David Herbert Lawrence: 110 books

Book cover of L'Amant de Lady Chatterley
by David Herbert Lawrence
Language: French
Release Date: December 12, 2011

Édition enrichie (Avant-propos et notes) " Epouse frustrée d'un mari infirme, Constance Chatterley vit avec son garde-chasse une passion où le désir physique est indissociable de la complicité spirituelle. Bravant les interdits de leur milieu, les deux amants iront jusqu'au bout de...
Book cover of L'amante di Lady Chatterley
by David Herbert Lawrence
Language: Italian
Release Date: May 1, 2015

Quando fu pubblicato, nel 1928, questo romanzo scritto in Toscana da Lawrence suscitò subito enorme scandalo: nessuno infatti aveva mai osato vergare con l'inchiostro tanti espliciti riferimenti alla vita e ai gusti sessuali dei protagonisti. Ancora più scalpore suscitò il fatto che l'intreccio...
Book cover of Il trasgressore
by David Herbert Lawrence
Language: Italian
Release Date: March 25, 2015

Siegmund, violinista di mezza età e padre di quattro figli, si innamora di una sua giovane allieva, Helena, e fugge con lei per una vacanza segreta sull’isola di Wight. I due, però, fuori dal contesto metropolitano di Londra non riescono a trovare la pienezza dell’amore, né a isolarsi realmente...
Book cover of Le Coeur entre les pages suivi de L'Amant de Lady Chatterley
by Shelly King, David Herbert Lawrence
Language: French
Release Date: February 4, 2016

Bonus : 1 livre offert Le Coeur entre les pages : Maggie, 34 ans, vient d’être licenciée de la start-up branchée de la Silicon Valley où elle travaillait. Que faire sinon traîner au Dragonfly, la pittoresque librairie de livres d’occasion ? Lassé de la voir végéter, Dizzy,...
Book cover of Sons and Lovers

Sons and Lovers

original edition

by David Herbert Lawrence
Language: French
Release Date: July 16, 2018

The third published novel of D. H. Lawrence, taken by many to be his earliest masterpiece, tells the story of Paul Morel, a young man and budding artist. Richard Aldington explains the semi-autobiographical nature of his masterpiece: When you have experienced Sons and Lovers you have lived...
Book cover of Söhne und Liebhaber
by D. H. (David Herbert) Lawrence, Adolf Schulte
Language: German
Release Date: October 10, 2014

„Söhne und Liebhaber“ gilt als bester und bedeutendster Roman des kühnen englischen Literaten D.H. Lawrence – die hochangesehene Modern Library platzierte das Werk auf ihrer Liste der hundert wichtigsten englischsprachigen Romane auf Rang 9. In einem Brief an seinen Lektor Edward Garnett umschrieb...
Book cover of Lady Chatterley
by David Herbert Lawrence, Christa Jansohn, Adolf Schulte
Language: German
Release Date: June 15, 2016

Leidenschaftlich und mit hohem künstlerischem und moralischem Anspruch widmete sich D.H. Lawrence den großen Fragen seiner Zeit – der er oft weit voraus war. „Lady Chatterley`s Lover“, sein letzter großer, 1928 fertiggestellter, aber erst seit 1960 in ungekürzter Form öffentlich verfügbarer...
Book cover of The Man Who Died
by David Herbert Lawrence
Language: English
Release Date: June 11, 2016

The story is a recasting of the resurrection of Christ narrated in the New Testament. The man who survives his crucifixion comes to celebrate his bodily existence and sensuality. Lawrence himself summarized The Escaped Cock in a letter to Brewster: I wrote a story of the Resurrection, where...
Book cover of Bilingue français-anglais : Nouvelles anglaises classiques - Classic British Short Stories
by Joseph CONRAD, Charles DICKENS, Rudyard KIPLING
Language: French
Release Date: September 10, 2015

Innovation numérique pédagogique : adaptation de la série BILINGUE de Pocket-Langues Pour Tous ! Cinq nouvelles d'auteurs britanniques incontournables. La série BILINGUE de 12-21 propose : • une traduction fidèle et intégrale, accompagnée de nombreuses notes • une méthode originale...
Book cover of The White Stocking
by David Herbert Lawrence
Language: English
Release Date: July 31, 2016

In this beautifully observed study of a new marriage and the sexual tensions that run through it, Lawrence returns to his theme that happiness in marriage can only come with the submission of the woman to the man. The young wife strains against the bonds of being married and dallies with another man...
Book cover of The Greatest Books of All Time Vol. 6 (Dream Classics)
by David Herbert Lawrence, Stephen Crane, George Gissing
Language: English
Release Date: July 30, 2017

The Greatest Books of All Time Vol. 6 contains the following 10 Masterpieces : Dracula - Bram Stoker Kim - Rudyard Kipling *New Grub Street *- George Gissing Sister Carrie - Theodore Dreiser The Age of Innocence - Edith Wharton The Golden Bowl - Henry James The Red Badge of Courage - Stephen...
Book cover of Figli e amanti
by David Herbert Lawrence
Language: Italian
Release Date: October 31, 2013

Intessuto di una liricità che accentua la sostanza psichica del romanzo, curato in ogni dettaglio di concretezza visiva, alternato di luci e ombre, minutamente autobiografico, Figli e amanti è la ricerca, sempre incerta e contorta, dei moventi più segreti dell’animo umano, dove ogni gesto, ogni...
Book cover of The Wintry Peacock
by David Herbert Lawrence
Language: English
Release Date: July 31, 2016

The Wintry Peacock is a powerful portrayal of the devastating effects of the First World War.Disillusioned in his role as a husband and father, Egbert strives to find his identity as a soldier. Yet the brutality of war leaves no room for such romantic notions, and everything that Egbert sought...
Book cover of The Mortal Coil
by David Herbert Lawrence
Language: English
Release Date: July 31, 2016

'The Mortal Coil' is one of Lawrence's darker stories. From adversity the lovers find a kind of happiness in each other only for death to snatch it away.  
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