David Thoreau: 247 books

Book cover of The Maine Woods (Barnes & Noble Digital Library)
by Henry David Thoreau
Language: English
Release Date: February 15, 2011

Henry David Thoreau made three trips to the rugged and mostly unexplored Maine woods, where one “might live and die and never hear of the United States.” He climbed mountains, canoed, and recorded his acute observations on the wildlife, weather, terrain, and the nature of the people he met along the way, eloquently capturing the wilder side of America.
Book cover of La Moelle de la vie

La Moelle de la vie

500 Aphorismes

by Henry David Thoreau
Language: French
Release Date: March 8, 2006

Établissement de l'édition et traduction de l'anglais (États-unis) par Thierry Gillyboeuf Anthologie originale Henry David Thoreau (1812-1862) voulait « vivre profondément et sucer toute la moelle de la vie ». Sa vie et son oeuvre sont une école de philosophie et de spiritualité. L'auteur...
Book cover of Balade d'hiver, couleurs d'automne
by Henry David Thoreau
Language: French
Release Date: September 12, 2007

Henry David Thoreau ne s’est jamais contenté d’admirer la Nature. Depuis sa retraite au milieu des bois, à Walden en 1845, jusqu’à ses longues promenades dans les forêts de la Nouvelle-Angleterre, il n’a eu de cesse de la parcourir. Jour après jour, il a scrupuleusement consigné dans...
Book cover of Le Paradis à (re)conquérir
by Henry David Thoreau
Language: French
Release Date: May 11, 2005

« Avec quelle rudesse et quelle brutalité traitons-nous la nature ! Ne pourrions-nous pas la travailler avec moins de négligence ? Après tout, n'est-ce pas ce que suggèrent toutes ces belles inventions — le magnétisme, le daguerréotype ou l'électricité? Ne pouvons-nous faire plus que couper...
Book cover of De l'esclavage. Plaidoyer pour John Brown
by Henry David Thoreau
Language: French
Release Date: September 6, 2006

Alors que les États-Unis ne sont encore qu'une toute jeune nation, les affrontements entre partisans et adversaires de l'esclavage, prémices de la Guerre civile américaine, font rage. À la tête d'une poignée d'hommes, parmi lesquels ses propres fils, John Brown (1800-1859) multiplie les raids...
Book cover of Slavery in Massachusetts
by Henry David Thoreau
Language: English
Release Date: March 22, 2018

Henry David Thoreau (1817-1862) was an American philosopher and naturalist best known for writing Walden and Civil Disobedience. This version of Thoreaus Slavery in Massachusetts includes a table of contents.
Book cover of 10 masterpieces of literature Vol1 (Feathers Classics)
by Edgar Allan Poe, William Shakespeare, Jules Verne
Language: English
Release Date: November 8, 2018

10 masterpieces of literature Vol 1 brings together 10 classics of literature, to be discovered, or to be rediscovered. Equipped with a dynamic table of contents, you would not get lost and could resume reading where you left off. Content: -The Black Cat by Edgar Allan Poe -A Midsummer Night's Dream...
Book cover of Un yanqui en Canadá
by Henry David Thoreau
Language: Spanish
Release Date: August 31, 2012

Henry David Thoreau realizó un viaje a Canadá del 25 de septiembre al 2 de octubre de 1850. Su relato sobre este viaje apareció publicado inicialmente por entregas en 1853 en la revista Putnam's Monthly bajo el título «Una excursión a Canadá», y en 1866 fue recogido en un libro titulado A...
Book cover of The Journal Vol I
by Henry David Thoreau
Language: English
Release Date: July 10, 2019

From 1837 to 1861, Henry D. Thoreau kept a Journal that would become the principal imaginative work of his career. The source of much of his published writing, the Journal is also a record of his interior life and of his monumental studies of the natural history of his native Concord, Massachusetts.
Book cover of Familiar Letters
by Henry David Thoreau
Language: English
Release Date: June 16, 2014

The Letters of Thoreau, though not less remarkable in some aspects than what he wrote carefully for publication, have thus far scarcely had justice done them. The selection made for a small volume in 1865 was designedly done to exhibit one phase of his character,—the most striking, if you will,...
Book cover of The Wild, Wild West

The Wild, Wild West

Thrilling Tales by Famous Authors

by John Richard Stephens, Mark Twain, Robert Louis Stevenson
Language: English
Release Date: March 6, 2013

A town that had a man for breakfast every morning. That's how Tombstone, Arizona was described in the late-1800s, bolstering the myth that a corpse would be found cooling in the town's dusty streets each sunrise. The reality was quite different and much less violent, of course, but that hasn't...
Book cover of Nature and Walking
by Ralph Waldo Emerson, Henry David Thoreau
Language: English
Release Date: March 6, 2012

Together in one volume, Emerson's Nature and Thoreau's Walking, is writing that defines our distinctly American relationship to nature.
Book cover of Kitty Literature

Kitty Literature

An Illustrated Collection for Cat Lovers

by John Richard Stephens, Beatrix Potter, The Brothers Grimm
Language: English
Release Date: March 6, 2013

People have been fascinated by cats for centuries. From the ancient Egyptians, all the way down to today's cat lovers throughout the world, cats have held a special place in people's lives. Cats are unique creatures. It shouldn't be surprising that they have captured the imaginations of many of the...
Book cover of Tagebuch II
by Henry David Thoreau, Dieter Schulz
Language: German
Release Date: May 29, 2017

Henry D. Thoreaus Hauptwerk ist nicht Walden oder Über den zivilen Ungehorsam, sondern sein Tagebuch, das er als 20-Jähriger begann und bis wenige Tage vor seinem Tod 1861 führte. Darin notierte er Beobachtungen, die zu den bedeutendsten Naturschilderungen der Weltliteratur zählen, aber auch Gedanken...
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