of Organic Gardening has been the go-to resource for gardeners for more than 50 years, and the best tool novices can buy to start applying organic methods to their fruit and vegetable crops, herbs, trees and shrubs, perennials, annuals, and lawns. This thoroughly revised...
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